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Effect 3.13 (Release)

Effect 3.13 has been released! This release includes a number of new features and improvements. Here’s a summary of what’s new:

This API allows you to generate a Standard Schema v1 object from an Effect Schema.

import { Schema } from "effect"
const schema = Schema.Struct({
name: Schema.String
// ┌─── StandardSchemaV1<{ readonly name: string; }>
// ▼
const standardSchema = Schema.standardSchemaV1(schema)

Effect.fn has been improved to allow you to access the function arguments inside any of the pipeline functions.

import { Effect } from "effect"
const fn = Effect.fn("my function")(
function* (n: number) {
yield* Effect.log(`n is ${n}`)
// you can now access the arguments here
(effect, n) => Effect.annotateLogs(effect, { n })
  • RcMap.invalidate has been added, for invalidating a resource at the given key.
  • RcMap.touch has been added, for refreshing the idle timeout of a resource at the given key.
import { Effect, RcMap } from "effect"
Effect.gen(function* () {
const map = yield* RcMap.make({
lookup: (n: number) => Effect.succeed(n),
idleTimeToLive: "1 minute"
// retrieve the resource at key 1
yield* Effect.scoped(RcMap.get(map, 1))
// refresh the idle timeout of the resource at key 1
yield* RcMap.touch(map, 1)
// invalidate the resource at key 1
yield* RcMap.invalidate(map, 1)

This function transforms an Option<Effect<A, E, R>> into an Effect<Option<A>, E, R>. If the Option is None, the resulting Effect will immediately succeed with a None value. If the Option is Some, the inner Effect will be executed, and its result wrapped in a Some.

import { Effect, Option } from "effect"
// ┌─── Option<Effect<number, never, never>>
// ▼
const maybe = Option.some(Effect.succeed(42))
// ┌─── Effect<Option<number>, never, never>
// ▼
const result = Effect.transposeOption(maybe)
// Output: { _id: 'Option', _tag: 'Some', value: 42 }

Effect.filterEffectOrElse filters an effect with an effectful predicate, falling back to an alternative effect if the predicate fails.

import { Effect, pipe } from "effect"
// Define a user interface
interface User {
readonly name: string
// Simulate an asynchronous authentication function
declare const auth: () => Promise<User | null>
const program = pipe(
Effect.promise(() => auth()),
// Use filterEffectOrElse with an effectful predicate
predicate: (user) => Effect.succeed(user !== null),
orElse: (user) => Error(`Unauthorized user: ${user}`))

This new api allows you to filter an effect with an effectful predicate, failing with a custom error if the predicate fails.

import { Effect, pipe } from "effect"
// Define a user interface
interface User {
readonly name: string
// Simulate an asynchronous authentication function
declare const auth: () => Promise<User | null>
const program = pipe(
Effect.promise(() => auth()),
// Use filterEffectOrFail with an effectful predicate
predicate: (user) => Effect.succeed(user !== null),
orFailWith: (user) => new Error(`Unauthorized user: ${user}`)

Effect.whenLogLevel allows you to conditionally execute an effect when the specified log level is enabled.

import { Effect } from "effect"
// Sleep for 1 second only when the minimum log level is "Debug" or lower
Effect.sleep("1 second").pipe(Effect.whenLogLevel("Debug"))
  • awaitEmpty has been added, which allows you to wait for all contained fibers to complete.
  • makeRuntimePromise & runtimePromise have been added, which allows you to run effects and get back a promise that will resolve when the effect completes.
import { Effect, FiberSet } from "effect"
Effect.gen(function* () {
const set = yield* FiberSet.make<number>()
// create a runPromise function from a FiberSet
const runPromise = yield* FiberSet.runtimePromise(set)
// returns `Promise<number>`
// wait for all the fibers to complete
yield* FiberSet.awaitEmpty(set)
  • .toValues has been added to HashMap and HashSet, which allows you to get an Array of their values.
  • HashMap.some has been added, which allows you to check if any of the entries satisfy a predicate.

Layer.updateService has been added, which allows you to update a specific service during Layer creation.

import { Effect, Layer } from "effect"
class MyService extends Effect.Service<MyService>()("MyService", {
succeed: {
name: "Tim" as string
}) {}
declare const RequiresMyService: Layer.Layer<never, never, MyService>
const UpdateMyService = RequiresMyService.pipe(
// update the implementation of `MyService` before providing it to `RequiresMyService`
Layer.updateService(MyService, (obj) => ({
name: "John"
  • Either.void has been added, which is an Either<void, never>.
  • DateTime.toUtc has been added, for converting any DateTime object to a DateTime.Utc instance.
  • Trie type variance has been relaxed to be covariant.
  • Differ now implements the Pipeable interface.

There were several other smaller changes made. Take a look through the CHANGELOG to see them all: CHANGELOG.

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