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The Effect Type

The Effect type is an immutable description of a workflow or operation that is lazily executed. This means that when you create an Effect, it doesn’t run immediately, but instead defines a program that can succeed, fail, or require some additional context to complete.

Here is the general form of an Effect:

┌─── Represents the success type
│ ┌─── Represents the error type
│ │ ┌─── Represents required dependencies
▼ ▼ ▼
Effect<Success, Error, Requirements>

This type indicates that an effect:

  • Succeeds and returns a value of type Success
  • Fails with an error of type Error
  • May need certain contextual dependencies of type Requirements to execute

Conceptually, you can think of Effect as an effectful version of the following function type:

type Effect<Success, Error, Requirements> = (
context: Context<Requirements>
) => Error | Success

However, effects are not actually functions. They can model synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and resourceful computations.

Immutability. Effect values are immutable, and every function in the Effect library produces a new Effect value.

Modeling Interactions. These values do not perform any actions themselves, they simply model or describe effectful interactions.

Execution. An Effect can be executed by the Effect Runtime System, which interprets it into actual interactions with the external world. Ideally, this execution happens at a single entry point in your application, such as the main function where effectful operations are initiated.

The Effect type has three type parameters with the following meanings:

SuccessRepresents the type of value that an effect can succeed with when executed. If this type parameter is void, it means the effect produces no useful information, while if it is never, it means the effect runs forever (or until failure).
ErrorRepresents the expected errors that can occur when executing an effect. If this type parameter is never, it means the effect cannot fail, because there are no values of type never.
RequirementsRepresents the contextual data required by the effect to be executed. This data is stored in a collection named Context. If this type parameter is never, it means the effect has no requirements and the Context collection is empty.

By using the utility types Effect.Success, Effect.Error, and Effect.Context, you can extract the corresponding types from an effect.

Example (Extracting Success, Error, and Context Types)

import {
import Effect




import Context



} from "effect"
class SomeContext
import Context



const Tag: <"SomeContext">(id: "SomeContext") => <Self, Shape>() => Context.TagClass<Self, "SomeContext", Shape>


import { Context, Layer } from "effect"
class MyTag extends Context.Tag("MyTag")<
{ readonly myNum: number }
>() {
static Live = Layer.succeed(this, { myNum: 108 })


class SomeContext
, {}>() {}
// Assume we have an effect that succeeds with a number,
// fails with an Error, and requires SomeContext
declare const
const program: Effect.Effect<number, Error, SomeContext>
import Effect




interface Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>

The Effect interface defines a value that lazily describes a workflow or job. The workflow requires some context R, and may fail with an error of type E, or succeed with a value of type A.

Effect values model resourceful interaction with the outside world, including synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interaction. They use a fiber-based concurrency model, with built-in support for scheduling, fine-grained interruption, structured concurrency, and high scalability.

To run an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which is a type that is capable of executing Effect values.



interface Error
class SomeContext
// Extract the success type, which is number
type A = number
import Effect




namespace Effect

The Effect interface defines a value that lazily describes a workflow or job. The workflow requires some context R, and may fail with an error of type E, or succeed with a value of type A.

Effect values model resourceful interaction with the outside world, including synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interaction. They use a fiber-based concurrency model, with built-in support for scheduling, fine-grained interruption, structured concurrency, and high scalability.

To run an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which is a type that is capable of executing Effect values.



type Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>.Success<T extends Effect.Effect<any, any, any>> = [T] extends [Effect.Effect<infer _A, infer _E, infer _R>] ? _A : never


const program: Effect.Effect<number, Error, SomeContext>
// Extract the error type, which is Error
type E = Error
import Effect




namespace Effect

The Effect interface defines a value that lazily describes a workflow or job. The workflow requires some context R, and may fail with an error of type E, or succeed with a value of type A.

Effect values model resourceful interaction with the outside world, including synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interaction. They use a fiber-based concurrency model, with built-in support for scheduling, fine-grained interruption, structured concurrency, and high scalability.

To run an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which is a type that is capable of executing Effect values.



type Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>.Error<T extends Effect.Effect<any, any, any>> = [T] extends [Effect.Effect<infer _A, infer _E, infer _R>] ? _E : never


const program: Effect.Effect<number, Error, SomeContext>
// Extract the context type, which is SomeContext
type R = SomeContext
import Effect




namespace Effect

The Effect interface defines a value that lazily describes a workflow or job. The workflow requires some context R, and may fail with an error of type E, or succeed with a value of type A.

Effect values model resourceful interaction with the outside world, including synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interaction. They use a fiber-based concurrency model, with built-in support for scheduling, fine-grained interruption, structured concurrency, and high scalability.

To run an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which is a type that is capable of executing Effect values.



type Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>.Context<T extends Effect.Effect<any, any, any>> = [T] extends [Effect.Effect<infer _A, infer _E, infer _R>] ? _R : never


const program: Effect.Effect<number, Error, SomeContext>