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Tracing in Effect

Although logs and metrics are useful to understand the behavior of individual services, they are not enough to provide a complete overview of the lifetime of a request in a distributed system.

In a distributed system, a request can span multiple services and each service can make multiple requests to other services to fulfill the request. In such a scenario, we need to have a way to track the lifetime of a request across multiple services to diagnose what services are the bottlenecks and where the request is spending most of its time.

A span represents a single unit of work or operation within a request. It provides a detailed view of what happened during the execution of that specific operation.

Each span typically contains the following information:

Span ComponentDescription
NameDescribes the specific operation being tracked.
Timing DataTimestamps indicating when the operation started and its duration.
Log MessagesStructured logs capturing important events during the operation.
AttributesMetadata providing additional context about the operation.

Spans are key building blocks in tracing, helping you visualize and understand the flow of requests through various services.

A trace records the paths taken by requests (made by an application or end-user) as they propagate through multi-service architectures, like microservice and serverless applications.

Without tracing, it is challenging to pinpoint the cause of performance problems in a distributed system.

A trace is made of one or more spans. The first span represents the root span. Each root span represents a request from start to finish. The spans underneath the parent provide a more in-depth context of what occurs during a request (or what steps make up a request).

Many Observability back-ends visualize traces as waterfall diagrams that may look something like this:

Trace Waterfall Diagram

Waterfall diagrams show the parent-child relationship between a root span and its child spans. When a span encapsulates another span, this also represents a nested relationship.

You can add tracing to an effect by creating a span using the Effect.withSpan API. This helps you track specific operations within the effect.

Example (Adding a Span to an Effect)

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
// Define an effect that delays for 100 milliseconds
const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Effect




const void: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
export void

Represents an effect that does nothing and produces no value.

When to Use

Use this effect when you need to represent an effect that does nothing. This is useful in scenarios where you need to satisfy an effect-based interface or control program flow without performing any operations. For example, it can be used in situations where you want to return an effect from a function but do not need to compute or return any result.


Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const delay: (duration: DurationInput) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R> (+1 overload)

Delays the execution of an effect by a specified Duration.


This function postpones the execution of the provided effect by the specified duration. The duration can be provided in various formats supported by the Duration module.

Internally, this function does not block the thread; instead, it uses an efficient, non-blocking mechanism to introduce the delay.


import { Console, Effect } from "effect"
const task = Console.log("Task executed")
const program = Console.log("start").pipe(
// Delays the log message by 2 seconds
task.pipe(Effect.delay("2 seconds"))
// Effect.runFork(program)
// Output:
// start
// Task executed


("100 millis"))
// Instrument the effect with a span for tracing
const instrumented: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const withSpan: (name: string, options?: SpanOptions | undefined) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, ParentSpan>> (+1 overload)

Wraps the effect with a new span for tracing.



Instrumenting an effect with a span does not change its type. If you start with an Effect<A, E, R>, the result remains an Effect<A, E, R>.

To print spans for debugging or analysis, you’ll need to install the required tracing tools. Here’s how to set them up for your project.

Choose your package manager and install the necessary libraries:

Terminal window
# Install the main library for integrating OpenTelemetry with Effect
npm install @effect/opentelemetry
# Install the required OpenTelemetry SDKs for tracing and metrics
npm install @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base
npm install @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node
npm install @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-web
npm install @opentelemetry/sdk-metrics

Once the dependencies are installed, you can set up span printing using OpenTelemetry. Here’s an example showing how to print a span for an effect.

Example (Setting Up and Printing a Span)

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
import {
import NodeSdk
} from "@effect/opentelemetry"
import {
class ConsoleSpanExporter

This is implementation of


that prints spans to the console. This class can be used for diagnostic purposes.

NOTE: This


is intended for diagnostics use only, output rendered to the console may change at any time.

class BatchSpanProcessor
} from "@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base"
// Define an effect that delays for 100 milliseconds
const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Effect




const void: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
export void

Represents an effect that does nothing and produces no value.

When to Use

Use this effect when you need to represent an effect that does nothing. This is useful in scenarios where you need to satisfy an effect-based interface or control program flow without performing any operations. For example, it can be used in situations where you want to return an effect from a function but do not need to compute or return any result.


Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const delay: (duration: DurationInput) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R> (+1 overload)

Delays the execution of an effect by a specified Duration.


This function postpones the execution of the provided effect by the specified duration. The duration can be provided in various formats supported by the Duration module.

Internally, this function does not block the thread; instead, it uses an efficient, non-blocking mechanism to introduce the delay.


import { Console, Effect } from "effect"
const task = Console.log("Task executed")
const program = Console.log("start").pipe(
// Delays the log message by 2 seconds
task.pipe(Effect.delay("2 seconds"))
// Effect.runFork(program)
// Output:
// start
// Task executed


("100 millis"))
// Instrument the effect with a span for tracing
const instrumented: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const withSpan: (name: string, options?: SpanOptions | undefined) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, ParentSpan>> (+1 overload)

Wraps the effect with a new span for tracing.


// Set up tracing with the OpenTelemetry SDK
const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
import NodeSdk
const layer: (evaluate: LazyArg<NodeSdk.Configuration>) => Layer<Resource> (+1 overload)


(() => ({
Configuration.resource?: {
readonly serviceName: string;
readonly serviceVersion?: string;
readonly attributes?: ResourceAttributes;
} | undefined
: {
serviceName: string
: "example" },
// Export span data to the console
Configuration.spanProcessor?: SpanProcessor | readonly SpanProcessor[] | undefined
: new
new BatchSpanProcessor<BufferConfig>(_exporter: SpanExporter, config?: BufferConfig | undefined): BatchSpanProcessor
new ConsoleSpanExporter(): ConsoleSpanExporter

This is implementation of


that prints spans to the console. This class can be used for diagnostic purposes.

NOTE: This


is intended for diagnostics use only, output rendered to the console may change at any time.

// Run the effect, providing the tracing layer
import Effect




const runPromise: <void, never>(effect: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<void>

Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

@seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output: 1


//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


const instrumented: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const provide: <Resource, never, never>(layer: Layer<Resource, never, never>) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, Resource>> (+9 overloads)

Provides necessary dependencies to an effect, removing its environmental requirements.


This function allows you to supply the required environment for an effect. The environment can be provided in the form of one or more Layers, a Context, a Runtime, or a ManagedRuntime. Once the environment is provided, the effect can run without requiring external dependencies.

You can compose layers to create a modular and reusable way of setting up the environment for effects. For example, layers can be used to configure databases, logging services, or any other required dependencies.

@seeprovideService for providing a service to an effect.


import { Context, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
class Database extends Context.Tag("Database")<
{ readonly query: (sql: string) => Effect.Effect<Array<unknown>> }
>() {}
const DatabaseLive = Layer.succeed(
// Simulate a database query
query: (sql: string) => Effect.log(`Executing query: ${sql}`).pipe([]))
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, Database>
// ▼
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
const database = yield* Database
const result = yield* database.query("SELECT * FROM users")
return result
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, never>
// ▼
const runnable = Effect.provide(program, DatabaseLive)
// Effect.runPromise(runnable).then(console.log)
// Output:
// timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="Executing query: SELECT * FROM users"
// []


const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
Example Output:
resource: {
attributes: {
'': 'example',
'telemetry.sdk.language': 'nodejs',
'': '@effect/opentelemetry',
'telemetry.sdk.version': '1.28.0'
instrumentationScope: { name: 'example', version: undefined, schemaUrl: undefined },
traceId: '673c06608bd815f7a75bf897ef87e186',
parentId: undefined,
traceState: undefined,
name: 'myspan',
id: '401b2846170cd17b',
kind: 0,
timestamp: 1733220735529855.5,
duration: 102079.958,
attributes: {},
status: { code: 1 },
events: [],
links: []

The output provides detailed information about the span:

traceIdA unique identifier for the entire trace, helping trace requests or operations as they move through an application.
parentIdIdentifies the parent span of the current span, marked as undefined in the output when there is no parent span, making it a root span.
nameDescribes the name of the span, indicating the operation being tracked (e.g., “myspan”).
idA unique identifier for the current span, distinguishing it from other spans within a trace.
timestampA timestamp representing when the span started, measured in microseconds since the Unix epoch.
durationSpecifies the duration of the span, representing the time taken to complete the operation (e.g., 2895.769 microseconds).
attributesSpans may contain attributes, which are key-value pairs providing additional context or information about the operation. In this output, it’s an empty object, indicating no specific attributes in this span.
statusThe status field provides information about the span’s status. In this case, it has a code of 1, which typically indicates an OK status (whereas a code of 2 signifies an ERROR status)
eventsSpans can include events, which are records of specific moments during the span’s lifecycle. In this output, it’s an empty array, suggesting no specific events recorded.
linksLinks can be used to associate this span with other spans in different traces. In the output, it’s an empty array, indicating no specific links for this span.

Here’s how a span looks when the effect encounters an error:

Example (Span for an Effect that Fails)

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
import {
import NodeSdk
} from "@effect/opentelemetry"
import {
class ConsoleSpanExporter

This is implementation of


that prints spans to the console. This class can be used for diagnostic purposes.

NOTE: This


is intended for diagnostics use only, output rendered to the console may change at any time.

class BatchSpanProcessor
} from "@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base"
const program: Effect.Effect<never, string, never>
import Effect




const fail: <string>(error: string) => Effect.Effect<never, string, never>

Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.

When to Use

Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with functions like





@seesucceed to create an effect that represents a successful value.


// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
const failure =
new Error("Operation failed due to network error")


("Oh no!").
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<never, string, never>, Effect.Effect<never, string, never>, Effect.Effect<never, string, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<never, string, never>) => Effect.Effect<...>, bc: (_: Effect.Effect<...>) => Effect.Effect<...>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const delay: (duration: DurationInput) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R> (+1 overload)

Delays the execution of an effect by a specified Duration.


This function postpones the execution of the provided effect by the specified duration. The duration can be provided in various formats supported by the Duration module.

Internally, this function does not block the thread; instead, it uses an efficient, non-blocking mechanism to introduce the delay.


import { Console, Effect } from "effect"
const task = Console.log("Task executed")
const program = Console.log("start").pipe(
// Delays the log message by 2 seconds
task.pipe(Effect.delay("2 seconds"))
// Effect.runFork(program)
// Output:
// start
// Task executed


("100 millis"),
import Effect




const withSpan: (name: string, options?: SpanOptions | undefined) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, ParentSpan>> (+1 overload)

Wraps the effect with a new span for tracing.


const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
import NodeSdk
const layer: (evaluate: LazyArg<NodeSdk.Configuration>) => Layer<Resource> (+1 overload)


(() => ({
Configuration.resource?: {
readonly serviceName: string;
readonly serviceVersion?: string;
readonly attributes?: ResourceAttributes;
} | undefined
: {
serviceName: string
: "example" },
Configuration.spanProcessor?: SpanProcessor | readonly SpanProcessor[] | undefined
: new
new BatchSpanProcessor<BufferConfig>(_exporter: SpanExporter, config?: BufferConfig | undefined): BatchSpanProcessor
new ConsoleSpanExporter(): ConsoleSpanExporter

This is implementation of


that prints spans to the console. This class can be used for diagnostic purposes.

NOTE: This


is intended for diagnostics use only, output rendered to the console may change at any time.

import Effect




const runPromiseExit: <never, string>(effect: Effect.Effect<never, string, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<Exit<never, string>>

Runs an effect and returns a Promise that resolves to an Exit, representing the outcome.


This function executes an effect and resolves to an Exit object. The Exit type provides detailed information about the result of the effect:

  • If the effect succeeds, the Exit will be of type Success and include the value produced by the effect.
  • If the effect fails, the Exit will be of type Failure and contain a Cause object, detailing the failure.

Using this function allows you to examine both successful results and failure cases in a unified way, while still leveraging Promise for handling the asynchronous behavior of the effect.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to understand the outcome of an effect, whether it succeeded or failed, and want to work with this result using Promise syntax. This is particularly useful when integrating with systems that rely on promises but need more detailed error handling than a simple rejection.


// Title: Handling Results as Exit
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Execute a successful effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
// Effect.runPromiseExit(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output:
// {
// _id: "Exit",
// _tag: "Success",
// value: 1
// }
// Execute a failing effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
// Effect.runPromiseExit("my error")).then(console.log)
// Output:
// {
// _id: "Exit",
// _tag: "Failure",
// cause: {
// _id: "Cause",
// _tag: "Fail",
// failure: "my error"
// }
// }


const program: Effect.Effect<never, string, never>
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<never, string, never>, Effect.Effect<never, string, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<never, string, never>) => Effect.Effect<never, string, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const provide: <Resource, never, never>(layer: Layer<Resource, never, never>) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, Resource>> (+9 overloads)

Provides necessary dependencies to an effect, removing its environmental requirements.


This function allows you to supply the required environment for an effect. The environment can be provided in the form of one or more Layers, a Context, a Runtime, or a ManagedRuntime. Once the environment is provided, the effect can run without requiring external dependencies.

You can compose layers to create a modular and reusable way of setting up the environment for effects. For example, layers can be used to configure databases, logging services, or any other required dependencies.

@seeprovideService for providing a service to an effect.


import { Context, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
class Database extends Context.Tag("Database")<
{ readonly query: (sql: string) => Effect.Effect<Array<unknown>> }
>() {}
const DatabaseLive = Layer.succeed(
// Simulate a database query
query: (sql: string) => Effect.log(`Executing query: ${sql}`).pipe([]))
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, Database>
// ▼
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
const database = yield* Database
const result = yield* database.query("SELECT * FROM users")
return result
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, never>
// ▼
const runnable = Effect.provide(program, DatabaseLive)
// Effect.runPromise(runnable).then(console.log)
// Output:
// timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="Executing query: SELECT * FROM users"
// []


const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
Promise<Exit<never, string>>.then<void, never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: Exit<never, string>) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => PromiseLike<never>) | null | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


Example Output:
resource: {
attributes: {
'': 'example',
'telemetry.sdk.language': 'nodejs',
'': '@effect/opentelemetry',
'telemetry.sdk.version': '1.28.0'
instrumentationScope: { name: 'example', version: undefined, schemaUrl: undefined },
traceId: 'eee9619866179f209b7aae277283e71f',
parentId: undefined,
traceState: undefined,
name: 'myspan',
id: '3a5725c91884c9e1',
kind: 0,
timestamp: 1733220830575626,
duration: 106578.042,
attributes: {
'code.stacktrace': 'at <anonymous> (/Users/giuliocanti/Documents/GitHub/website/content/dev/index.ts:10:10)'
status: { code: 2, message: 'Oh no!' },
events: [
name: 'exception',
attributes: {
'exception.type': 'Error',
'exception.message': 'Oh no!',
'exception.stacktrace': 'Error: Oh no!'
time: [ 1733220830, 682204083 ],
droppedAttributesCount: 0
links: []
_id: 'Exit',
_tag: 'Failure',
cause: { _id: 'Cause', _tag: 'Fail', failure: 'Oh no!' }

In this example, the span’s status code is 2, indicating an error. The message in the status provides more details about the failure.

You can provide extra information to a span by utilizing the Effect.annotateCurrentSpan function. This function allows you to attach key-value pairs, offering more context about the execution of the span.

Example (Annotating a Span)

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
import {
import NodeSdk
} from "@effect/opentelemetry"
import {
class ConsoleSpanExporter

This is implementation of


that prints spans to the console. This class can be used for diagnostic purposes.

NOTE: This


is intended for diagnostics use only, output rendered to the console may change at any time.

class BatchSpanProcessor
} from "@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base"
const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Effect




const void: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
export void

Represents an effect that does nothing and produces no value.

When to Use

Use this effect when you need to represent an effect that does nothing. This is useful in scenarios where you need to satisfy an effect-based interface or control program flow without performing any operations. For example, it can be used in situations where you want to return an effect from a function but do not need to compute or return any result.


Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<...>) => Effect.Effect<...>, bc: (_: Effect.Effect<...>) => Effect.Effect<...>, cd: (_: Effect.Effect<...>) => Effect.Effect<...>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const delay: (duration: DurationInput) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R> (+1 overload)

Delays the execution of an effect by a specified Duration.


This function postpones the execution of the provided effect by the specified duration. The duration can be provided in various formats supported by the Duration module.

Internally, this function does not block the thread; instead, it uses an efficient, non-blocking mechanism to introduce the delay.


import { Console, Effect } from "effect"
const task = Console.log("Task executed")
const program = Console.log("start").pipe(
// Delays the log message by 2 seconds
task.pipe(Effect.delay("2 seconds"))
// Effect.runFork(program)
// Output:
// start
// Task executed


("100 millis"),
// Annotate the span with a key-value pair
import Effect




const tap: <void, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(f: (a: void) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => <E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<void, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+7 overloads)

Runs a side effect with the result of an effect without changing the original value.


This function works similarly to flatMap, but it ignores the result of the function passed to it. The value from the previous effect remains available for the next part of the chain. Note that if the side effect fails, the entire chain will fail too.

When to Use

Use this function when you want to perform a side effect, like logging or tracking, without modifying the main value. This is useful when you need to observe or record an action but want the original value to be passed to the next step.

@seeflatMap for a version that allows you to change the value.


// Title: Logging a step in a pipeline
import { Console, Effect, pipe } from "effect"
// Function to apply a discount safely to a transaction amount
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
// Simulated asynchronous task to fetch a transaction amount from database
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const finalAmount = pipe(
// Log the fetched transaction amount
Effect.tap((amount) => Console.log(`Apply a discount to: ${amount}`)),
// `amount` is still available!
Effect.flatMap((amount) => applyDiscount(amount, 5))
// Effect.runPromise(finalAmount).then(console.log)
// Output:
// Apply a discount to: 100
// 95


(() =>
import Effect




const annotateCurrentSpan: (key: string, value: unknown) => Effect.Effect<void> (+1 overload)

Adds annotations to the currently active span for traceability.


This function adds key-value annotations to the currently active span in the effect's trace. These annotations help provide more context about the operation being executed at a specific point in time. Unlike


, which applies to all spans in an effect, this function focuses solely on the active span.

You can either pass a single key-value pair or a record of key-value pairs to annotate the span. These annotations are useful for adding metadata to operations, especially in systems with detailed observability requirements.


("key", "value")),
// Wrap the effect in a span named 'myspan'
import Effect




const withSpan: (name: string, options?: SpanOptions | undefined) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, ParentSpan>> (+1 overload)

Wraps the effect with a new span for tracing.


// Set up tracing with the OpenTelemetry SDK
const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
import NodeSdk
const layer: (evaluate: LazyArg<NodeSdk.Configuration>) => Layer<Resource> (+1 overload)


(() => ({
Configuration.resource?: {
readonly serviceName: string;
readonly serviceVersion?: string;
readonly attributes?: ResourceAttributes;
} | undefined
: {
serviceName: string
: "example" },
Configuration.spanProcessor?: SpanProcessor | readonly SpanProcessor[] | undefined
: new
new BatchSpanProcessor<BufferConfig>(_exporter: SpanExporter, config?: BufferConfig | undefined): BatchSpanProcessor
new ConsoleSpanExporter(): ConsoleSpanExporter

This is implementation of


that prints spans to the console. This class can be used for diagnostic purposes.

NOTE: This


is intended for diagnostics use only, output rendered to the console may change at any time.

// Run the effect, providing the tracing layer
import Effect




const runPromise: <void, never>(effect: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<void>

Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

@seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output: 1


//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const provide: <Resource, never, never>(layer: Layer<Resource, never, never>) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, Resource>> (+9 overloads)

Provides necessary dependencies to an effect, removing its environmental requirements.


This function allows you to supply the required environment for an effect. The environment can be provided in the form of one or more Layers, a Context, a Runtime, or a ManagedRuntime. Once the environment is provided, the effect can run without requiring external dependencies.

You can compose layers to create a modular and reusable way of setting up the environment for effects. For example, layers can be used to configure databases, logging services, or any other required dependencies.

@seeprovideService for providing a service to an effect.


import { Context, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
class Database extends Context.Tag("Database")<
{ readonly query: (sql: string) => Effect.Effect<Array<unknown>> }
>() {}
const DatabaseLive = Layer.succeed(
// Simulate a database query
query: (sql: string) => Effect.log(`Executing query: ${sql}`).pipe([]))
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, Database>
// ▼
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
const database = yield* Database
const result = yield* database.query("SELECT * FROM users")
return result
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, never>
// ▼
const runnable = Effect.provide(program, DatabaseLive)
// Effect.runPromise(runnable).then(console.log)
// Output:
// timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="Executing query: SELECT * FROM users"
// []


const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
Example Output:
resource: {
attributes: {
'': 'example',
'telemetry.sdk.language': 'nodejs',
'': '@effect/opentelemetry',
'telemetry.sdk.version': '1.28.0'
instrumentationScope: { name: 'example', version: undefined, schemaUrl: undefined },
traceId: 'c8120e01c0f1ea83ccc1d388e5cdebd3',
parentId: undefined,
traceState: undefined,
name: 'myspan',
id: '81c430ba4979f1db',
kind: 0,
timestamp: 1733220874356084,
duration: 102821.417,
attributes: { key: 'value' },
status: { code: 1 },
events: [],
links: []

In the context of tracing, logs are converted into “Span Events.” These events offer structured insights into your application’s activities and provide a timeline of when specific operations occurred.

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
import {
import NodeSdk
} from "@effect/opentelemetry"
import {
class ConsoleSpanExporter

This is implementation of


that prints spans to the console. This class can be used for diagnostic purposes.

NOTE: This


is intended for diagnostics use only, output rendered to the console may change at any time.

class BatchSpanProcessor
} from "@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base"
// Define a program that logs a message and delays for 100 milliseconds
const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Effect




const log: (...message: ReadonlyArray<any>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>

Logs one or more messages or error causes at the current log level.


This function provides a simple way to log messages or error causes during the execution of your effects. By default, logs are recorded at the INFO level, but this can be adjusted using other logging utilities (Logger.withMinimumLogLevel). Multiple items, including Cause instances, can be logged in a single call. When logging Cause instances, detailed error information is included in the log output.

The log output includes useful metadata like the current timestamp, log level, and fiber ID, making it suitable for debugging and tracking purposes. This function does not interrupt or alter the effect's execution flow.


import { Cause, Effect } from "effect"
const program = Effect.log(
Cause.die("Oh no!"),
Cause.die("Oh uh!")
// Effect.runFork(program)
// Output:
// timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=message1 message=message2 cause="Error: Oh no!
// Error: Oh uh!"


Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<...>, bc: (_: Effect.Effect<...>) => Effect.Effect<...>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const delay: (duration: DurationInput) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R> (+1 overload)

Delays the execution of an effect by a specified Duration.


This function postpones the execution of the provided effect by the specified duration. The duration can be provided in various formats supported by the Duration module.

Internally, this function does not block the thread; instead, it uses an efficient, non-blocking mechanism to introduce the delay.


import { Console, Effect } from "effect"
const task = Console.log("Task executed")
const program = Console.log("start").pipe(
// Delays the log message by 2 seconds
task.pipe(Effect.delay("2 seconds"))
// Effect.runFork(program)
// Output:
// start
// Task executed


("100 millis"),
import Effect




const withSpan: (name: string, options?: SpanOptions | undefined) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, ParentSpan>> (+1 overload)

Wraps the effect with a new span for tracing.


// Set up tracing with the OpenTelemetry SDK
const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
import NodeSdk
const layer: (evaluate: LazyArg<NodeSdk.Configuration>) => Layer<Resource> (+1 overload)


(() => ({
Configuration.resource?: {
readonly serviceName: string;
readonly serviceVersion?: string;
readonly attributes?: ResourceAttributes;
} | undefined
: {
serviceName: string
: "example" },
Configuration.spanProcessor?: SpanProcessor | readonly SpanProcessor[] | undefined
: new
new BatchSpanProcessor<BufferConfig>(_exporter: SpanExporter, config?: BufferConfig | undefined): BatchSpanProcessor
new ConsoleSpanExporter(): ConsoleSpanExporter

This is implementation of


that prints spans to the console. This class can be used for diagnostic purposes.

NOTE: This


is intended for diagnostics use only, output rendered to the console may change at any time.

// Run the effect, providing the tracing layer
import Effect




const runPromise: <void, never>(effect: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<void>

Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

@seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output: 1


//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const provide: <Resource, never, never>(layer: Layer<Resource, never, never>) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, Resource>> (+9 overloads)

Provides necessary dependencies to an effect, removing its environmental requirements.


This function allows you to supply the required environment for an effect. The environment can be provided in the form of one or more Layers, a Context, a Runtime, or a ManagedRuntime. Once the environment is provided, the effect can run without requiring external dependencies.

You can compose layers to create a modular and reusable way of setting up the environment for effects. For example, layers can be used to configure databases, logging services, or any other required dependencies.

@seeprovideService for providing a service to an effect.


import { Context, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
class Database extends Context.Tag("Database")<
{ readonly query: (sql: string) => Effect.Effect<Array<unknown>> }
>() {}
const DatabaseLive = Layer.succeed(
// Simulate a database query
query: (sql: string) => Effect.log(`Executing query: ${sql}`).pipe([]))
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, Database>
// ▼
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
const database = yield* Database
const result = yield* database.query("SELECT * FROM users")
return result
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, never>
// ▼
const runnable = Effect.provide(program, DatabaseLive)
// Effect.runPromise(runnable).then(console.log)
// Output:
// timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="Executing query: SELECT * FROM users"
// []


const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
Example Output:
resource: {
attributes: {
'': 'example',
'telemetry.sdk.language': 'nodejs',
'': '@effect/opentelemetry',
'telemetry.sdk.version': '1.28.0'
instrumentationScope: { name: 'example', version: undefined, schemaUrl: undefined },
traceId: 'b0f4f012b5b13c0a040f7002a1d7b020',
parentId: undefined,
traceState: undefined,
name: 'myspan',
id: 'b9ba8472002715a8',
kind: 0,
timestamp: 1733220905504162.2,
duration: 103790,
attributes: {},
status: { code: 1 },
events: [
name: 'Hello',
attributes: { 'effect.fiberId': '#0', 'effect.logLevel': 'INFO' }, // Log attributes
time: [ 1733220905, 607761042 ], // Event timestamp
droppedAttributesCount: 0
links: []

Each span can include events, which capture specific moments during the execution of a span. In this example, a log message "Hello" is recorded as an event within the span. Key details of the event include:

nameThe name of the event, which corresponds to the logged message (e.g., 'Hello').
attributesKey-value pairs that provide additional context about the event, such as fiberId and log level.
timeThe timestamp of when the event occurred, shown in a high-precision format.
droppedAttributesCountIndicates how many attributes were discarded, if any. In this case, no attributes were dropped.

Spans can be nested to represent a hierarchy of operations. This allows you to track how different parts of your application relate to one another during execution. The following example demonstrates how to create and manage nested spans.

Example (Nesting Spans in a Trace)

import {
import Effect




} from "effect"
import {
import NodeSdk
} from "@effect/opentelemetry"
import {
class ConsoleSpanExporter

This is implementation of


that prints spans to the console. This class can be used for diagnostic purposes.

NOTE: This


is intended for diagnostics use only, output rendered to the console may change at any time.

class BatchSpanProcessor
} from "@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base"
const child: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Effect




const void: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
export void

Represents an effect that does nothing and produces no value.

When to Use

Use this effect when you need to represent an effect that does nothing. This is useful in scenarios where you need to satisfy an effect-based interface or control program flow without performing any operations. For example, it can be used in situations where you want to return an effect from a function but do not need to compute or return any result.


Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<...>, bc: (_: Effect.Effect<...>) => Effect.Effect<...>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const delay: (duration: DurationInput) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R> (+1 overload)

Delays the execution of an effect by a specified Duration.


This function postpones the execution of the provided effect by the specified duration. The duration can be provided in various formats supported by the Duration module.

Internally, this function does not block the thread; instead, it uses an efficient, non-blocking mechanism to introduce the delay.


import { Console, Effect } from "effect"
const task = Console.log("Task executed")
const program = Console.log("start").pipe(
// Delays the log message by 2 seconds
task.pipe(Effect.delay("2 seconds"))
// Effect.runFork(program)
// Output:
// start
// Task executed


("100 millis"),
import Effect




const withSpan: (name: string, options?: SpanOptions | undefined) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, ParentSpan>> (+1 overload)

Wraps the effect with a new span for tracing.


const parent: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>, void>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>, void, never>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* () {
import Effect




const sleep: (duration: DurationInput) => Effect.Effect<void>

Suspends the execution of an effect for a specified Duration.


This function pauses the execution of an effect for a given duration. It is asynchronous, meaning that it does not block the fiber executing the effect. Instead, the fiber is suspended during the delay period and can resume once the specified time has passed.

The duration can be specified using various formats supported by the Duration module, such as a string ("2 seconds") or numeric value representing milliseconds.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
console.log("Starting task...")
yield* Effect.sleep("3 seconds") // Waits for 3 seconds
console.log("Task completed!")
// Effect.runFork(program)
// Output:
// Starting task...
// Task completed!


("20 millis")
const child: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
import Effect




const sleep: (duration: DurationInput) => Effect.Effect<void>

Suspends the execution of an effect for a specified Duration.


This function pauses the execution of an effect for a given duration. It is asynchronous, meaning that it does not block the fiber executing the effect. Instead, the fiber is suspended during the delay period and can resume once the specified time has passed.

The duration can be specified using various formats supported by the Duration module, such as a string ("2 seconds") or numeric value representing milliseconds.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
console.log("Starting task...")
yield* Effect.sleep("3 seconds") // Waits for 3 seconds
console.log("Task completed!")
// Effect.runFork(program)
// Output:
// Starting task...
// Task completed!


("10 millis")
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const withSpan: (name: string, options?: SpanOptions | undefined) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, ParentSpan>> (+1 overload)

Wraps the effect with a new span for tracing.


// Set up tracing with the OpenTelemetry SDK
const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
import NodeSdk
const layer: (evaluate: LazyArg<NodeSdk.Configuration>) => Layer<Resource> (+1 overload)


(() => ({
Configuration.resource?: {
readonly serviceName: string;
readonly serviceVersion?: string;
readonly attributes?: ResourceAttributes;
} | undefined
: {
serviceName: string
: "example" },
Configuration.spanProcessor?: SpanProcessor | readonly SpanProcessor[] | undefined
: new
new BatchSpanProcessor<BufferConfig>(_exporter: SpanExporter, config?: BufferConfig | undefined): BatchSpanProcessor
new ConsoleSpanExporter(): ConsoleSpanExporter

This is implementation of


that prints spans to the console. This class can be used for diagnostic purposes.

NOTE: This


is intended for diagnostics use only, output rendered to the console may change at any time.

// Run the effect, providing the tracing layer
import Effect




const runPromise: <void, never>(effect: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<void>

Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

@seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output: 1


//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


const parent: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const provide: <Resource, never, never>(layer: Layer<Resource, never, never>) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, Resource>> (+9 overloads)

Provides necessary dependencies to an effect, removing its environmental requirements.


This function allows you to supply the required environment for an effect. The environment can be provided in the form of one or more Layers, a Context, a Runtime, or a ManagedRuntime. Once the environment is provided, the effect can run without requiring external dependencies.

You can compose layers to create a modular and reusable way of setting up the environment for effects. For example, layers can be used to configure databases, logging services, or any other required dependencies.

@seeprovideService for providing a service to an effect.


import { Context, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
class Database extends Context.Tag("Database")<
{ readonly query: (sql: string) => Effect.Effect<Array<unknown>> }
>() {}
const DatabaseLive = Layer.succeed(
// Simulate a database query
query: (sql: string) => Effect.log(`Executing query: ${sql}`).pipe([]))
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, Database>
// ▼
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
const database = yield* Database
const result = yield* database.query("SELECT * FROM users")
return result
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, never>
// ▼
const runnable = Effect.provide(program, DatabaseLive)
// Effect.runPromise(runnable).then(console.log)
// Output:
// timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="Executing query: SELECT * FROM users"
// []


const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
Example Output:
resource: {
attributes: {
'': 'example',
'telemetry.sdk.language': 'nodejs',
'': '@effect/opentelemetry',
'telemetry.sdk.version': '1.28.0'
instrumentationScope: { name: 'example', version: undefined, schemaUrl: undefined },
traceId: 'a9cd69ad70698a0c7b7b774597c77d39',
parentId: 'a09e5c3fdfdbbc1d', // This indicates the span is a child of 'parent'
traceState: undefined,
name: 'child',
id: '210d2f9b648389a4', // Unique ID for the child span
kind: 0,
timestamp: 1733220970590126.2,
duration: 101579.875,
attributes: {},
status: { code: 1 },
events: [],
links: []
resource: {
attributes: {
'': 'example',
'telemetry.sdk.language': 'nodejs',
'': '@effect/opentelemetry',
'telemetry.sdk.version': '1.28.0'
instrumentationScope: { name: 'example', version: undefined, schemaUrl: undefined },
traceId: 'a9cd69ad70698a0c7b7b774597c77d39',
parentId: undefined, // Indicates this is the root span
traceState: undefined,
name: 'parent',
id: 'a09e5c3fdfdbbc1d', // Unique ID for the parent span
kind: 0,
timestamp: 1733220970569015.2,
duration: 132612.208,
attributes: {},
status: { code: 1 },
events: [],
links: []

The parent-child relationship is evident in the span output, where the parentId of the child span matches the id of the parent span. This structure helps track how operations are related within a single trace.

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through simulating and visualizing traces using a sample instrumented Node.js application. We will use Docker, Prometheus, Grafana, and Tempo to create, collect, and visualize traces.

Let’s understand the tools we’ll be using in simple terms:

  • Docker: Docker allows us to run applications in containers. Think of a container as a lightweight and isolated environment where your application can run consistently, regardless of the host system. It’s a bit like a virtual machine but more efficient.

  • Prometheus: Prometheus is a monitoring and alerting toolkit. It collects metrics and data about your applications and stores them for further analysis. This helps in identifying performance issues and understanding the behavior of your applications.

  • Grafana: Grafana is a visualization and analytics platform. It helps in creating beautiful and interactive dashboards to visualize your application’s data. You can use it to graphically represent metrics collected by Prometheus.

  • Tempo: Tempo is a distributed tracing system that allows you to trace the journey of a request as it flows through your application. It provides insights into how requests are processed and helps in debugging and optimizing your applications.

To get Docker, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Docker website at

  2. Download Docker Desktop for your operating system (Windows or macOS) and install it.

  3. After installation, open Docker Desktop, and it will run in the background.

Now, let’s simulate traces using a sample Node.js application. We’ll provide you with the code and guide you on setting up the necessary components.

  1. Download Docker Files. Download the required Docker files:

  2. Set Up docker. Unzip the downloaded file, navigate to the /docker/local directory in your terminal or command prompt and run the following command to start the necessary services:

    Terminal window
    docker-compose up
  3. Simulate Traces. Run the following example code in your Node.js environment. This code simulates a set of tasks and generates traces.

    Before proceeding, you’ll need to install additional libraries in addition to the latest version of effect. Here are the required libraries:

    Terminal window
    npm install @effect/opentelemetry
    npm install @opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-http
    npm install @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base
    npm install @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-web
    npm install @opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node
    import {
    import Effect




    } from "effect"
    import {
    import NodeSdk
    } from "@effect/opentelemetry"
    import {
    class BatchSpanProcessor
    } from "@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base"
    import {
    class OTLPTraceExporter

    Collector Trace Exporter for Node

    } from "@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-http"
    // Function to simulate a task with possible subtasks
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    = (
    name: string
    : string,
    delay: number
    : number,
    children: readonly Effect.Effect<void, never, never>[]
    interface ReadonlyArray<T>
    import Effect




    interface Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>

    The Effect interface defines a value that describes a workflow or job, which can succeed or fail.


    The Effect interface represents a computation that can model a workflow involving various types of operations, such as synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interactions. It operates within a context of type R, and the result can either be a success with a value of type A or a failure with an error of type E. The Effect is designed to handle complex interactions with external resources, offering advanced features such as fiber-based concurrency, scheduling, interruption handling, and scalability. This makes it suitable for tasks that require fine-grained control over concurrency and error management.

    To execute an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which provides the environment necessary to run and manage the computation.



    <void>> = []
    ) =>
    import Effect




    const gen: <YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>, void>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>, void, never>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

    Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

    When to Use

    Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

    The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


    import { Effect } from "effect"
    const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
    const applyDiscount = (
    total: number,
    discountRate: number
    ): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
    discountRate === 0
    ? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
    : Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
    const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
    const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
    export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
    const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
    const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
    const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
    const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
    return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


    (function* () {
    import Effect




    const log: (...message: ReadonlyArray<any>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>

    Logs one or more messages or error causes at the current log level.


    This function provides a simple way to log messages or error causes during the execution of your effects. By default, logs are recorded at the INFO level, but this can be adjusted using other logging utilities (Logger.withMinimumLogLevel). Multiple items, including Cause instances, can be logged in a single call. When logging Cause instances, detailed error information is included in the log output.

    The log output includes useful metadata like the current timestamp, log level, and fiber ID, making it suitable for debugging and tracking purposes. This function does not interrupt or alter the effect's execution flow.


    import { Cause, Effect } from "effect"
    const program = Effect.log(
    Cause.die("Oh no!"),
    Cause.die("Oh uh!")
    // Effect.runFork(program)
    // Output:
    // timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=message1 message=message2 cause="Error: Oh no!
    // Error: Oh uh!"


    name: string
    import Effect




    const sleep: (duration: DurationInput) => Effect.Effect<void>

    Suspends the execution of an effect for a specified Duration.


    This function pauses the execution of an effect for a given duration. It is asynchronous, meaning that it does not block the fiber executing the effect. Instead, the fiber is suspended during the delay period and can resume once the specified time has passed.

    The duration can be specified using various formats supported by the Duration module, such as a string ("2 seconds") or numeric value representing milliseconds.


    import { Effect } from "effect"
    const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
    console.log("Starting task...")
    yield* Effect.sleep("3 seconds") // Waits for 3 seconds
    console.log("Task completed!")
    // Effect.runFork(program)
    // Output:
    // Starting task...
    // Task completed!


    delay: number
    } millis`)
    for (const
    const child: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    children: readonly Effect.Effect<void, never, never>[]
    ) {
    const child: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    import Effect




    const sleep: (duration: DurationInput) => Effect.Effect<void>

    Suspends the execution of an effect for a specified Duration.


    This function pauses the execution of an effect for a given duration. It is asynchronous, meaning that it does not block the fiber executing the effect. Instead, the fiber is suspended during the delay period and can resume once the specified time has passed.

    The duration can be specified using various formats supported by the Duration module, such as a string ("2 seconds") or numeric value representing milliseconds.


    import { Effect } from "effect"
    const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
    console.log("Starting task...")
    yield* Effect.sleep("3 seconds") // Waits for 3 seconds
    console.log("Task completed!")
    // Effect.runFork(program)
    // Output:
    // Starting task...
    // Task completed!


    delay: number
    } millis`)
    Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
    import Effect




    const withSpan: (name: string, options?: SpanOptions | undefined) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, ParentSpan>> (+1 overload)

    Wraps the effect with a new span for tracing.


    name: string
    const poll: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("/poll", 1)
    // Create a program with tasks and subtasks
    const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("client", 2, [
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("/api", 3, [
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("/authN", 4, [
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("/authZ", 5)]),
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("/payment Gateway", 6, [
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("DB", 7),
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("Ext. Merchant", 8)
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("/dispatch", 9, [
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("/dispatch/search", 10),
    import Effect




    const all: <readonly [Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>], {
    concurrency: "inherit";
    }>(arg: readonly [Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<...>, Effect.Effect<...>], options?: {
    concurrency: "inherit";
    } | undefined) => Effect.Effect<...>

    Combines multiple effects into one, returning results based on the input structure.


    Use this function when you need to run multiple effects and combine their results into a single output. It supports tuples, iterables, structs, and records, making it flexible for different input types.

    For instance, if the input is a tuple:

    // ┌─── a tuple of effects
    // ▼
    Effect.all([effect1, effect2, ...])

    the effects are executed sequentially, and the result is a new effect containing the results as a tuple. The results in the tuple match the order of the effects passed to Effect.all.


    You can control the execution order (e.g., sequential vs. concurrent) using the concurrency option.

    Short-Circuiting Behavior

    This function stops execution on the first error it encounters, this is called "short-circuiting". If any effect in the collection fails, the remaining effects will not run, and the error will be propagated. To change this behavior, you can use the mode option, which allows all effects to run and collect results as Either or Option.

    The mode option

    The { mode: "either" } option changes the behavior of Effect.all to ensure all effects run, even if some fail. Instead of stopping on the first failure, this mode collects both successes and failures, returning an array of Either instances where each result is either a Right (success) or a Left (failure).

    Similarly, the { mode: "validate" } option uses Option to indicate success or failure. Each effect returns None for success and Some with the error for failure.

    @seeforEach for iterating over elements and applying an effect.

    @seeallWith for a data-last version of this function.


    // Title: Combining Effects in Tuples
    import { Effect, Console } from "effect"
    const tupleOfEffects = [
    ] as const
    // ┌─── Effect<[number, string], never, never>
    // ▼
    const resultsAsTuple = Effect.all(tupleOfEffects)
    // Effect.runPromise(resultsAsTuple).then(console.log)
    // Output:
    // 42
    // Hello
    // [ 42, 'Hello' ]


    // Title: Combining Effects in Iterables import { Effect, Console } from "effect"

    const iterableOfEffects: Iterable<Effect.Effect> = [1, 2, 3].map( (n) => Effect.succeed(n).pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)) )

    // ┌─── Effect<number[], never, never> // ▼ const resultsAsArray = Effect.all(iterableOfEffects)

    // Effect.runPromise(resultsAsArray).then(console.log) // Output: // 1 // 2 // 3 // [ 1, 2, 3 ]


    // Title: Combining Effects in Structs import { Effect, Console } from "effect"

    const structOfEffects = { a: Effect.succeed(42).pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)), b: Effect.succeed("Hello").pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)) }

    // ┌─── Effect<{ a: number; b: string; }, never, never> // ▼ const resultsAsStruct = Effect.all(structOfEffects)

    // Effect.runPromise(resultsAsStruct).then(console.log) // Output: // 42 // Hello // { a: 42, b: 'Hello' }


    // Title: Combining Effects in Records import { Effect, Console } from "effect"

    const recordOfEffects: Record<string, Effect.Effect> = { key1: Effect.succeed(1).pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)), key2: Effect.succeed(2).pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)) }

    // ┌─── Effect<{ [x: string]: number; }, never, never> // ▼ const resultsAsRecord = Effect.all(recordOfEffects)

    // Effect.runPromise(resultsAsRecord).then(console.log) // Output: // 1 // 2 // { key1: 1, key2: 2 }


    // Title: Short-Circuiting Behavior import { Effect, Console } from "effect"

    const program = Effect.all([ Effect.succeed("Task1").pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)),"Task2: Oh no!").pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)), // Won't execute due to earlier failure Effect.succeed("Task3").pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)) ])

    // Effect.runPromiseExit(program).then(console.log) // Output: // Task1 // { // _id: 'Exit', // _tag: 'Failure', // cause: { _id: 'Cause', _tag: 'Fail', failure: 'Task2: Oh no!' } // }


    // Title: Collecting Results with mode: "either" import { Effect, Console } from "effect"

    const effects = [ Effect.succeed("Task1").pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)),"Task2: Oh no!").pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)), Effect.succeed("Task3").pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)) ]

    const program = Effect.all(effects, { mode: "either" })

    // Effect.runPromiseExit(program).then(console.log) // Output: // Task1 // Task3 // { // _id: 'Exit', // _tag: 'Success', // value: [ // { _id: 'Either', _tag: 'Right', right: 'Task1' }, // { _id: 'Either', _tag: 'Left', left: 'Task2: Oh no!' }, // { _id: 'Either', _tag: 'Right', right: 'Task3' } // ] // }


    //Example: Collecting Results with mode: "validate" import { Effect, Console } from "effect"

    const effects = [ Effect.succeed("Task1").pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)),"Task2: Oh no!").pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)), Effect.succeed("Task3").pipe(Effect.tap(Console.log)) ]

    const program = Effect.all(effects, { mode: "validate" })

    // Effect.runPromiseExit(program).then((result) => console.log("%o", result)) // Output: // Task1 // Task3 // { // _id: 'Exit', // _tag: 'Failure', // cause: { // _id: 'Cause', // _tag: 'Fail', // failure: [ // { _id: 'Option', _tag: 'None' }, // { _id: 'Option', _tag: 'Some', value: 'Task2: Oh no!' }, // { _id: 'Option', _tag: 'None' } // ] // } // }


    const poll: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    const poll: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    const poll: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ], {
    concurrency: "inherit"
    : "inherit" }),
    const task: (name: string, delay: number, children?: ReadonlyArray<Effect.Effect<void>>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    ("/pollDriver/{id}", 11)
    const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
    import NodeSdk
    const layer: (evaluate: LazyArg<NodeSdk.Configuration>) => Layer<Resource> (+1 overload)


    (() => ({
    Configuration.resource?: {
    readonly serviceName: string;
    readonly serviceVersion?: string;
    readonly attributes?: ResourceAttributes;
    } | undefined
    : {
    serviceName: string
    : "example" },
    Configuration.spanProcessor?: SpanProcessor | readonly SpanProcessor[] | undefined
    : new
    new BatchSpanProcessor<BufferConfig>(_exporter: SpanExporter, config?: BufferConfig | undefined): BatchSpanProcessor
    new OTLPTraceExporter(config?: OTLPExporterNodeConfigBase): OTLPTraceExporter

    Collector Trace Exporter for Node

    import Effect




    const runPromise: <void, never>(effect: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, options?: {
    readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
    } | undefined) => Promise<void>

    Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


    This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

    The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

    When to Use

    Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

    @seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


    // Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
    import { Effect } from "effect"
    // Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
    // Output: 1


    //Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

    // Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


    const program: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
    Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>, Effect.Effect<void, never, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => Effect.Effect<...>, bc: (_: Effect.Effect<...>) => Effect.Effect<...>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
    import Effect




    const provide: <Resource, never, never>(layer: Layer<Resource, never, never>) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, Resource>> (+9 overloads)

    Provides necessary dependencies to an effect, removing its environmental requirements.


    This function allows you to supply the required environment for an effect. The environment can be provided in the form of one or more Layers, a Context, a Runtime, or a ManagedRuntime. Once the environment is provided, the effect can run without requiring external dependencies.

    You can compose layers to create a modular and reusable way of setting up the environment for effects. For example, layers can be used to configure databases, logging services, or any other required dependencies.

    @seeprovideService for providing a service to an effect.


    import { Context, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
    class Database extends Context.Tag("Database")<
    { readonly query: (sql: string) => Effect.Effect<Array<unknown>> }
    >() {}
    const DatabaseLive = Layer.succeed(
    // Simulate a database query
    query: (sql: string) => Effect.log(`Executing query: ${sql}`).pipe([]))
    // ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, Database>
    // ▼
    const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
    const database = yield* Database
    const result = yield* database.query("SELECT * FROM users")
    return result
    // ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, never>
    // ▼
    const runnable = Effect.provide(program, DatabaseLive)
    // Effect.runPromise(runnable).then(console.log)
    // Output:
    // timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="Executing query: SELECT * FROM users"
    // []


    const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
    import Effect




    const catchAllCause: <never, void, never, never>(f: (cause: Cause<never>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>) => <A, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, never, R>) => Effect.Effect<void | A, never, R> (+1 overload)

    Handles both recoverable and unrecoverable errors by providing a recovery effect.

    When to Use

    The catchAllCause function allows you to handle all errors, including unrecoverable defects, by providing a recovery effect. The recovery logic is based on the Cause of the error, which provides detailed information about the failure.

    When to Recover from Defects

    Defects are unexpected errors that typically shouldn't be recovered from, as they often indicate serious issues. However, in some cases, such as dynamically loaded plugins, controlled recovery might be needed.


    // Title: Recovering from All Errors
    import { Cause, Effect } from "effect"
    // Define an effect that may fail with a recoverable or unrecoverable error
    const program ="Something went wrong!")
    // Recover from all errors by examining the cause
    const recovered = program.pipe(
    Effect.catchAllCause((cause) =>
    ? Effect.succeed("Recovered from a regular error")
    : Effect.succeed("Recovered from a defect")
    // Effect.runPromise(recovered).then(console.log)
    // Output: "Recovered from a regular error"


    import Effect




    const logError: (...message: ReadonlyArray<any>) => Effect.Effect<void, never, never>

    Logs messages at the ERROR log level.


    This function logs messages at the ERROR level, suitable for reporting application errors or failures. These logs are typically used for unexpected issues that need immediate attention.


    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=client
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=/api
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=/authN
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=/authZ
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="/payment Gateway"
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=DB
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="Ext. Merchant"
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=/dispatch
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=/dispatch/search
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#3 message=/poll
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#4 message=/poll
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#5 message=/poll
    timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message=/pollDriver/{id}
  4. Visualize Traces. Now, open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000/explore. You will see a generated Trace ID on the web page. Click on it to see the details of the trace.

    Traces in Grafana Tempo

To send span data directly to Sentry for analysis, replace the default span processor with Sentry’s implementation. This allows you to use Sentry as a backend for tracing and debugging.

Example (Configuring Sentry for Tracing)

import {
import NodeSdk
} from "@effect/opentelemetry"
import {
class SentrySpanProcessor

Converts OpenTelemetry Spans to Sentry Spans and sends them to Sentry via the Sentry SDK.

} from "@sentry/opentelemetry"
const NodeSdkLive: Layer<Resource, never, never>
import NodeSdk
const layer: (evaluate: LazyArg<NodeSdk.Configuration>) => Layer<Resource> (+1 overload)


(() => ({
Configuration.resource?: {
readonly serviceName: string;
readonly serviceVersion?: string;
readonly attributes?: ResourceAttributes;
} | undefined
: {
serviceName: string
: "example" },
Configuration.spanProcessor?: SpanProcessor | readonly SpanProcessor[] | undefined
: new
new SentrySpanProcessor(options?: {
timeout?: number;
}): SentrySpanProcessor

Converts OpenTelemetry Spans to Sentry Spans and sends them to Sentry via the Sentry SDK.
