Expected errors are tracked at the type level by the Effect data type in the “Error channel”:
This means that the Effect type captures not only what the program returns on success but also what type of error it might produce.
Example (Creating an Effect That Can Fail)
In this example, we define a program that might randomly fail with an HttpError.
The type of program tells us that it can either return a string or fail with an HttpError:
constprogram:Effect<string, HttpError, never>
In this case, we use a class to represent the HttpError type, which allows us to define both the error type and a constructor. However, you can use whatever
you like to model your error types.
It’s also worth noting that we added a readonly _tag field to the class:
classHttpError {
// This field serves as a discriminant for the error
This discriminant field will be useful when we discuss APIs like Effect.catchTag, which help in handling specific error types.
Error Tracking
In Effect, if a program can fail with multiple types of errors, they are automatically tracked as a union of those error types.
This allows you to know exactly what errors can occur during execution, making error handling more precise and predictable.
The example below illustrates how errors are automatically tracked for you.
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from"effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
constfailure= Effect.fail(
newError("Operation failed due to network error")
@since ― 2.0.0
constructor ValidationError(): ValidationError
return"some result"
Effect automatically keeps track of the possible errors that can occur during the execution of the program as a union:
indicating that it can potentially fail with either a HttpError or a ValidationError.
When working with APIs like Effect.gen, Effect.map, Effect.flatMap, and Effect.andThen, it’s important to understand how they handle errors.
These APIs are designed to short-circuit the execution upon encountering the first error.
What does this mean for you as a developer? Well, let’s say you have a chain of operations or a collection of effects to be executed in sequence. If any error occurs during the execution of one of these effects, the remaining computations will be skipped, and the error will be propagated to the final result.
In simpler terms, the short-circuiting behavior ensures that if something goes wrong at any step of your program, it won’t waste time executing unnecessary computations. Instead, it will immediately stop and return the error to let you know that something went wrong.
Example (Short-Circuiting Behavior)
import {
import Effect
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
import Console
Console } from"effect"
// Define three effects representing different tasks.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
@param ― onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
@param ― onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
@returns ― A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
This code snippet demonstrates the short-circuiting behavior when an error occurs.
Each operation depends on the successful execution of the previous one.
If any error occurs, the execution is short-circuited, and the error is propagated.
In this specific example, task3 is never executed because an error occurs in task2.
Catching All Errors
The Effect.either function transforms an Effect<A, E, R> into an effect that encapsulates both potential failure and success within an Either data type:
Effect<A, E, R>-> Effect<Either<A, E>, never, R>
This means if you have an effect with the following type:
Effect<string, HttpError, never>
and you call Effect.either on it, the type becomes:
Effect<Either<string, HttpError>, never, never>
The resulting effect cannot fail because the potential failure is now represented within the Either’s Left type.
The error type of the returned Effect is specified as never, confirming that the effect is structured to not fail.
By yielding an Either, we gain the ability to “pattern match” on this type to handle both failure and success cases within the generator function.
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Transforms an Effect into one that encapsulates both success and failure
using the Either data type.
either takes an effect that could potentially fail and converts it
into an effect that always succeeds but with the result inside an Either.
The Either can either be a Left (representing failure) or a Right
(representing success). This allows you to handle both cases explicitly
without causing the effect to fail.
The resulting effect cannot fail because failure is now represented inside
the Either type.
@see ― option for a version that uses Option instead.
As you can see since all errors are handled, the error type of the resulting effect recovered is never:
constrecovered:Effect<string, never, never>
We can make the code less verbose by using the Either.match function, which directly accepts the two callback functions for handling errors and successful values:
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Transforms an Effect into one that encapsulates both success and failure
using the Either data type.
either takes an effect that could potentially fail and converts it
into an effect that always succeeds but with the result inside an Either.
The Either can either be a Left (representing failure) or a Right
(representing success). This allows you to handle both cases explicitly
without causing the effect to fail.
The resulting effect cannot fail because failure is now represented inside
the Either type.
@see ― option for a version that uses Option instead.
Takes two functions and an Either value, if the value is a Left the inner value is applied to the onLeft function, if the value is a Rightthe inner value is applied to theonRight` function.
Transforms an effect to encapsulate both failure and success using the Option data type.
The Effect.option function wraps the success or failure of an effect within the
Option type, making both cases explicit. If the original effect succeeds,
its value is wrapped in Option.some. If it fails, the failure is mapped to
The resulting effect cannot fail directly, as the error type is set to never. However, fatal errors like defects are not encapsulated.
Transforms an effect to encapsulate both failure and success using the
Option data type.
The option function wraps the success or failure of an effect within the
Option type, making both cases explicit. If the original effect succeeds,
its value is wrapped in Option.some. If it fails, the failure is mapped to
The resulting effect cannot fail directly, as the error type is set to
never. However, fatal errors like defects are not encapsulated.
@see ― either for a version that uses Either instead.
Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
@param ― onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
@param ― onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
@returns ― A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
Transforms an effect to encapsulate both failure and success using the
Option data type.
The option function wraps the success or failure of an effect within the
Option type, making both cases explicit. If the original effect succeeds,
its value is wrapped in Option.some. If it fails, the failure is mapped to
The resulting effect cannot fail directly, as the error type is set to
never. However, fatal errors like defects are not encapsulated.
@see ― either for a version that uses Either instead.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
@param ― onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
@param ― onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
@returns ― A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
Transforms an effect to encapsulate both failure and success using the
Option data type.
The option function wraps the success or failure of an effect within the
Option type, making both cases explicit. If the original effect succeeds,
its value is wrapped in Option.some. If it fails, the failure is mapped to
The resulting effect cannot fail directly, as the error type is set to
never. However, fatal errors like defects are not encapsulated.
@see ― either for a version that uses Either instead.
Creates an effect that terminates a fiber with a specified error.
This function is used to signal a defect, which represents a critical and
unexpected error in the code. When invoked, it produces an effect that does
not handle the error and instead terminates the fiber.
The error channel of the resulting effect is of type never, indicating that
it cannot recover from this failure.
When to Use
Use this function when encountering unexpected conditions in your code that
should not be handled as regular errors but instead represent unrecoverable
@see ― dieSync for a variant that throws a specified error, evaluated
@see ― dieMessage for a variant that throws a RuntimeException with a
// Title: Terminating on Division by Zero with a Specified Error
Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
@param ― onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
@param ― onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
@returns ― A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
Handles all errors in an effect by providing a fallback effect.
The Effect.catchAll function catches any errors that may occur during the
execution of an effect and allows you to handle them by specifying a fallback
effect. This ensures that the program continues without failing by recovering
from errors using the provided fallback logic.
Example (Providing Recovery Logic for Recoverable Errors)
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Handles all errors in an effect by providing a fallback effect.
This function catches any errors that may occur during the execution of an
effect and allows you to handle them by specifying a fallback effect. This
ensures that the program continues without failing by recovering from errors
using the provided fallback logic.
Note: This function only handles recoverable errors. It will not recover
from unrecoverable defects.
@see ― catchAllCause for a version that can recover from both
recoverable and unrecoverable errors.
// Title: Providing Recovery Logic for Recoverable Errors
Creates an Effect that always succeeds with a given value.
When to Use
Use this function when you need an effect that completes successfully with a
specific value without any errors or external dependencies.
@see ― fail to create an effect that represents a failure.
// Title: Creating a Successful Effect
import { Effect } from"effect"
// Creating an effect that represents a successful scenario
// ┌─── Effect<number, never, never>
// ▼
constsuccess= Effect.succeed(42)
@since ― 2.0.0
succeed(`Recovering from ${
error: HttpError | ValidationError
_tag: "HttpError"|"ValidationError"
We can observe that the type in the error channel of our program has changed to never:
constrecovered:Effect<string, never, never>
indicating that all errors have been handled.
Handles both recoverable and unrecoverable errors by providing a recovery effect.
The Effect.catchAllCause function allows you to handle all errors, including
unrecoverable defects, by providing a recovery effect. The recovery logic is
based on the Cause of the error, which provides detailed information about
the failure.
Example (Recovering from All Errors)
import {
import Cause
import Effect
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
Effect } from"effect"
// Define an effect that may fail with a recoverable or unrecoverable error
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Handles both recoverable and unrecoverable errors by providing a recovery
When to Use
The catchAllCause function allows you to handle all errors, including
unrecoverable defects, by providing a recovery effect. The recovery logic is
based on the Cause of the error, which provides detailed information about
the failure.
When to Recover from Defects
Defects are unexpected errors that typically shouldn't be recovered from, as
they often indicate serious issues. However, in some cases, such as
dynamically loaded plugins, controlled recovery might be needed.
// Title: Recovering from All Errors
import { Cause, Effect } from"effect"
// Define an effect that may fail with a recoverable or unrecoverable error
constprogram= Effect.fail("Something went wrong!")
// Recover from all errors by examining the cause
constrecovered= program.pipe(
Effect.catchAllCause((cause) =>
? Effect.succeed("Recovered from a regular error")
Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.
When to Use
Use runPromise when you need to execute an effect and work with the
result using Promise syntax, typically for compatibility with other
promise-based code.
If the effect succeeds, the promise will resolve with the result. If the
effect fails, the promise will reject with an error.
@see ― runPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.
// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
@param ― onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
@param ― onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
@returns ― A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Transforms an Effect into one that encapsulates both success and failure
using the Either data type.
either takes an effect that could potentially fail and converts it
into an effect that always succeeds but with the result inside an Either.
The Either can either be a Left (representing failure) or a Right
(representing success). This allows you to handle both cases explicitly
without causing the effect to fail.
The resulting effect cannot fail because failure is now represented inside
the Either type.
@see ― option for a version that uses Option instead.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Transforms an Effect into one that encapsulates both success and failure
using the Either data type.
either takes an effect that could potentially fail and converts it
into an effect that always succeeds but with the result inside an Either.
The Either can either be a Left (representing failure) or a Right
(representing success). This allows you to handle both cases explicitly
without causing the effect to fail.
The resulting effect cannot fail because failure is now represented inside
the Either type.
@see ― option for a version that uses Option instead.
We can observe that the type in the error channel has changed to never:
constrecovered:Effect<string, never, never>
indicating that all errors have been handled.
Catches and recovers from specific types of errors, allowing you to attempt recovery only for certain errors.
Effect.catchSome lets you selectively catch and handle errors of certain
types by providing a recovery effect for specific errors. If the error
matches a condition, recovery is attempted; if not, it doesn’t affect the
program. This function doesn’t alter the error type, meaning the error type
remains the same as in the original effect.
Example (Handling Specific Errors with Effect.catchSome)
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Catches and recovers from specific types of errors, allowing you to attempt
recovery only for certain errors.
catchSome lets you selectively catch and handle errors of certain
types by providing a recovery effect for specific errors. If the error
matches a condition, recovery is attempted; if not, it doesn't affect the
program. This function doesn't alter the error type, meaning the error type
remains the same as in the original effect.
@see ― catchIf for a version that allows you to recover from errors based on a predicate.
// Title: Handling Specific Errors with Effect.catchSome
Creates an Effect that always succeeds with a given value.
When to Use
Use this function when you need an effect that completes successfully with a
specific value without any errors or external dependencies.
@see ― fail to create an effect that represents a failure.
// Title: Creating a Successful Effect
import { Effect } from"effect"
// Creating an effect that represents a successful scenario
// ┌─── Effect<number, never, never>
// ▼
constsuccess= Effect.succeed(42)
@since ― 2.0.0
succeed("Recovering from HttpError"))
} else {
import Option
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
constnone: <never>() =>Option.Option<never>
Creates a new Option that represents the absence of a value.
@since ― 2.0.0
In the code above, Effect.catchSome takes a function that examines the error and decides whether to attempt recovery or not. If the error matches a specific condition, recovery can be attempted by returning Option.some(effect). If no recovery is possible, you can simply return Option.none().
It’s important to note that while Effect.catchSome lets you catch specific errors, it doesn’t alter the error type itself.
Therefore, the resulting effect will still have the same error type as the original effect:
Recovers from specific errors based on a predicate.
Effect.catchIf works similarly to Effect.catchSome, but it allows you to
recover from errors by providing a predicate function. If the predicate
matches the error, the recovery effect is applied. This function doesn’t
alter the error type, so the resulting effect still carries the original
error type unless a user-defined type guard is used to narrow the type.
Example (Catching Specific Errors with a Predicate)
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Recovers from specific errors based on a predicate.
When to Use
catchIf works similarly to
, but it allows you to
recover from errors by providing a predicate function. If the predicate
matches the error, the recovery effect is applied. This function doesn't
alter the error type, so the resulting effect still carries the original
error type unless a user-defined type guard is used to narrow the type.
// Title: Catching Specific Errors with a Predicate
Creates an Effect that always succeeds with a given value.
When to Use
Use this function when you need an effect that completes successfully with a
specific value without any errors or external dependencies.
@see ― fail to create an effect that represents a failure.
// Title: Creating a Successful Effect
import { Effect } from"effect"
// Creating an effect that represents a successful scenario
// ┌─── Effect<number, never, never>
// ▼
constsuccess= Effect.succeed(42)
@since ― 2.0.0
succeed("Recovering from HttpError")
It’s important to note that for TypeScript versions < 5.5, while Effect.catchIf lets you catch specific errors, it doesn’t alter the error type itself.
Therefore, the resulting effect will still have the same error type as the original effect:
In TypeScript versions >= 5.5, improved type narrowing causes the resulting error type to be inferred as ValidationError.
Workaround For TypeScript versions < 5.5
If you provide a user-defined type guard instead of a predicate, the resulting error type will be pruned, returning an Effect<string, ValidationError, never>:
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Recovers from specific errors based on a predicate.
When to Use
catchIf works similarly to
, but it allows you to
recover from errors by providing a predicate function. If the predicate
matches the error, the recovery effect is applied. This function doesn't
alter the error type, so the resulting effect still carries the original
error type unless a user-defined type guard is used to narrow the type.
// Title: Catching Specific Errors with a Predicate
Creates an Effect that always succeeds with a given value.
When to Use
Use this function when you need an effect that completes successfully with a
specific value without any errors or external dependencies.
@see ― fail to create an effect that represents a failure.
// Title: Creating a Successful Effect
import { Effect } from"effect"
// Creating an effect that represents a successful scenario
// ┌─── Effect<number, never, never>
// ▼
constsuccess= Effect.succeed(42)
@since ― 2.0.0
succeed("Recovering from HttpError")
Catches and handles specific errors by their _tag field, which is used as a discriminator.
Effect.catchTag is useful when your errors are tagged with a _tag field
that identifies the error type. You can use this function to handle specific
error types by matching the _tag value. This allows for precise error
handling, ensuring that only specific errors are caught and handled.
The error type must have a _tag field to use Effect.catchTag. This field
is used to identify and match errors.
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Catches and handles specific errors by their _tag field, which is used as a
When to Use
catchTag is useful when your errors are tagged with a readonly _tag field
that identifies the error type. You can use this function to handle specific
error types by matching the _tag value. This allows for precise error
handling, ensuring that only specific errors are caught and handled.
The error type must have a readonly _tag field to use catchTag. This
field is used to identify and match errors.
@see ― catchTags for a version that allows you to handle multiple error
types at once.
Creates an Effect that always succeeds with a given value.
When to Use
Use this function when you need an effect that completes successfully with a
specific value without any errors or external dependencies.
@see ― fail to create an effect that represents a failure.
// Title: Creating a Successful Effect
import { Effect } from"effect"
// Creating an effect that represents a successful scenario
// ┌─── Effect<number, never, never>
// ▼
constsuccess= Effect.succeed(42)
@since ― 2.0.0
succeed("Recovering from HttpError")
In the example above, the Effect.catchTag function allows us to handle HttpError specifically.
If a HttpError occurs during the execution of the program, the provided error handler function will be invoked,
and the program will proceed with the recovery logic specified within the handler.
We can observe that the type in the error channel of our program has changed to only show ValidationError:
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Catches and handles specific errors by their _tag field, which is used as a
When to Use
catchTag is useful when your errors are tagged with a readonly _tag field
that identifies the error type. You can use this function to handle specific
error types by matching the _tag value. This allows for precise error
handling, ensuring that only specific errors are caught and handled.
The error type must have a readonly _tag field to use catchTag. This
field is used to identify and match errors.
@see ― catchTags for a version that allows you to handle multiple error
types at once.
Catches and handles specific errors by their _tag field, which is used as a
When to Use
catchTag is useful when your errors are tagged with a readonly _tag field
that identifies the error type. You can use this function to handle specific
error types by matching the _tag value. This allows for precise error
handling, ensuring that only specific errors are caught and handled.
The error type must have a readonly _tag field to use catchTag. This
field is used to identify and match errors.
@see ― catchTags for a version that allows you to handle multiple error
types at once.
Creates an Effect that always succeeds with a given value.
When to Use
Use this function when you need an effect that completes successfully with a
specific value without any errors or external dependencies.
@see ― fail to create an effect that represents a failure.
// Title: Creating a Successful Effect
import { Effect } from"effect"
// Creating an effect that represents a successful scenario
// ┌─── Effect<number, never, never>
// ▼
constsuccess= Effect.succeed(42)
@since ― 2.0.0
succeed("Recovering from ValidationError")
We can observe that the type in the error channel of our program has changed to never:
constrecovered:Effect<string, never, never>
indicating that all errors have been handled.
Handles multiple errors in a single block of code using their _tag field.
Effect.catchTags is a convenient way to handle multiple error types at
once. Instead of using Effect.catchTag multiple times, you can pass an
object where each key is an error type’s _tag, and the value is the handler
for that specific error. This allows you to catch and recover from multiple
error types in a single call.
Example (Handling Multiple Tagged Error Types at Once)
Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying
control flow and error handling.
When to Use
Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous
code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow
(like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable
and easier to manage.
The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more
explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from
effects and return the final result at the end.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
Handles multiple errors in a single block of code using their _tag field.
When to Use
catchTags is a convenient way to handle multiple error types at
once. Instead of using
multiple times, you can pass an
object where each key is an error type's _tag, and the value is the handler
for that specific error. This allows you to catch and recover from multiple
error types in a single call.
The error type must have a readonly _tag field to use catchTag. This
field is used to identify and match errors.
// Title: Handling Multiple Tagged Error Types at Once
Creates an Effect that always succeeds with a given value.
When to Use
Use this function when you need an effect that completes successfully with a
specific value without any errors or external dependencies.
@see ― fail to create an effect that represents a failure.
// Title: Creating a Successful Effect
import { Effect } from"effect"
// Creating an effect that represents a successful scenario
// ┌─── Effect<number, never, never>
// ▼
constsuccess= Effect.succeed(42)
@since ― 2.0.0
succeed(`Recovering from ValidationError`)
This function takes an object where each property represents a specific error _tag ("HttpError" and "ValidationError" in this case),
and the corresponding value is the error handler function to be executed when that particular error occurs.