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Using Generators

Effect offers a convenient syntax, similar to async/await, to write effectful code using generators.

The Effect.gen utility simplifies the task of writing effectful code by utilizing JavaScript’s generator functions. This method helps your code appear and behave more like traditional synchronous code, which enhances both readability and error management.

Example (Performing Transactions with Discounts)

Let’s explore a practical program that performs a series of data transformations commonly found in application logic:

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
// Function to add a small service charge to a transaction amount
const addServiceCharge: (amount: number) => number
= (
amount: number
: number) =>
amount: number
+ 1
// Function to apply a discount safely to a transaction amount
const applyDiscount: (total: number, discountRate: number) => Effect.Effect<number, Error>
= (
total: number
: number,
discountRate: number
: number
import Effect




interface Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>

The Effect interface defines a value that describes a workflow or job, which can succeed or fail.


The Effect interface represents a computation that can model a workflow involving various types of operations, such as synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interactions. It operates within a context of type R, and the result can either be a success with a value of type A or a failure with an error of type E. The Effect is designed to handle complex interactions with external resources, offering advanced features such as fiber-based concurrency, scheduling, interruption handling, and scalability. This makes it suitable for tasks that require fine-grained control over concurrency and error management.

To execute an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which provides the environment necessary to run and manage the computation.



interface Error
> =>
discountRate: number
=== 0
import Effect




const fail: <Error>(error: Error) => Effect.Effect<never, Error, never>

Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.

When to Use

Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with functions like





@seesucceed to create an effect that represents a successful value.


// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
const failure =
new Error("Operation failed due to network error")


var Error: ErrorConstructor
new (message?: string) => Error
("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
import Effect




const succeed: <number>(value: number) => Effect.Effect<number, never, never>

Creates an Effect that always succeeds with a given value.

When to Use

Use this function when you need an effect that completes successfully with a specific value without any errors or external dependencies.

@seefail to create an effect that represents a failure.


// Title: Creating a Successful Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Creating an effect that represents a successful scenario
// ┌─── Effect<number, never, never>
// ▼
const success = Effect.succeed(42)


total: number
- (
total: number
discountRate: number
) / 100)
// Simulated asynchronous task to fetch a transaction amount from a
// database
const fetchTransactionAmount: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
import Effect




const promise: <number>(evaluate: (signal: AbortSignal) => PromiseLike<number>) => Effect.Effect<number, never, never>

Creates an Effect that represents an asynchronous computation guaranteed to succeed.


The provided function (thunk) returns a Promise that should never reject; if it does, the error will be treated as a "defect".

This defect is not a standard error but indicates a flaw in the logic that was expected to be error-free. You can think of it similar to an unexpected crash in the program, which can be further managed or logged using tools like




An optional AbortSignal can be provided to allow for interruption of the wrapped Promise API.

When to Use

Use this function when you are sure the operation will not reject.

@seetryPromise for a version that can handle failures.


// Title: Delayed Message
import { Effect } from "effect"
const delay = (message: string) =>
() =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
// ┌─── Effect<string, never, never>
// ▼
const program = delay("Async operation completed successfully!")


(() =>
var Promise: PromiseConstructor

Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation

PromiseConstructor.resolve<number>(value: number): Promise<number> (+2 overloads)

Creates a new resolved promise for the provided value.

@paramvalue A promise.

@returnsA promise whose internal state matches the provided promise.

// Simulated asynchronous task to fetch a discount rate from a
// configuration file
const fetchDiscountRate: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
import Effect




const promise: <number>(evaluate: (signal: AbortSignal) => PromiseLike<number>) => Effect.Effect<number, never, never>

Creates an Effect that represents an asynchronous computation guaranteed to succeed.


The provided function (thunk) returns a Promise that should never reject; if it does, the error will be treated as a "defect".

This defect is not a standard error but indicates a flaw in the logic that was expected to be error-free. You can think of it similar to an unexpected crash in the program, which can be further managed or logged using tools like




An optional AbortSignal can be provided to allow for interruption of the wrapped Promise API.

When to Use

Use this function when you are sure the operation will not reject.

@seetryPromise for a version that can handle failures.


// Title: Delayed Message
import { Effect } from "effect"
const delay = (message: string) =>
() =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
// ┌─── Effect<string, never, never>
// ▼
const program = delay("Async operation completed successfully!")


(() =>
var Promise: PromiseConstructor

Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation

PromiseConstructor.resolve<number>(value: number): Promise<number> (+2 overloads)

Creates a new resolved promise for the provided value.

@paramvalue A promise.

@returnsA promise whose internal state matches the provided promise.

// Assembling the program using a generator function
const program: Effect.Effect<string, Error, never>
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<number, Error, never>>, string>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<number, Error, never>>, string, never>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* () {
// Retrieve the transaction amount
const transactionAmount: number
= yield*
const fetchTransactionAmount: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
// Retrieve the discount rate
const discountRate: number
= yield*
const fetchDiscountRate: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
// Calculate discounted amount
const discountedAmount: number
= yield*
const applyDiscount: (total: number, discountRate: number) => Effect.Effect<number, Error>
const transactionAmount: number
const discountRate: number
// Apply service charge
const finalAmount: number
const addServiceCharge: (amount: number) => number
const discountedAmount: number
// Return the total amount after applying the charge
return `Final amount to charge: ${
const finalAmount: number
// Execute the program and log the result
import Effect




const runPromise: <string, Error>(effect: Effect.Effect<string, Error, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<string>

Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

@seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output: 1


//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


const program: Effect.Effect<string, Error, never>
Promise<string>.then<void, never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: string) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => PromiseLike<never>) | null | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


// Output: Final amount to charge: 96

Key steps to follow when using Effect.gen:

  • Wrap your logic in Effect.gen
  • Use yield* to handle effects
  • Return the final result

If you are familiar with async/await, you may notice that the flow of writing code is similar.

Let’s compare the two approaches:

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
const addServiceCharge: (amount: number) => number
= (
amount: number
: number) =>
amount: number
+ 1
const applyDiscount: (total: number, discountRate: number) => Effect.Effect<number, Error>
= (
total: number
: number,
discountRate: number
: number
import Effect




interface Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>

The Effect interface defines a value that describes a workflow or job, which can succeed or fail.


The Effect interface represents a computation that can model a workflow involving various types of operations, such as synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interactions. It operates within a context of type R, and the result can either be a success with a value of type A or a failure with an error of type E. The Effect is designed to handle complex interactions with external resources, offering advanced features such as fiber-based concurrency, scheduling, interruption handling, and scalability. This makes it suitable for tasks that require fine-grained control over concurrency and error management.

To execute an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which provides the environment necessary to run and manage the computation.



interface Error
> =>
discountRate: number
=== 0
import Effect




const fail: <Error>(error: Error) => Effect.Effect<never, Error, never>

Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.

When to Use

Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with functions like





@seesucceed to create an effect that represents a successful value.


// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
const failure =
new Error("Operation failed due to network error")


var Error: ErrorConstructor
new (message?: string) => Error
("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
import Effect




const succeed: <number>(value: number) => Effect.Effect<number, never, never>

Creates an Effect that always succeeds with a given value.

When to Use

Use this function when you need an effect that completes successfully with a specific value without any errors or external dependencies.

@seefail to create an effect that represents a failure.


// Title: Creating a Successful Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Creating an effect that represents a successful scenario
// ┌─── Effect<number, never, never>
// ▼
const success = Effect.succeed(42)


total: number
- (
total: number
discountRate: number
) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
import Effect




const promise: <number>(evaluate: (signal: AbortSignal) => PromiseLike<number>) => Effect.Effect<number, never, never>

Creates an Effect that represents an asynchronous computation guaranteed to succeed.


The provided function (thunk) returns a Promise that should never reject; if it does, the error will be treated as a "defect".

This defect is not a standard error but indicates a flaw in the logic that was expected to be error-free. You can think of it similar to an unexpected crash in the program, which can be further managed or logged using tools like




An optional AbortSignal can be provided to allow for interruption of the wrapped Promise API.

When to Use

Use this function when you are sure the operation will not reject.

@seetryPromise for a version that can handle failures.


// Title: Delayed Message
import { Effect } from "effect"
const delay = (message: string) =>
() =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
// ┌─── Effect<string, never, never>
// ▼
const program = delay("Async operation completed successfully!")


(() =>
var Promise: PromiseConstructor

Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation

PromiseConstructor.resolve<number>(value: number): Promise<number> (+2 overloads)

Creates a new resolved promise for the provided value.

@paramvalue A promise.

@returnsA promise whose internal state matches the provided promise.

const fetchDiscountRate: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
import Effect




const promise: <number>(evaluate: (signal: AbortSignal) => PromiseLike<number>) => Effect.Effect<number, never, never>

Creates an Effect that represents an asynchronous computation guaranteed to succeed.


The provided function (thunk) returns a Promise that should never reject; if it does, the error will be treated as a "defect".

This defect is not a standard error but indicates a flaw in the logic that was expected to be error-free. You can think of it similar to an unexpected crash in the program, which can be further managed or logged using tools like




An optional AbortSignal can be provided to allow for interruption of the wrapped Promise API.

When to Use

Use this function when you are sure the operation will not reject.

@seetryPromise for a version that can handle failures.


// Title: Delayed Message
import { Effect } from "effect"
const delay = (message: string) =>
() =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
// ┌─── Effect<string, never, never>
// ▼
const program = delay("Async operation completed successfully!")


(() =>
var Promise: PromiseConstructor

Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation

PromiseConstructor.resolve<number>(value: number): Promise<number> (+2 overloads)

Creates a new resolved promise for the provided value.

@paramvalue A promise.

@returnsA promise whose internal state matches the provided promise.

export const
const program: Effect.Effect<string, Error, never>
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<number, Error, never>>, string>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<number, Error, never>>, string, never>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* () {
const transactionAmount: number
= yield*
const fetchTransactionAmount: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
const discountRate: number
= yield*
const fetchDiscountRate: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
const discountedAmount: number
= yield*
const applyDiscount: (total: number, discountRate: number) => Effect.Effect<number, Error>
const transactionAmount: number
const discountRate: number
const finalAmount: number
const addServiceCharge: (amount: number) => number
const discountedAmount: number
return `Final amount to charge: ${
const finalAmount: number

It’s important to note that although the code appears similar, the two programs are not identical. The purpose of comparing them side by side is just to highlight the resemblance in how they are written.

One significant advantage of using Effect.gen in conjunction with generators is its capability to employ standard control flow constructs within the generator function. These constructs include if/else, for, while, and other branching and looping mechanisms, enhancing your ability to express complex control flow logic in your code.

Example (Using Control Flow)

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
const calculateTax: (amount: number, taxRate: number) => Effect.Effect<number, Error>
= (
amount: number
: number,
taxRate: number
: number
import Effect




interface Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>

The Effect interface defines a value that describes a workflow or job, which can succeed or fail.


The Effect interface represents a computation that can model a workflow involving various types of operations, such as synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interactions. It operates within a context of type R, and the result can either be a success with a value of type A or a failure with an error of type E. The Effect is designed to handle complex interactions with external resources, offering advanced features such as fiber-based concurrency, scheduling, interruption handling, and scalability. This makes it suitable for tasks that require fine-grained control over concurrency and error management.

To execute an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which provides the environment necessary to run and manage the computation.



interface Error
> =>
taxRate: number
> 0
import Effect




const succeed: <number>(value: number) => Effect.Effect<number, never, never>

Creates an Effect that always succeeds with a given value.

When to Use

Use this function when you need an effect that completes successfully with a specific value without any errors or external dependencies.

@seefail to create an effect that represents a failure.


// Title: Creating a Successful Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Creating an effect that represents a successful scenario
// ┌─── Effect<number, never, never>
// ▼
const success = Effect.succeed(42)


amount: number
taxRate: number
) / 100)
import Effect




const fail: <Error>(error: Error) => Effect.Effect<never, Error, never>

Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.

When to Use

Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with functions like





@seesucceed to create an effect that represents a successful value.


// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
const failure =
new Error("Operation failed due to network error")


var Error: ErrorConstructor
new (message?: string) => Error
("Invalid tax rate"))
const program: Effect.Effect<void, Error, never>
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<number, Error, never>>, void>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<number, Error, never>>, void, never>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* () {
let i: number
= 1
while (true) {
if (
let i: number
=== 10) {
break // Break the loop when counter reaches 10
} else {
if (
let i: number
% 2 === 0) {
// Calculate tax for even numbers
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const calculateTax: (amount: number, taxRate: number) => Effect.Effect<number, Error>
let i: number
let i: number
import Effect




const runPromise: <void, Error>(effect: Effect.Effect<void, Error, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<void>

Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

@seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output: 1


//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


const program: Effect.Effect<void, Error, never>

The Effect.gen API lets you integrate error handling directly into your workflow by yielding failed effects. You can introduce errors with, as shown in the example below.

Example (Introducing an Error into the Flow)

import {
import Effect




import Console
} from "effect"
const task1: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Console
const log: (...args: ReadonlyArray<any>) => Effect.Effect<void>


const task2: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Console
const log: (...args: ReadonlyArray<any>) => Effect.Effect<void>


const program: Effect.Effect<void, string, never>
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>> | YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<never, string, never>>, void>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<...>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* () {
// Perform some tasks
const task1: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
const task2: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
// Introduce an error
import Effect




const fail: <string>(error: string) => Effect.Effect<never, string, never>

Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.

When to Use

Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with functions like





@seesucceed to create an effect that represents a successful value.


// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
const failure =
new Error("Operation failed due to network error")


("Something went wrong!")
import Effect




const runPromise: <void, string>(effect: Effect.Effect<void, string, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<void>

Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

@seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output: 1


//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


const program: Effect.Effect<void, string, never>
Promise<void>.then<void, void>(onfulfilled?: ((value: void) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


globalThis.Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


globalThis.Console.error(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stderr with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const code = 5;
console.error('error #%d', code);
// Prints: error #5, to stderr
console.error('error', code);
// Prints: error 5, to stderr

If formatting elements (e.g. %d) are not found in the first string then util.inspect() is called on each argument and the resulting string values are concatenated. See util.format() for more information.


(FiberFailure) Error: Something went wrong!

When working with Effect.gen, it is important to understand how it handles errors. This API will stop execution at the first error it encounters and return that error.

How does this affect your code? If you have several operations in sequence, once any one of them fails, the remaining operations will not run, and the error will be returned.

In simpler terms, if something fails at any point, the program will stop right there and deliver the error to you.

Example (Halting Execution at the First Error)

import {
import Effect




import Console
} from "effect"
const task1: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Console
const log: (...args: ReadonlyArray<any>) => Effect.Effect<void>


const task2: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Console
const log: (...args: ReadonlyArray<any>) => Effect.Effect<void>


const failure: Effect.Effect<never, string, never>
import Effect




const fail: <string>(error: string) => Effect.Effect<never, string, never>

Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.

When to Use

Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with functions like





@seesucceed to create an effect that represents a successful value.


// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
const failure =
new Error("Operation failed due to network error")


("Something went wrong!")
const task4: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Console
const log: (...args: ReadonlyArray<any>) => Effect.Effect<void>


const program: Effect.Effect<string, string, never>
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>> | YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<never, string, never>>, string>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<...>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* () {
const task1: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
const task2: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
// The program stops here due to the error
const failure: Effect.Effect<never, string, never>
// The following lines never run
const task4: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
return "some result"
import Effect




const runPromise: <string, string>(effect: Effect.Effect<string, string, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<string>

Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

@seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output: 1


//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


const program: Effect.Effect<string, string, never>
Promise<string>.then<void, void>(onfulfilled?: ((value: string) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


globalThis.Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


globalThis.Console.error(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stderr with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const code = 5;
console.error('error #%d', code);
// Prints: error #5, to stderr
console.error('error', code);
// Prints: error 5, to stderr

If formatting elements (e.g. %d) are not found in the first string then util.inspect() is called on each argument and the resulting string values are concatenated. See util.format() for more information.


(FiberFailure) Error: Something went wrong!

Even though execution never reaches code after a failure, TypeScript may still assume that the code below the error is reachable unless you explicitly return after the failure.

For example, consider the following scenario where you want to narrow the type of a variable:

Example (Type Narrowing without Explicit Return)

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
type User = {
readonly name: string;
= {
name: string
: string
// Imagine this function checks a database or an external service
declare function
function getUserById(id: string): Effect.Effect<User | undefined>
id: string
: string):
import Effect




interface Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>

The Effect interface defines a value that describes a workflow or job, which can succeed or fail.


The Effect interface represents a computation that can model a workflow involving various types of operations, such as synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interactions. It operates within a context of type R, and the result can either be a success with a value of type A or a failure with an error of type E. The Effect is designed to handle complex interactions with external resources, offering advanced features such as fiber-based concurrency, scheduling, interruption handling, and scalability. This makes it suitable for tasks that require fine-grained control over concurrency and error management.

To execute an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which provides the environment necessary to run and manage the computation.



type User = {
readonly name: string;
| undefined>
function greetUser(id: string): Effect.Effect<string, string, never>
id: string
: string) {
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<User | undefined, never, never>> | YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<never, string, never>>, string>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<...>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* () {
const user: User | undefined
= yield*
function getUserById(id: string): Effect.Effect<User | undefined>
id: string
if (
const user: User | undefined
var undefined
) {
// Even though we fail here, TypeScript still thinks
// 'user' might be undefined later
import Effect




const fail: <string>(error: string) => Effect.Effect<never, string, never>

Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.

When to Use

Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with functions like





@seesucceed to create an effect that represents a successful value.


// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
const failure =
new Error("Operation failed due to network error")


(`User with id ${
id: string
} not found`)
// @ts-expect-error user is possibly 'undefined'.ts(18048)
return `Hello, ${
const user: User | undefined
name: string

In this example, TypeScript still considers user possibly undefined because there is no explicit return after the failure.

To fix this, explicitly return right after calling

Example (Type Narrowing with Explicit Return)

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
type User = {
readonly name: string;
= {
name: string
: string
declare function
function getUserById(id: string): Effect.Effect<User | undefined>
id: string
: string):
import Effect




interface Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>

The Effect interface defines a value that describes a workflow or job, which can succeed or fail.


The Effect interface represents a computation that can model a workflow involving various types of operations, such as synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interactions. It operates within a context of type R, and the result can either be a success with a value of type A or a failure with an error of type E. The Effect is designed to handle complex interactions with external resources, offering advanced features such as fiber-based concurrency, scheduling, interruption handling, and scalability. This makes it suitable for tasks that require fine-grained control over concurrency and error management.

To execute an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which provides the environment necessary to run and manage the computation.



type User = {
readonly name: string;
| undefined>
function greetUser(id: string): Effect.Effect<string, string, never>
id: string
: string) {
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<never, string, never>> | YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<User | undefined, never, never>>, string>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<...>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* () {
const user: User | undefined
= yield*
function getUserById(id: string): Effect.Effect<User | undefined>
id: string
if (
const user: User | undefined
var undefined
) {
// Explicitly return after failing
return yield*
import Effect




const fail: <string>(error: string) => Effect.Effect<never, string, never>

Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.

When to Use

Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with functions like





@seesucceed to create an effect that represents a successful value.


// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
const failure =
new Error("Operation failed due to network error")


(`User with id ${
id: string
} not found`)
// Now TypeScript knows that 'user' is not undefined
return `Hello, ${
const user: User
name: string

In some cases, you might need to pass a reference to the current object (this) into the body of your generator function. You can achieve this by utilizing an overload that accepts the reference as the first argument:

Example (Passing this to Generator)

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
class MyClass
MyClass.local: 1
= 1
MyClass.compute: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
import Effect




const gen: <this, YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>, number>(self: this, f: (this: this, resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>, number, never>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(this, function* () {
const n: number
= this.
MyClass.local: 1
+ 1
import Effect




const log: (...message: ReadonlyArray<any>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>

Logs one or more messages or error causes at the current log level.


This function provides a simple way to log messages or error causes during the execution of your effects. By default, logs are recorded at the INFO level, but this can be adjusted using other logging utilities (Logger.withMinimumLogLevel). Multiple items, including Cause instances, can be logged in a single call. When logging Cause instances, detailed error information is included in the log output.

The log output includes useful metadata like the current timestamp, log level, and fiber ID, making it suitable for debugging and tracking purposes. This function does not interrupt or alter the effect's execution flow.


import { Cause, Effect } from "effect"
const program = Effect.log(
Cause.die("Oh no!"),
Cause.die("Oh uh!")
// Effect.runFork(program)
// Output:
// timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=message1 message=message2 cause="Error: Oh no!
// Error: Oh uh!"


(`Computed value: ${
const n: number
const n: number
import Effect




const runPromise: <number, never>(effect: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<number>

Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

@seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output: 1


//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


constructor MyClass(): MyClass
MyClass.compute: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
Promise<number>.then<void, never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: number) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => PromiseLike<never>) | null | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="Computed value: 2"

You may still come across some code snippets that use an adapter, typically indicated by _ or $ symbols.

In earlier versions of TypeScript, the generator “adapter” function was necessary to ensure correct type inference within generators. This adapter was used to facilitate the interaction between TypeScript’s type system and generator functions.

Example (Adapter in Older Code)

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
const fetchTransactionAmount: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
import Effect




const promise: <number>(evaluate: (signal: AbortSignal) => PromiseLike<number>) => Effect.Effect<number, never, never>

Creates an Effect that represents an asynchronous computation guaranteed to succeed.


The provided function (thunk) returns a Promise that should never reject; if it does, the error will be treated as a "defect".

This defect is not a standard error but indicates a flaw in the logic that was expected to be error-free. You can think of it similar to an unexpected crash in the program, which can be further managed or logged using tools like




An optional AbortSignal can be provided to allow for interruption of the wrapped Promise API.

When to Use

Use this function when you are sure the operation will not reject.

@seetryPromise for a version that can handle failures.


// Title: Delayed Message
import { Effect } from "effect"
const delay = (message: string) =>
() =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
// ┌─── Effect<string, never, never>
// ▼
const program = delay("Async operation completed successfully!")


(() =>
var Promise: PromiseConstructor

Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation

PromiseConstructor.resolve<number>(value: number): Promise<number> (+2 overloads)

Creates a new resolved promise for the provided value.

@paramvalue A promise.

@returnsA promise whose internal state matches the provided promise.

// Older usage with an adapter for proper type inference
const programWithAdapter: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<number, never, never>>, void>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<number, never, never>>, void, never>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* (
$: Effect.Adapter
) {
const transactionAmount: number
= yield*
$: Effect.Adapter
<number, never, never>(self: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<number, never, never> (+20 overloads)
const fetchTransactionAmount: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>
// Current usage without an adapter
const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<number, never, never>>, void>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<number, never, never>>, void, never>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* () {
const transactionAmount: number
= yield*
const fetchTransactionAmount: Effect.Effect<number, never, never>

With advances in TypeScript (v5.5+), the adapter is no longer necessary for type inference. While it remains in the codebase for backward compatibility, it is anticipated to be removed in the upcoming major release of Effect.