This Week in Effect - 2024-07-19

Jul 19th, 2024

Hi Effecters!

Welcome back to This Week In Effect (TWIE) – a weekly update to keep you in the loop with all the latest developments in the Effect community and ecosystem.

Effect is a powerful TypeScript library that helps developers create complex, synchronous, and asynchronous programs. One of the key features that sets Effect apart is how it leverages structured concurrency to provide features such as async cancellation and safe resource management, making it easier to build robust, scalable, and efficient programs.

Get started with Effect with our quick-start guide and documentation below:

Recent major updates:


Here are all the technical changes that occurred last week.

Effect Core

Effect SQL

Effect Platform

Effect Experimental

Effect Cluster

Effect Schema

Effect RPC

Effect Vitest

Effect CLI

Effect Opentelemetry

General Chores

Community highlights

In the last week, we welcomed +40 new Effecters to our Discord community - we're very excited to have you all on board!

  • Ecyrbe, Tech Lead and creator of Zodios, joined the Effect core team and will bring his experience to further improve the SQL subset packages.
  • We are proud of our team's growth and the many talented individuals it continues to attract, and we're happy to see it doesn't go unnoticed. :)
  • Hono gets a new Effect Schema Validator middleware thanks to the work of Günther Brunner. Günther first introduced the Effect Schema PR at the Hono conference in June 2024.

Effect content update

  • Michael Arnaldi and Maxwell Brown went live on Wednesday with Reimagining Contentlayer showing the latest Effect superpowers. The video will be available soon on the Effect YouTube Channel. In the meantime, you can watch it on Mike's Twitch.

Closing notes

That's all for this week. Thank you for being a vital part of our community. Your feedback is highly valued as we fine-tune this format. Feel free to share your thoughts, and we'll do our best to tailor it to the needs of our community.

Effect Community Team

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