If you want to take a look or give feedback, you can checkout this PR that add @kysely_ support for @EffectTS_ 🔗 github.com/Effect-TS/effe…
This Week in Effect - 2024-06-21
Hi Effecters!
Welcome back to This Week In Effect (TWIE), a weekly update to keep you in the loop with all the latest developments in the Effect community and ecosystem.
Effect is a powerful TypeScript library designed to help developers create complex, synchronous, and asynchronous programs. One of the key features that sets Effect apart is how it leverages structured concurrency to provide features such as async cancellation and safe resource management, making it easier to build robust, scalable, and efficient programs.
To get started, below you’ll find links to our documentation as well as our guide for installing Effect. Enjoy!
We want to make it easy for you to find everything you need to fully enjoy your Effect journey and actively engage with the community! In this blog post series, you’ll find all the significant developments from the previous week, such as Discord discussions, noteworthy posts, YouTube content, and technical advancements.
Recent major updates
- Effect is now API stable with the Effect 3.0 release.
- Effect 3.4 has been released.
- Our community on Discord reached 3060+ members!
- New Effect Days talks every week on the Effect YouTube channel.
Effect 3.4 and Schema 0.68.0 have been released.
Here are all the technical changes that occurred last week (note that changes included in the mentioned releases will not be listed).
- Chunk tests (Feature)
- Fix support for Predicates in Predicate.compose (Bug Fix)
- Use Math.random for Hash.random (Feature)
- JSDocs: add examples to caching functions (Documentation Update)
- Fix typo in Effect.ts (Documentation Update)
- Ensure Config.Wrap only destructures plain objects (Bug Fix)
- (JSDoc) add descriptions and examples to Effect.zip and Effect.zipWith (Documentation Update)
- Fix typos in Schedule.ts (Documentation Update)
- Add documentation for toWebHandler function in README, including usage example (Documentation Update)
- Update find-my-way-ts to fix vercel edge support (Bug Fix)
- Update README with example on mocking fetch for HTTP request testing (Documentation Update)
- Update find-my-way-ts & multipasta (Feature)
- Remove dependency on /platform-node from DevTools (Refactor)
- Restructure sql modules to have flat imports (Refactor)
- Restructure sql modules to have flat imports (Refactor)
- Remove Simplify from extend, pick, omit, pluck APIs (Refactor)
- Add internal mergeSchemaAnnotations (Improvement)
- Expose exact option for strict decoding on missing properties (Feature)
- Improve error handling (type-level) for improper usage of optional (Improvement)
- Fix typo (isExact -> exact) and make internal toASTAnnotations more general (Improvement)
- Schema: version 0.68.0 (Feature, Bug Fix, minor)
- Fix handling of exact option overrides in AST.ParseOptions and improve error messaging in Pretty.make for unmatched union schemas (Bug Fix)
- Replace Types.Simplify with a custom Simplify to restore nice types for pick and omit (Refactor)
- Introducing Customizable Parsing Behavior at the Schema Level (Feature)
- Schema Readme: update Troubleshooting When Working With Generic Schemas section to latest changes (Documentation Update)
In the last week, we welcomed +60 new Effecters to our Discord community - we’re very excited to have you all on board!
ecyrbe, Tech Lead @ Zodios, is adding Kysely support for Effect as a DB query builder. Feel free to take a look at the open PR and provide feedback.
Michael Arnaldi will join the London Node.js User Group next week for a live coding session on Wednesday, June 26 at the Cloudflare offices in Waterloo.
Replying to @LNUGorg LNUG #104 upcoming talk - Effect Loves Node.js @MichaelArnaldi "...live demo & coding session where we will develop an API server and client from scratch using Effect and Node.js that includes features such as OpenAPI spec generation, OpenTelemetry, Metrics and much more"
In his latest guide, Sandro Maglione solves the challenge of building a robust auth solution based on Effect with all the changes coming with React 19 and new primitives added to Next.js.
React 19, Server components, Server actions, and all these new primitives coming in @nextjs Authentication is becoming a mess 🥴 Here is how I implemented auth in nextjs using @EffectTS_ (link next tweet)👇
The Evryg team are having their second Effect Paris Meetup on Tuesday, June 25th at 7:00 PM. As a reminder, the meetup will be in French.
A new talk from the Effect Days Conference has been released on Monday. ‘Discriminated Unions: From principles to practice in TypeScript, Effect, and ArkType’ by David Blass. In his presentation, David gave us a deeper understanding of the set theory at the heart of TypeScript and how libraries like Effect and ArkType leverage it to improve static and runtime performance and make your code safer.
Play -
At the Local-First Conf, Jess Martin showed how Effect Schema works with distributed data technologies like DXOS ECHO and Automerge to enable a radically better developer and end-user experience.
That’s all for this week. Thank you for being a vital part of our community. Your feedback is highly valued as we fine-tune this format. Feel free to share your thoughts, and we’ll do our best to tailor it to the needs of our community.
Effect Community Team