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Occasionally, you may need to derive a new schema from an existing one, specifically targeting either its Type or Encoded portion. The @effect/schema library provides several APIs to support this functionality.


The Schema.typeSchema function allows you to extract the Type portion of a schema, creating a new schema that conforms to the properties defined in the original schema without considering the initial encoding or transformation processes.

Function Signature

declare const typeSchema: <A, I, R>(schema: Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema<A>
declare const typeSchema: <A, I, R>(schema: Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema<A>


import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
const original = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.NumberFromString.pipe(Schema.greaterThanOrEqualTo(2))
// This creates a schema where 'foo' is strictly a number
// that must be greater than or equal to 2.
const resultingTypeSchema = Schema.typeSchema(original)
// resultingTypeSchema is the same as:
const resultingTypeSchema2 = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.Number.pipe(Schema.greaterThanOrEqualTo(2))
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
const original = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.NumberFromString.pipe(Schema.greaterThanOrEqualTo(2))
// This creates a schema where 'foo' is strictly a number
// that must be greater than or equal to 2.
const resultingTypeSchema = Schema.typeSchema(original)
// resultingTypeSchema is the same as:
const resultingTypeSchema2 = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.Number.pipe(Schema.greaterThanOrEqualTo(2))

In this example:

  • Original Schema: The schema for foo is initially defined to accept a number from a string and enforce that it is greater than or equal to 2.
  • Resulting Type Schema: The Schema.typeSchema function extracts only the type-related information from foo, simplifying it to just a number while still maintaining the constraint that it must be greater than or equal to 2.


The Schema.encodedSchema function allows you to extract the Encoded portion of a schema, creating a new schema that conforms to the properties defined in the original schema without retaining any refinements or transformations that were applied previously.

Function Signature

declare const encodedSchema: <A, I, R>(schema: Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema<I>
declare const encodedSchema: <A, I, R>(schema: Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema<I>


import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
const original = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.String.pipe(Schema.minLength(3))
// resultingEncodedSchema simplifies 'foo' to just a string,
// disregarding the minLength refinement.
const resultingEncodedSchema = Schema.encodedSchema(original)
// resultingEncodedSchema is the same as:
const resultingEncodedSchema2 = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.String
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
const original = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.String.pipe(Schema.minLength(3))
// resultingEncodedSchema simplifies 'foo' to just a string,
// disregarding the minLength refinement.
const resultingEncodedSchema = Schema.encodedSchema(original)
// resultingEncodedSchema is the same as:
const resultingEncodedSchema2 = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.String

In this example:

  • Original Schema Definition: The foo field in the schema is defined as a string with a minimum length of three characters.
  • Resulting Encoded Schema: The encodedSchema function simplifies the foo field to just a string type, effectively stripping away the minLength refinement.


The Schema.encodedBoundSchema function is similar to Schema.encodedSchema but preserves the refinements up to the first transformation point in the original schema.

Function Signature

declare const encodedBoundSchema: <A, I, R>(
schema: Schema<A, I, R>
) => Schema<I>
declare const encodedBoundSchema: <A, I, R>(
schema: Schema<A, I, R>
) => Schema<I>

The term "bound" in this context refers to the boundary up to which refinements are preserved when extracting the encoded form of a schema. It essentially marks the limit to which initial validations and structure are maintained before any transformations are applied.


import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
const original = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.String.pipe(Schema.minLength(3), Schema.compose(Schema.Trim))
// The resultingEncodedBoundSchema preserves the minLength(3) refinement,
// ensuring the string length condition is enforced but omits the Trim transformation.
const resultingEncodedBoundSchema = Schema.encodedBoundSchema(original)
// resultingEncodedBoundSchema is the same as:
const resultingEncodedBoundSchema2 = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.String.pipe(Schema.minLength(3))
import { Schema } from "@effect/schema"
const original = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.String.pipe(Schema.minLength(3), Schema.compose(Schema.Trim))
// The resultingEncodedBoundSchema preserves the minLength(3) refinement,
// ensuring the string length condition is enforced but omits the Trim transformation.
const resultingEncodedBoundSchema = Schema.encodedBoundSchema(original)
// resultingEncodedBoundSchema is the same as:
const resultingEncodedBoundSchema2 = Schema.Struct({
foo: Schema.String.pipe(Schema.minLength(3))

In the provided example:

  • Initial Schema: The schema for foo includes a refinement to ensure strings have a minimum length of three characters and a transformation to trim the string.
  • Resulting Schema: resultingEncodedBoundSchema maintains the Schema.minLength(3) condition, ensuring that this validation persists. However, it excludes the trimming transformation, focusing solely on the length requirement without altering the string's formatting.