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A Deferred<Success, Error> is a specialized subtype of Effect that acts like a one-time variable with some unique characteristics. It can only be completed once, making it a useful tool for managing asynchronous operations and synchronization between different parts of your program.

A deferred is essentially a synchronization primitive that represents a value that may not be available right away. When you create a deferred, it starts out empty. Later, it can be completed with either a success value Success or an error value Error:

┌─── Represents the success type
│ ┌─── Represents the error type
│ │
▼ ▼
Deferred<Success, Error>

Once completed, it cannot be changed again.

When a fiber calls Deferred.await, it will pause until the deferred is completed. While the fiber is waiting, it doesn’t block the thread, it only blocks semantically. This means other fibers can still run, ensuring efficient concurrency.

A deferred is conceptually similar to JavaScript’s Promise. The key difference is that it supports both success and error types, giving more type safety.

A deferred can be created using the Deferred.make constructor. This returns an effect that represents the creation of the deferred. Since the creation of a deferred involves memory allocation, it must be done within an effect to ensure safe management of resources.

Example (Creating a Deferred)

import { Deferred } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<Deferred<string, Error>>
// ▼
const deferred = Deferred.make<string, Error>()

To retrieve a value from a deferred, you can use Deferred.await. This operation suspends the calling fiber until the deferred is completed with a value or an error.

import { Effect, Deferred } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<Deferred<string, Error>, never, never>
// ▼
const deferred = Deferred.make<string, Error>()
// ┌─── Effect<string, Error, never>
// ▼
const value = deferred.pipe(Effect.andThen(Deferred.await))

You can complete a deferred in several ways, depending on whether you want to succeed, fail, or interrupt the waiting fibers:

Deferred.succeedCompletes the deferred successfully with a value.
Deferred.doneCompletes the deferred with an Exit value.
Deferred.completeCompletes the deferred with the result of an effect.
Deferred.completeWithCompletes the deferred with an effect. This effect will be executed by each waiting fiber, so use it carefully.
Deferred.failFails the deferred with an error.
Deferred.dieDefects the deferred with a user-defined error.
Deferred.failCauseFails or defects the deferred with a Cause.
Deferred.interruptInterrupts the deferred, forcefully stopping or interrupting the waiting fibers.

Example (Completing a Deferred with Success)

import { Effect, Deferred } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const deferred = yield* Deferred.make<number, string>()
// Complete the Deferred successfully
yield* Deferred.succeed(deferred, 1)
// Awaiting the Deferred to get its value
const value = yield* Deferred.await(deferred)
// Output: 1

Completing a deferred produces an Effect<boolean>. This effect returns true if the deferred was successfully completed, and false if it had already been completed previously. This can be useful for tracking the state of the deferred.

Example (Checking Completion Status)

import { Effect, Deferred } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const deferred = yield* Deferred.make<number, string>()
// Attempt to fail the Deferred
const firstAttempt = yield*, "oh no!")
// Attempt to succeed after it has already been completed
const secondAttempt = yield* Deferred.succeed(deferred, 1)
console.log([firstAttempt, secondAttempt])
// Output: [ true, false ]

Sometimes, you might need to check if a deferred has been completed without suspending the fiber. This can be done using the Deferred.poll method. Here’s how it works:

  • Deferred.poll returns an Option<Effect<A, E>>:
    • If the Deferred is incomplete, it returns None.
    • If the Deferred is complete, it returns Some, which contains the result or error.

Additionally, you can use the Deferred.isDone function to check if a deferred has been completed. This method returns an Effect<boolean>, which evaluates to true if the Deferred is completed, allowing you to quickly check its state.

Example (Polling and Checking Completion Status)

import { Effect, Deferred } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const deferred = yield* Deferred.make<number, string>()
// Polling the Deferred to check if it's completed
const done1 = yield* Deferred.poll(deferred)
// Checking if the Deferred has been completed
const done2 = yield* Deferred.isDone(deferred)
console.log([done1, done2])
[ { _id: 'Option', _tag: 'None' }, false ]

Deferred becomes useful when you need to wait for something specific to happen in your program. It’s ideal for scenarios where you want one part of your code to signal another part when it’s ready.

Here are a few common use cases:

Use CaseDescription
Coordinating FibersWhen you have multiple concurrent tasks and need to coordinate their actions, Deferred can help one fiber signal to another when it has completed its task.
SynchronizationAnytime you want to ensure that one piece of code doesn’t proceed until another piece of code has finished its work, Deferred can provide the synchronization you need.
Handing Over WorkYou can use Deferred to hand over work from one fiber to another. For example, one fiber can prepare some data, and then a second fiber can continue processing it.
Suspending ExecutionWhen you want a fiber to pause its execution until some condition is met, a Deferred can be used to block it until the condition is satisfied.

Example (Using Deferred to Coordinate Two Fibers)

In this example, a deferred is used to pass a value between two fibers.

By running both fibers concurrently and using the deferred as a synchronization point, we can ensure that fiberB only proceeds after fiberA has completed its task.

import { Effect, Deferred, Fiber } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const deferred = yield* Deferred.make<string, string>()
// Completes the Deferred with a value after a delay
const taskA = Effect.gen(function* () {
console.log("Starting task to complete the Deferred")
yield* Effect.sleep("1 second")
console.log("Completing the Deferred")
return yield* Deferred.succeed(deferred, "hello world")
// Waits for the Deferred and prints the value
const taskB = Effect.gen(function* () {
console.log("Starting task to get the value from the Deferred")
const value = yield* Deferred.await(deferred)
console.log("Got the value from the Deferred")
return value
// Run both fibers concurrently
const fiberA = yield* Effect.fork(taskA)
const fiberB = yield* Effect.fork(taskB)
// Wait for both fibers to complete
const both = yield* Fiber.join(, fiberB))
Starting task to complete the Deferred
Starting task to get the value from the Deferred
Completing the Deferred
Got the value from the Deferred
[ true, 'hello world' ]