Effect 3.12 (Release)
Effect 3.12 has been released! This release includes a number of new features and improvements. Here’s a summary of what’s new:
- Stack traces will now include the location where the function was defined, not just where it was called.
- A variant has been added that allows you to directly pass the function body.
has been added which allows you to create a function that is not traced, for when performance is critical.
import { NodeRuntime } from "@effect/platform-node"import { Effect } from "effect"
const boomFunction = Effect.fn(function*(n: number) { // line 4 yield* Effect.annotateCurrentSpan("n", n) yield* Effect.fail(new Error("boom")) // line 6})
boomFunction(42).pipe( // line 9 Effect.catchAllCause(Effect.logError), NodeRuntime.runMain)
[09:33:00.998] ERROR (#0): Error: boom at <anonymous> (/Volumes/Code/effect/effect/scratchpad/fn.ts:6:22) at <anonymous> (/Volumes/Code/effect/effect/scratchpad/fn.ts:4:29) at <anonymous> (/Volumes/Code/effect/effect/scratchpad/fn.ts:9:1)*/
You can now easily extract the R
(requirements) type from a Runtime
import { Runtime } from "effect"
declare const runtime: Runtime<"ServiceA" | "ServiceB">
// "ServiceA" | "ServiceB"type Extracted = Runtime.Runtime.Context<typeof runtime>
This API allows you to merge multiple Context instances into a single one.
import { Context } from "effect"
declare const contextA: Context.Context<"A">declare const contextB: Context.Context<"B">declare const contextC: Context.Context<"C">
// Context.Context<"A" | "B" | "C">const merged = Context.mergeAll(contextA, contextB, contextC)
- Cron expressions now support second granularity.
- Added
which throws an error if the expression is invalid
import { Cron } from "effect"
// At 04:00:30 on every day-of-month from 8 through 14.const cron = Cron.unsafeParse("30 0 4 8-14 * 0-6")const either = Cron.parse("30 0 4 8-14 * 0-6")
// `cron` is a `Cron` instance instead of an `Either` type
Some new schema types & combinators have been added:
- Transform aDate
to aDateTime.Utc
- Transform a URI component encoded string to a regular string.headNonEmpty
- Get the first element of a non-empty array.
There were several other smaller changes made. Take a look through the CHANGELOG to see them all: CHANGELOG.
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