Class APIs

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When working with schemas, you have a choice beyond the Schema.Struct constructor. You can leverage the power of classes through the Schema.Class utility, which comes with its own set of advantages tailored to common use cases:

Classes offer several features that simplify the schema creation process:

  • All-in-One Definition: With classes, you can define both a schema and an opaque type simultaneously.
  • Shared Functionality: You can incorporate shared functionality using class methods or getters.
  • Value Hashing and Equality: Utilize the built-in capability for checking value equality and applying hashing (thanks to Class implementing Data.Class).


To define a Class in @effect/schema, you need to provide:

  • The type of the class being created.
  • A unique identifier for the class.
  • The desired fields.


import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
// Define your schema by providing the type, a unique identifier and the desired fields
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
// Define your schema by providing the type, a unique identifier and the desired fields
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}

In this setup, Person is a class where id is a number and name is a non-empty string. The constructor for the class creates instances with these specified properties.

console.log(new Person({ id: 1, name: "John" }))
Person { id: 1, name: 'John' }
// or
console.log(Person.make({ id: 1, name: "John" }))
Person { id: 1, name: 'John' }
console.log(new Person({ id: 1, name: "John" }))
Person { id: 1, name: 'John' }
// or
console.log(Person.make({ id: 1, name: "John" }))
Person { id: 1, name: 'John' }

Classes Without Arguments

If your schema does not require any fields, you can define a class with an empty object:

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class NoArgs extends Schema.Class<NoArgs>("NoArgs")({}) {}
const noargs1 = new NoArgs()
// same as
const noargs2 = new NoArgs({})
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class NoArgs extends Schema.Class<NoArgs>("NoArgs")({}) {}
const noargs1 = new NoArgs()
// same as
const noargs2 = new NoArgs({})

Class Constructor as a Validator

When you define a class using Schema.Class, the constructor automatically checks that the provided properties adhere to the schema's rules. Here's how you can define and instantiate a Person class:

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}
// ok
const john = new Person({ id: 1, name: "John" })
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}
// ok
const john = new Person({ id: 1, name: "John" })

This ensures that each property of the Person instance, like id and name, meets the conditions specified in the schema, such as id being a number and name being a non-empty string.

If an instance is created with invalid properties, the constructor throws an error detailing what went wrong:

new Person({ id: 1, name: "" }) // Attempting to instantiate with an invalid name
ParseError: Person (Constructor)
└─ ["name"]
└─ a non empty string
└─ Predicate refinement failure
└─ Expected a non empty string, actual ""
new Person({ id: 1, name: "" }) // Attempting to instantiate with an invalid name
ParseError: Person (Constructor)
└─ ["name"]
└─ a non empty string
└─ Predicate refinement failure
└─ Expected a non empty string, actual ""

This error message clearly states that the name field failed the non-empty string predicate, providing precise feedback on why the validation failed.

There are scenarios where you might want to bypass validation during instantiation. Although not typically recommended, @effect/schema allows for this flexibility:

// Bypasses validation, thus avoiding errors
const john = new Person({ id: 1, name: "" }, true)
// or more explicitly
new Person({ id: 1, name: "" }, { disableValidation: true })
// Bypasses validation, thus avoiding errors
const john = new Person({ id: 1, name: "" }, true)
// or more explicitly
new Person({ id: 1, name: "" }, { disableValidation: true })

Hashing and Equality

Thanks to the implementation of Data.Class, instances of your classes automatically support the Equal trait, which allows for easy comparison:

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
import { Equal } from "effect"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}
const john1 = new Person({ id: 1, name: "John" })
const john2 = new Person({ id: 1, name: "John" })
console.log(Equal.equals(john1, john2)) // Output: true
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
import { Equal } from "effect"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}
const john1 = new Person({ id: 1, name: "John" })
const john2 = new Person({ id: 1, name: "John" })
console.log(Equal.equals(john1, john2)) // Output: true

However, be aware that the Equal trait checks for equality only at the first level. If, for instance, a field is an array, the returned instances will not be considered equal:

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
import { Equal } from "effect"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString,
hobbies: Schema.Array(Schema.String)
}) {}
const john1 = new Person({
id: 1,
name: "John",
hobbies: ["reading", "coding"]
const john2 = new Person({
id: 1,
name: "John",
hobbies: ["reading", "coding"]
console.log(Equal.equals(john1, john2)) // Output: false
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
import { Equal } from "effect"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString,
hobbies: Schema.Array(Schema.String)
}) {}
const john1 = new Person({
id: 1,
name: "John",
hobbies: ["reading", "coding"]
const john2 = new Person({
id: 1,
name: "John",
hobbies: ["reading", "coding"]
console.log(Equal.equals(john1, john2)) // Output: false

To ensure deep equality for arrays, use Schema.Data combined with Data.array:

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
import { Data, Equal } from "effect"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString,
hobbies: Schema.Data(Schema.Array(Schema.String))
}) {}
const john1 = new Person({
id: 1,
name: "John",
hobbies: Data.array(["reading", "coding"])
const john2 = new Person({
id: 1,
name: "John",
hobbies: Data.array(["reading", "coding"])
console.log(Equal.equals(john1, john2)) // Output: true
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
import { Data, Equal } from "effect"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString,
hobbies: Schema.Data(Schema.Array(Schema.String))
}) {}
const john1 = new Person({
id: 1,
name: "John",
hobbies: Data.array(["reading", "coding"])
const john2 = new Person({
id: 1,
name: "John",
hobbies: Data.array(["reading", "coding"])
console.log(Equal.equals(john1, john2)) // Output: true

Custom Getters and Methods

You have the flexibility to enhance schema classes with custom getters and methods.


import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {
// Custom getter to return the name in uppercase
get upperName() {
const john = new Person({ id: 1, name: "John" })
console.log(john.upperName) // Output: "JOHN"
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {
// Custom getter to return the name in uppercase
get upperName() {
const john = new Person({ id: 1, name: "John" })
console.log(john.upperName) // Output: "JOHN"

Using Classes as Schemas

When you define a class using Schema.Class, it not only creates a new class but also treats this class as a schema. This means the class can be utilized wherever a schema is expected.

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}
// Person can be used as a normal schema
const Persons = Schema.Array(Person)
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}
// Person can be used as a normal schema
const Persons = Schema.Array(Person)

The fields Property

The class also includes a fields static property, which outlines the fields defined during the class creation.

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}

Annotations and Transformations

A class that extends Schema.Class implicitly forms a schema transformation from a structured type to a class type. For instance, consider the following definition:

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {}

This class definition serves as a transformation from the following struct schema:

id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString

to a schema that represents the Person class.

Adding Annotations

There are two primary ways to add annotations depending on your requirements:

  1. Adding Annotations to the Struct Schema (the "from" part of the transformation):

    You can annotate the struct schema component, which is transformed into the class.

    import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
    class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")(
    id: Schema.Number,
    name: Schema.NonEmptyString
    }).annotations({ identifier: "From" })
    ) {}
    console.log(String(Person.ast)) // Output: (From <-> Person)
    import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
    class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")(
    id: Schema.Number,
    name: Schema.NonEmptyString
    }).annotations({ identifier: "From" })
    ) {}
    console.log(String(Person.ast)) // Output: (From <-> Person)
  2. Adding Annotations to the Class Schema (the "to" part of the transformation):

    Alternatively, annotations can be added directly to the class schema, affecting how the class is represented as a schema.

    import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
    class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")(
    id: Schema.Number,
    name: Schema.NonEmptyString
    { identifier: "To" }
    ) {}
    console.log(String(Person.ast)) // Output: (Person (Encoded side) <-> To)
    import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
    class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")(
    id: Schema.Number,
    name: Schema.NonEmptyString
    { identifier: "To" }
    ) {}
    console.log(String(Person.ast)) // Output: (Person (Encoded side) <-> To)

Recursive Schemas

The Schema.suspend combinator is useful when you need to define a schema that depends on itself, like in the case of recursive data structures. In this example, the Category schema depends on itself because it has a field subcategories that is an array of Category objects.

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Category extends Schema.Class<Category>("Category")({
name: Schema.String,
subcategories: Schema.Array(
Schema.suspend((): Schema.Schema<Category> => Category)
}) {}
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Category extends Schema.Class<Category>("Category")({
name: Schema.String,
subcategories: Schema.Array(
Schema.suspend((): Schema.Schema<Category> => Category)
}) {}

It is necessary to add an explicit type annotation because otherwise TypeScript would struggle to infer types correctly. Without this annotation, you might encounter the error message:

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Category extends Schema.Class<Category>("Category")({
'Category' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own base expression.2506'Category' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own base expression.
name: Schema.String,
subcategories: Schema.Array(Schema.suspend(() => Category))
Function implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions.7024Function implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions.
}) {}
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Category extends Schema.Class<Category>("Category")({
'Category' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own base expression.2506'Category' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own base expression.
name: Schema.String,
subcategories: Schema.Array(Schema.suspend(() => Category))
Function implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions.7024Function implicitly has return type 'any' because it does not have a return type annotation and is referenced directly or indirectly in one of its return expressions.
}) {}

Mutually Recursive Schemas

Here's an example of two mutually recursive schemas, Expression and Operation, that represent a simple arithmetic expression tree.

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Expression extends Schema.Class<Expression>("Expression")({
type: Schema.Literal("expression"),
value: Schema.Union(
Schema.suspend((): Schema.Schema<Operation> => Operation)
}) {}
class Operation extends Schema.Class<Operation>("Operation")({
type: Schema.Literal("operation"),
operator: Schema.Literal("+", "-"),
left: Expression,
right: Expression
}) {}
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Expression extends Schema.Class<Expression>("Expression")({
type: Schema.Literal("expression"),
value: Schema.Union(
Schema.suspend((): Schema.Schema<Operation> => Operation)
}) {}
class Operation extends Schema.Class<Operation>("Operation")({
type: Schema.Literal("operation"),
operator: Schema.Literal("+", "-"),
left: Expression,
right: Expression
}) {}

Recursive Types with Different Encoded and Type

Defining a recursive schema where the Encoded type differs from the Type type adds another layer of complexity. In such cases, we need to define an interface for the Encoded type.

Let's consider an example: suppose we want to add an id field to the Category schema, where the schema for id is NumberFromString. It's important to note that NumberFromString is a schema that transforms a string into a number, so the Type and Encoded types of NumberFromString differ, being number and string respectively. When we add this field to the Category schema, TypeScript raises an error:

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Category extends Schema.Class<Category>("Category")({
id: Schema.NumberFromString,
name: Schema.String,
subcategories: Schema.Array(
Schema.suspend((): Schema.Schema<Category> => Category)
Type 'typeof Category' is not assignable to type 'Schema<Category, Category, never>'. The types of '' are incompatible between these types. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.2322Type 'typeof Category' is not assignable to type 'Schema<Category, Category, never>'. The types of '' are incompatible between these types. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
}) {}
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Category extends Schema.Class<Category>("Category")({
id: Schema.NumberFromString,
name: Schema.String,
subcategories: Schema.Array(
Schema.suspend((): Schema.Schema<Category> => Category)
Type 'typeof Category' is not assignable to type 'Schema<Category, Category, never>'. The types of '' are incompatible between these types. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.2322Type 'typeof Category' is not assignable to type 'Schema<Category, Category, never>'. The types of '' are incompatible between these types. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
}) {}

This error occurs because the explicit annotation S.suspend((): S.Schema<Category> => Category is no longer sufficient and needs to be adjusted by explicitly adding the Encoded type:

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
interface CategoryEncoded {
readonly id: string
readonly name: string
readonly subcategories: ReadonlyArray<CategoryEncoded>
class Category extends Schema.Class<Category>("Category")({
id: Schema.NumberFromString,
name: Schema.String,
subcategories: Schema.Array(
Schema.suspend((): Schema.Schema<Category, CategoryEncoded> => Category)
}) {}
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
interface CategoryEncoded {
readonly id: string
readonly name: string
readonly subcategories: ReadonlyArray<CategoryEncoded>
class Category extends Schema.Class<Category>("Category")({
id: Schema.NumberFromString,
name: Schema.String,
subcategories: Schema.Array(
Schema.suspend((): Schema.Schema<Category, CategoryEncoded> => Category)
}) {}

As we've observed, it's necessary to define an interface for the Encoded of the schema to enable recursive schema definition, which can complicate things and be quite tedious. One pattern to mitigate this is to separate the field responsible for recursion from all other fields.

import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
const fields = {
id: Schema.NumberFromString,
name: Schema.String
// ...possibly other fields
interface CategoryEncoded extends Schema.Struct.Encoded<typeof fields> {
// Define `subcategories` using recursion
readonly subcategories: ReadonlyArray<CategoryEncoded>
class Category extends Schema.Class<Category>("Category")({
...fields, // Include the fields
subcategories: Schema.Array(
// Define `subcategories` using recursion
Schema.suspend((): Schema.Schema<Category, CategoryEncoded> => Category)
}) {}
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
const fields = {
id: Schema.NumberFromString,
name: Schema.String
// ...possibly other fields
interface CategoryEncoded extends Schema.Struct.Encoded<typeof fields> {
// Define `subcategories` using recursion
readonly subcategories: ReadonlyArray<CategoryEncoded>
class Category extends Schema.Class<Category>("Category")({
...fields, // Include the fields
subcategories: Schema.Array(
// Define `subcategories` using recursion
Schema.suspend((): Schema.Schema<Category, CategoryEncoded> => Category)
}) {}

Tagged Class variants

You can also create classes that extend TaggedClass and TaggedError from the effect/Data module.


import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class TaggedPerson extends Schema.TaggedClass<TaggedPerson>()(
name: Schema.String
) {}
class HttpError extends Schema.TaggedError<HttpError>()("HttpError", {
status: Schema.Number
}) {}
const joe = new TaggedPerson({ name: "Joe" })
console.log(joe._tag) // "TaggedPerson"
const error = new HttpError({ status: 404 })
console.log(error._tag) // "HttpError"
console.log(error.stack) // access the stack trace
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class TaggedPerson extends Schema.TaggedClass<TaggedPerson>()(
name: Schema.String
) {}
class HttpError extends Schema.TaggedError<HttpError>()("HttpError", {
status: Schema.Number
}) {}
const joe = new TaggedPerson({ name: "Joe" })
console.log(joe._tag) // "TaggedPerson"
const error = new HttpError({ status: 404 })
console.log(error._tag) // "HttpError"
console.log(error.stack) // access the stack trace

Extending existing Classes

In situations where you need to augment your existing class with more fields, the built-in extend static utility comes in handy.


import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {
get upperName() {
class PersonWithAge extends Person.extend<PersonWithAge>("PersonWithAge")({
age: Schema.Number
}) {
get isAdult() {
return this.age >= 18
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.NonEmptyString
}) {
get upperName() {
class PersonWithAge extends Person.extend<PersonWithAge>("PersonWithAge")({
age: Schema.Number
}) {
get isAdult() {
return this.age >= 18


You have the option to enhance a class with (effectful) transformations. This becomes valuable when you want to enrich or validate an entity sourced from a data store.

import { Schema, ParseResult } from "@effect/schema"
import { Effect, Option } from "effect"
export class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.String
}) {}
console.log(Schema.decodeUnknownSync(Person)({ id: 1, name: "name" }))
Person { id: 1, name: 'name' }
function getAge(id: number): Effect.Effect<number, Error> {
return Effect.succeed(id + 2)
export class PersonWithTransform extends Person.transformOrFail<PersonWithTransform>(
age: Schema.optionalWith(Schema.Number, { exact: true, as: "Option" })
decode: (input) =>
Effect.mapBoth(getAge(, {
onFailure: (e) =>
new ParseResult.Type(Schema.String.ast,, e.message),
// must return { age: Option<number> }
onSuccess: (age) => ({ ...input, age: Option.some(age) })
encode: ParseResult.succeed
) {}
id: 1,
name: "name"
PersonWithTransform {
id: 1,
name: 'name',
age: { _id: 'Option', _tag: 'Some', value: 3 }
export class PersonWithTransformFrom extends Person.transformOrFailFrom<PersonWithTransformFrom>(
age: Schema.optionalWith(Schema.Number, { exact: true, as: "Option" })
decode: (input) =>
Effect.mapBoth(getAge(, {
onFailure: (e) =>
new ParseResult.Type(Schema.String.ast, input, e.message),
// must return { age?: number }
onSuccess: (age) => (age > 18 ? { ...input, age } : { ...input })
encode: ParseResult.succeed
) {}
id: 1,
name: "name"
PersonWithTransformFrom {
id: 1,
name: 'name',
age: { _id: 'Option', _tag: 'None' }
import { Schema, ParseResult } from "@effect/schema"
import { Effect, Option } from "effect"
export class Person extends Schema.Class<Person>("Person")({
id: Schema.Number,
name: Schema.String
}) {}
console.log(Schema.decodeUnknownSync(Person)({ id: 1, name: "name" }))
Person { id: 1, name: 'name' }
function getAge(id: number): Effect.Effect<number, Error> {
return Effect.succeed(id + 2)
export class PersonWithTransform extends Person.transformOrFail<PersonWithTransform>(
age: Schema.optionalWith(Schema.Number, { exact: true, as: "Option" })
decode: (input) =>
Effect.mapBoth(getAge(, {
onFailure: (e) =>
new ParseResult.Type(Schema.String.ast,, e.message),
// must return { age: Option<number> }
onSuccess: (age) => ({ ...input, age: Option.some(age) })
encode: ParseResult.succeed
) {}
id: 1,
name: "name"
PersonWithTransform {
id: 1,
name: 'name',
age: { _id: 'Option', _tag: 'Some', value: 3 }
export class PersonWithTransformFrom extends Person.transformOrFailFrom<PersonWithTransformFrom>(
age: Schema.optionalWith(Schema.Number, { exact: true, as: "Option" })
decode: (input) =>
Effect.mapBoth(getAge(, {
onFailure: (e) =>
new ParseResult.Type(Schema.String.ast, input, e.message),
// must return { age?: number }
onSuccess: (age) => (age > 18 ? { ...input, age } : { ...input })
encode: ParseResult.succeed
) {}
id: 1,
name: "name"
PersonWithTransformFrom {
id: 1,
name: 'name',
age: { _id: 'Option', _tag: 'None' }

The decision of which API to use, either transformOrFail or transformOrFailFrom, depends on when you wish to execute the transformation:

  1. Using transformOrFail:

    • The transformation occurs at the end of the process.
    • It expects you to provide a value of type { age: Option<number> }.
    • After processing the initial input, the new transformation comes into play, and you need to ensure the final output adheres to the specified structure.
  2. Using transformOrFailFrom:

    • The new transformation starts as soon as the initial input is handled.
    • You should provide a value { age?: number }.
    • Based on this fresh input, the subsequent transformation { age: Schema.optionalToOption(S.Number, { exact: true }) } is executed.
    • This approach allows for immediate handling of the input, potentially influencing the subsequent transformations.