Express Integration
On this page
In this guide, we'll explore how to integrate Effect with Express, a popular web framework for Node.js.
Hello World Example
Let's start with a simple example that creates an Express server responding with "Hello World!" for requests to the root URL (/). This mirrors the classic "Hello world example" found in the Express documentation.
Setup Steps
Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it using your terminal:
Terminalbashmkdir express-effect-integrationcd express-effect-integrationTerminalbashmkdir express-effect-integrationcd express-effect-integration -
Initialize your project with npm. This will create a
file:Terminalbashnpm init -yTerminalbashnpm init -y -
Install the necessary dependencies:
Terminalbashnpm install effect expressTerminalbashnpm install effect expressInstall the necessary dev dependencies:
Terminalbashnpm install typescript @types/express --save-devTerminalbashnpm install typescript @types/express --save-devNow, initialize TypeScript:
Terminalbashnpx tsc --initTerminalbashnpx tsc --init -
Create a new file, for example,
, and add the following code:hello-world.tstsimport {Context ,Layer ,Effect ,Runtime } from "effect"importexpress from "express"// Define Express as a serviceclassExpress extendsContext .Tag ("Express")<Express ,ReturnType <typeofexpress >>() {}// Define the main route, IndexRouteLive, as a LayerconstIndexRouteLive =Layer .effectDiscard (Effect .gen (function* () {constapp = yield*Express construnFork =Runtime .runFork (yield*Effect .runtime <never>())app .get ("/", (_ ,res ) => {runFork (Effect .sync (() =>res .send ("Hello World!")))})}))// Server SetupconstServerLive =Layer .scopedDiscard (Effect .gen (function* () {constport = 3001constapp = yield*Express yield*Effect .acquireRelease (Effect .sync (() =>app .listen (port , () =>console .log (`Example app listening on port ${port }`))),(server ) =>Effect .sync (() =>server .close ()))}))// Setting Up ExpressconstExpressLive =Layer .sync (Express , () =>express ())// Combine the layersconstAppLive =ServerLive .pipe (Layer .provide (IndexRouteLive ),Layer .provide (ExpressLive ))// Run the programEffect .runFork (Layer .launch (AppLive ))hello-world.tstsimport {Context ,Layer ,Effect ,Runtime } from "effect"importexpress from "express"// Define Express as a serviceclassExpress extendsContext .Tag ("Express")<Express ,ReturnType <typeofexpress >>() {}// Define the main route, IndexRouteLive, as a LayerconstIndexRouteLive =Layer .effectDiscard (Effect .gen (function* () {constapp = yield*Express construnFork =Runtime .runFork (yield*Effect .runtime <never>())app .get ("/", (_ ,res ) => {runFork (Effect .sync (() =>res .send ("Hello World!")))})}))// Server SetupconstServerLive =Layer .scopedDiscard (Effect .gen (function* () {constport = 3001constapp = yield*Express yield*Effect .acquireRelease (Effect .sync (() =>app .listen (port , () =>console .log (`Example app listening on port ${port }`))),(server ) =>Effect .sync (() =>server .close ()))}))// Setting Up ExpressconstExpressLive =Layer .sync (Express , () =>express ())// Combine the layersconstAppLive =ServerLive .pipe (Layer .provide (IndexRouteLive ),Layer .provide (ExpressLive ))// Run the programEffect .runFork (Layer .launch (AppLive )) -
Run your Express server. Here we are using ts-node to run the
file in the terminal:Terminalbashnpx ts-node hello-world.tsTerminalbashnpx ts-node hello-world.tsVisit http://localhost:3001 in your web browser, and you should see "Hello World!".
Code Breakdown
Here's a breakdown of what's happening:
Express Service. We define an
service to retrieve the Express app later on.ts// Define Express as a serviceclass Express extends Context.Tag("Express")<Express,ReturnType<typeof express>>() {}ts// Define Express as a serviceclass Express extends Context.Tag("Express")<Express,ReturnType<typeof express>>() {} -
Main Route. The main route,
, is defined as a Layer.ts// Define the main route, IndexRouteLive, as a Layerconst IndexRouteLive = Layer.effectDiscard(Effect.gen(function* () {const app = yield* Expressconst runFork = Runtime.runFork(yield* Effect.runtime<never>())app.get("/", (_, res) => {runFork(Effect.sync(() => res.send("Hello World!")))})}))ts// Define the main route, IndexRouteLive, as a Layerconst IndexRouteLive = Layer.effectDiscard(Effect.gen(function* () {const app = yield* Expressconst runFork = Runtime.runFork(yield* Effect.runtime<never>())app.get("/", (_, res) => {runFork(Effect.sync(() => res.send("Hello World!")))})}))We access the runtime (
), which can be used to execute tasks within our route (runFork
). Since we don't need to produce any service in the output, we useLayer.effectDiscard
to discard its output. -
Server Setup. The server is created in a layer (
) and mounted at the end of our program.ts// Server Setupconst ServerLive = Layer.scopedDiscard(Effect.gen(function* () {const port = 3001const app = yield* Expressyield* Effect.acquireRelease(Effect.sync(() =>app.listen(port, () =>console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`))),(server) => Effect.sync(() => server.close()))}))ts// Server Setupconst ServerLive = Layer.scopedDiscard(Effect.gen(function* () {const port = 3001const app = yield* Expressyield* Effect.acquireRelease(Effect.sync(() =>app.listen(port, () =>console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`))),(server) => Effect.sync(() => server.close()))}))We use Effect.acquireRelease to create the server, allowing automatic management of the scope. Again, as we don't need to produce any service in the output, we use
to discard its output. -
Mounting. Finally, we mount the server by adding our route
tsconst AppLive = ServerLive.pipe(Layer.provide(IndexRouteLive),Layer.provide(ExpressLive))tsconst AppLive = ServerLive.pipe(Layer.provide(IndexRouteLive),Layer.provide(ExpressLive))and providing the necessary dependency to the Express app
tsconst ExpressLive = Layer.sync(Express, () => express())// Combine the layersconst AppLive = ServerLive.pipe(Layer.provide(IndexRouteLive),Layer.provide(ExpressLive))tsconst ExpressLive = Layer.sync(Express, () => express())// Combine the layersconst AppLive = ServerLive.pipe(Layer.provide(IndexRouteLive),Layer.provide(ExpressLive))
Basic routing
In this example, we'll explore the basics of routing with Effect and Express. The goal is to create a simple web server with two routes: one that returns all todos and another that returns a todo by its ID.
import { Context, Effect, FiberSet, Layer } from "effect"import express from "express"//// Express//// NB: this is an example of an integration to a third party lib, not the suggested way of integrating express//// Define Express as a serviceclass Express extends Context.Tag("Express")<Express,ReturnType<typeof express>>() {}const get = <A, E, R>(path: string,body: (req: express.Request,res: express.Response) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) =>Effect.gen(function* () {const app = yield* Expressconst run = yield* FiberSet.makeRuntime<R>()app.get(path, (req, res) => run(body(req, res)))})// Server Setupconst ServerLive = Layer.scopedDiscard(Effect.gen(function* () {const port = 3001const app = yield* Expressyield* Effect.acquireRelease(Effect.sync(() =>app.listen(port, () =>console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`))),(server) => Effect.sync(() => server.close()))}))// Setting Up Expressconst ExpressLive = Layer.sync(Express, () => express())//// Domain//interface Todo {readonly id: numberreadonly title: stringreadonly completed: boolean}// Define the repository as a serviceclass TodoRepository extends Context.Tag("TodoRepository")<TodoRepository,{readonly getTodos: Effect.Effect<Array<Todo>>readonly getTodo: (id: number) => Effect.Effect<Todo | null>}>() {}//// App//// Define a main route that returns all Todosconst IndexRouteLive = Layer.scopedDiscard(Effect.gen(function* () {const repo = yield* TodoRepositoryyield* get("/", (_, res) =>Effect.gen(function* () {const todos = yield* repo.getTodosres.json(todos)}))}))// Define a route that returns a Todo by its IDconst TodoByIdRouteLive = Layer.scopedDiscard(Effect.gen(function* () {const repo = yield* TodoRepositoryyield* get("/todo/:id", (req, res) =>Effect.gen(function* () {const id = req.params.idconst todo = yield* repo.getTodo(Number(id))res.json(todo)}))}))// Merge routes into a single layerconst RouterLive = Layer.mergeAll(IndexRouteLive, TodoByIdRouteLive)// Combine all layers to create the final application layerconst AppLive = ServerLive.pipe(Layer.provide(RouterLive),Layer.provide(ExpressLive))// Test Data for TodoRepositoryconst testData = [{id: 1,title: "delectus aut autem",completed: false},{id: 2,title: "quis ut nam facilis et officia qui",completed: false},{id: 3,title: "fugiat veniam minus",completed: false}]// Create a layer with test dataconst TodoRepositoryTest = Layer.succeed(TodoRepository, {getTodos: Effect.succeed(testData),getTodo: (id) =>Effect.succeed(testData.find((todo) => === id) || null)})const Test = AppLive.pipe(Layer.provide(TodoRepositoryTest))Effect.runFork(Layer.launch(Test))
import { Context, Effect, FiberSet, Layer } from "effect"import express from "express"//// Express//// NB: this is an example of an integration to a third party lib, not the suggested way of integrating express//// Define Express as a serviceclass Express extends Context.Tag("Express")<Express,ReturnType<typeof express>>() {}const get = <A, E, R>(path: string,body: (req: express.Request,res: express.Response) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) =>Effect.gen(function* () {const app = yield* Expressconst run = yield* FiberSet.makeRuntime<R>()app.get(path, (req, res) => run(body(req, res)))})// Server Setupconst ServerLive = Layer.scopedDiscard(Effect.gen(function* () {const port = 3001const app = yield* Expressyield* Effect.acquireRelease(Effect.sync(() =>app.listen(port, () =>console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`))),(server) => Effect.sync(() => server.close()))}))// Setting Up Expressconst ExpressLive = Layer.sync(Express, () => express())//// Domain//interface Todo {readonly id: numberreadonly title: stringreadonly completed: boolean}// Define the repository as a serviceclass TodoRepository extends Context.Tag("TodoRepository")<TodoRepository,{readonly getTodos: Effect.Effect<Array<Todo>>readonly getTodo: (id: number) => Effect.Effect<Todo | null>}>() {}//// App//// Define a main route that returns all Todosconst IndexRouteLive = Layer.scopedDiscard(Effect.gen(function* () {const repo = yield* TodoRepositoryyield* get("/", (_, res) =>Effect.gen(function* () {const todos = yield* repo.getTodosres.json(todos)}))}))// Define a route that returns a Todo by its IDconst TodoByIdRouteLive = Layer.scopedDiscard(Effect.gen(function* () {const repo = yield* TodoRepositoryyield* get("/todo/:id", (req, res) =>Effect.gen(function* () {const id = req.params.idconst todo = yield* repo.getTodo(Number(id))res.json(todo)}))}))// Merge routes into a single layerconst RouterLive = Layer.mergeAll(IndexRouteLive, TodoByIdRouteLive)// Combine all layers to create the final application layerconst AppLive = ServerLive.pipe(Layer.provide(RouterLive),Layer.provide(ExpressLive))// Test Data for TodoRepositoryconst testData = [{id: 1,title: "delectus aut autem",completed: false},{id: 2,title: "quis ut nam facilis et officia qui",completed: false},{id: 3,title: "fugiat veniam minus",completed: false}]// Create a layer with test dataconst TodoRepositoryTest = Layer.succeed(TodoRepository, {getTodos: Effect.succeed(testData),getTodo: (id) =>Effect.succeed(testData.find((todo) => === id) || null)})const Test = AppLive.pipe(Layer.provide(TodoRepositoryTest))Effect.runFork(Layer.launch(Test))