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The @effect/platform/FileSystem module provides a set of operations for reading and writing from/to the file system.

Basic Usage

The module provides a single FileSystem tag, which acts as the gateway for interacting with the filesystem.

import { FileSystem } from "@effect/platform"
import { Effect } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const fs = yield* FileSystem.FileSystem
// use `fs` to operate on the file system
import { FileSystem } from "@effect/platform"
import { Effect } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const fs = yield* FileSystem.FileSystem
// use `fs` to operate on the file system

The FileSystem interface includes the following operations:

accessCheck if a file can be accessed. You can optionally specify the level of access to check for.
copyCopy a file or directory from fromPath to toPath. Equivalent to cp -r.
copyFileCopy a file from fromPath to toPath.
chmodChange the permissions of a file.
chownChange the owner and group of a file.
existsCheck if a path exists.
linkCreate a hard link from fromPath to toPath.
makeDirectoryCreate a directory at path. You can optionally specify the mode and whether to recursively create nested directories.
makeTempDirectoryCreate a temporary directory. By default, the directory will be created inside the system's default temporary directory.
makeTempDirectoryScopedCreate a temporary directory inside a scope. Functionally equivalent to makeTempDirectory, but the directory will be automatically deleted when the scope is closed.
makeTempFileCreate a temporary file. The directory creation is functionally equivalent to makeTempDirectory. The file name will be a randomly generated string.
makeTempFileScopedCreate a temporary file inside a scope. Functionally equivalent to makeTempFile, but the file will be automatically deleted when the scope is closed.
openOpen a file at path with the specified options. The file handle will be automatically closed when the scope is closed.
readDirectoryList the contents of a directory. You can recursively list the contents of nested directories by setting the recursive option.
readFileRead the contents of a file.
readFileStringRead the contents of a file as a string.
readLinkRead the destination of a symbolic link.
realPathResolve a path to its canonicalized absolute pathname.
removeRemove a file or directory. By setting the recursive option to true, you can recursively remove nested directories.
renameRename a file or directory.
sinkCreate a writable Sink for the specified path.
statGet information about a file at path.
streamCreate a readable Stream for the specified path.
symlinkCreate a symbolic link from fromPath to toPath.
truncateTruncate a file to a specified length. If the length is not specified, the file will be truncated to length 0.
utimesChange the file system timestamps of the file at path.
watchWatch a directory or file for changes.
writeFileWrite data to a file at path.
writeFileStringWrite a string to a file at path.

Example: using readFileString

import { FileSystem } from "@effect/platform"
import { NodeContext, NodeRuntime } from "@effect/platform-node"
import { Effect } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const fs = yield* FileSystem.FileSystem
// Reading the content of the same file where this code is written
const content = yield* fs.readFileString("./index.ts", "utf8")
import { FileSystem } from "@effect/platform"
import { NodeContext, NodeRuntime } from "@effect/platform-node"
import { Effect } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const fs = yield* FileSystem.FileSystem
// Reading the content of the same file where this code is written
const content = yield* fs.readFileString("./index.ts", "utf8")