Repetition is a common requirement when working with effects in software development. It allows us to perform an effect multiple times according to a specific repetition policy.
The Effect.repeat function returns a new effect that repeats the given effect according to a specified schedule or until the first failure.
Example (Repeating a Successful Effect)
import {
import Effect
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
import Schedule
import Console
Console } from"effect"
// Define an effect that logs a message to the console
This function modifies a given schedule by applying an additional delay to
every interval it defines. The delay is determined by the provided function,
which takes the schedule's output and returns a delay duration.
@see ― addDelayEffect If you need to compute the delay using an effectful function.
A schedule that recurs a fixed number of times before terminating.
This schedule will continue executing until it has been stepped n times,
after which it will stop. The output of the schedule is the current count of
Repeats an effect based on a specified schedule or until the first failure.
This function executes an effect repeatedly according to the given schedule.
Each repetition occurs after the initial execution of the effect, meaning
that the schedule determines the number of additional repetitions. For
example, using Schedule.once will result in the effect being executed twice
(once initially and once as part of the repetition).
If the effect succeeds, it is repeated according to the schedule. If it
fails, the repetition stops immediately, and the failure is returned.
The schedule can also specify delays between repetitions, making it useful
for tasks like retrying operations with backoff, periodic execution, or
performing a series of dependent actions.
You can combine schedules for more advanced repetition logic, such as adding
delays, limiting recursions, or dynamically adjusting based on the outcome of
each execution.
Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.
This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the
effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If
the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the
failure details of the effect.
The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for
cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.
When to Use
Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result
in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party
libraries that expect Promise results.
@see ― runPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead
of rejecting.
// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
@param ― onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
@param ― onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
@returns ― A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
n: number
n) =>
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
Creates an Effect from a callback-based asynchronous function.
The resume function:
Must be called exactly once. Any additional calls will be ignored.
Can return an optional Effect that will be run if the Fiber executing
this Effect is interrupted. This can be useful in scenarios where you
need to handle resource cleanup if the operation is interrupted.
Can receive an AbortSignal to handle interruption if needed.
The FiberId of the fiber that may complete the async callback may also be
specified using the blockingOn argument. This is called the "blocking
fiber" because it suspends the fiber executing the async effect (i.e.
semantically blocks the fiber from making progress). Specifying this fiber id
in cases where it is known will improve diagnostics, but not affect the
behavior of the returned effect.
When to Use
Use Effect.async when dealing with APIs that use callback-style instead of
async/await or Promise.
// Title: Wrapping a Callback API
import { Effect } from"effect"
import*as NodeFS from"node:fs"
constreadFile= (filename:string) =>
Effect.async<Buffer, Error>((resume) => {
NodeFS.readFile(filename, (error, data) => {
if (error) {
// Resume with a failed Effect if an error occurs
} else {
// Resume with a succeeded Effect if successful
// ┌─── Effect<Buffer, Error, never>
// ▼
// Title: Handling Interruption with Cleanup
import { Effect, Fiber } from "effect"
import * as NodeFS from "node:fs"
// Simulates a long-running operation to write to a file
const writeFileWithCleanup = (filename: string, data: string) =>
Effect.async<void, Error>((resume) => {
const writeStream = NodeFS.createWriteStream(filename)
// Start writing data to the file
// When the stream is finished, resume with success
// Handle interruption by returning a cleanup effect
return Effect.sync(() => {
console.log(`Cleaning up ${filename}`)
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const fiber = yield* Effect.fork(
writeFileWithCleanup("example.txt", "Some long data...")
// Simulate interrupting the fiber after 1 second
yield* Effect.sleep("1 second")
yield* Fiber.interrupt(fiber) // This will trigger the cleanup
// Run the program
// Effect.runPromise(program)
// Output:
// Cleaning up example.txt
// Title: Handling Interruption with AbortSignal
import { Effect, Fiber } from "effect"
// A task that supports interruption using AbortSignal
const interruptibleTask = Effect.async<void, Error>((resume, signal) => {
// Handle interruption
signal.addEventListener("abort", () => {
console.log("Abort signal received")
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from"effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
newError("Operation failed due to network error")
@since ― 2.0.0
fail("Uh oh!"))
} else {
let count:number
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
This function modifies a given schedule by applying an additional delay to
every interval it defines. The delay is determined by the provided function,
which takes the schedule's output and returns a delay duration.
@see ― addDelayEffect If you need to compute the delay using an effectful function.
A schedule that recurs a fixed number of times before terminating.
This schedule will continue executing until it has been stepped n times,
after which it will stop. The output of the schedule is the current count of
Repeats an effect based on a specified schedule or until the first failure.
This function executes an effect repeatedly according to the given schedule.
Each repetition occurs after the initial execution of the effect, meaning
that the schedule determines the number of additional repetitions. For
example, using Schedule.once will result in the effect being executed twice
(once initially and once as part of the repetition).
If the effect succeeds, it is repeated according to the schedule. If it
fails, the repetition stops immediately, and the failure is returned.
The schedule can also specify delays between repetitions, making it useful
for tasks like retrying operations with backoff, periodic execution, or
performing a series of dependent actions.
You can combine schedules for more advanced repetition logic, such as adding
delays, limiting recursions, or dynamically adjusting based on the outcome of
each execution.
Runs an effect and returns a Promise that resolves to an Exit,
representing the outcome.
This function executes an effect and resolves to an Exit object. The Exit
type provides detailed information about the result of the effect:
If the effect succeeds, the Exit will be of type Success and include
the value produced by the effect.
If the effect fails, the Exit will be of type Failure and contain a
Cause object, detailing the failure.
Using this function allows you to examine both successful results and failure
cases in a unified way, while still leveraging Promise for handling the
asynchronous behavior of the effect.
When to Use
Use this function when you need to understand the outcome of an effect,
whether it succeeded or failed, and want to work with this result using
Promise syntax. This is particularly useful when integrating with systems
that rely on promises but need more detailed error handling than a simple
// Title: Handling Results as Exit
import { Effect } from"effect"
// Execute a successful effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
@param ― onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
@param ― onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
@returns ― A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
If you want to avoid the first execution and only run the action according to a schedule, you can use Effect.schedule. This allows the effect to skip the initial run and follow the defined repeat policy.
This function modifies a given schedule by applying an additional delay to
every interval it defines. The delay is determined by the provided function,
which takes the schedule's output and returns a delay duration.
@see ― addDelayEffect If you need to compute the delay using an effectful function.
A schedule that recurs a fixed number of times before terminating.
This schedule will continue executing until it has been stepped n times,
after which it will stop. The output of the schedule is the current count of
This function allows you to execute an effect repeatedly according to a given
schedule. The schedule determines the timing and number of repetitions. Each
repetition can also depend on the decision of the schedule, providing
flexibility for complex workflows. This function does not modify the effect's
success or failure; it only controls its repetition.
For example, you can use a schedule that recurs a specific number of times,
adds delays between repetitions, or customizes repetition behavior based on
external inputs. The effect runs initially and is repeated according to the
@see ― scheduleFrom for a variant that allows the schedule's decision
to depend on the result of this effect.
Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.
This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the
effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If
the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the
failure details of the effect.
The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for
cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.
When to Use
Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result
in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party
libraries that expect Promise results.
@see ― runPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead
of rejecting.
// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
@param ― onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
@param ― onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
@returns ― A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
n: number
n) =>
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
The repeatN function returns a new effect that repeats the specified effect a given number of times or until the first failure. The repeats are in addition to the initial execution, so Effect.repeatN(action, 1) executes action once initially and then repeats it one additional time if it succeeds.
Repeats an effect a specified number of times or until the first failure.
This function executes an effect initially and then repeats it the specified
number of times, as long as it succeeds. For example, calling
repeatN(action, 2) will execute action once initially and then repeat it
two additional times if there are no failures.
If the effect fails during any repetition, the failure is returned, and no
further repetitions are attempted.
When to Use
This function is useful for tasks that need to be retried a fixed number of
times or for performing repeated actions without requiring a schedule.
Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.
This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the
effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If
the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the
failure details of the effect.
The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for
cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.
When to Use
Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result
in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party
libraries that expect Promise results.
@see ― runPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead
of rejecting.
// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error)
// Output:
// (FiberFailure) Error: my error
@since ― 2.0.0
constprogram:Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
The repeatOrElse function returns a new effect that repeats the specified effect according to the given schedule or until the first failure.
When a failure occurs, the failure value and schedule output are passed to a specified handler.
Scheduled recurrences are in addition to the initial execution, so Effect.repeat(action, Schedule.once) executes action once initially and then repeats it an additional time if it succeeds.
Example (Handling Failure During Repeats)
import {
import Effect
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
import Schedule
Schedule } from"effect"
let count:number
// Define an async effect that simulates an action with possible failures
Creates an Effect from a callback-based asynchronous function.
The resume function:
Must be called exactly once. Any additional calls will be ignored.
Can return an optional Effect that will be run if the Fiber executing
this Effect is interrupted. This can be useful in scenarios where you
need to handle resource cleanup if the operation is interrupted.
Can receive an AbortSignal to handle interruption if needed.
The FiberId of the fiber that may complete the async callback may also be
specified using the blockingOn argument. This is called the "blocking
fiber" because it suspends the fiber executing the async effect (i.e.
semantically blocks the fiber from making progress). Specifying this fiber id
in cases where it is known will improve diagnostics, but not affect the
behavior of the returned effect.
When to Use
Use Effect.async when dealing with APIs that use callback-style instead of
async/await or Promise.
// Title: Wrapping a Callback API
import { Effect } from"effect"
import*as NodeFS from"node:fs"
constreadFile= (filename:string) =>
Effect.async<Buffer, Error>((resume) => {
NodeFS.readFile(filename, (error, data) => {
if (error) {
// Resume with a failed Effect if an error occurs
} else {
// Resume with a succeeded Effect if successful
// ┌─── Effect<Buffer, Error, never>
// ▼
// Title: Handling Interruption with Cleanup
import { Effect, Fiber } from "effect"
import * as NodeFS from "node:fs"
// Simulates a long-running operation to write to a file
const writeFileWithCleanup = (filename: string, data: string) =>
Effect.async<void, Error>((resume) => {
const writeStream = NodeFS.createWriteStream(filename)
// Start writing data to the file
// When the stream is finished, resume with success
// Handle interruption by returning a cleanup effect
return Effect.sync(() => {
console.log(`Cleaning up ${filename}`)
const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const fiber = yield* Effect.fork(
writeFileWithCleanup("example.txt", "Some long data...")
// Simulate interrupting the fiber after 1 second
yield* Effect.sleep("1 second")
yield* Fiber.interrupt(fiber) // This will trigger the cleanup
// Run the program
// Effect.runPromise(program)
// Output:
// Cleaning up example.txt
// Title: Handling Interruption with AbortSignal
import { Effect, Fiber } from "effect"
// A task that supports interruption using AbortSignal
const interruptibleTask = Effect.async<void, Error>((resume, signal) => {
// Handle interruption
signal.addEventListener("abort", () => {
console.log("Abort signal received")
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.
When to Use
Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error
will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with
functions like
@see ― succeed to create an effect that represents a successful value.
// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from"effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
newError("Operation failed due to network error")
@since ― 2.0.0
fail("Uh oh!"))
} else {
let count:number
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
This function modifies a given schedule by applying an additional delay to
every interval it defines. The delay is determined by the provided function,
which takes the schedule's output and returns a delay duration.
@see ― addDelayEffect If you need to compute the delay using an effectful function.
A schedule that recurs a fixed number of times before terminating.
This schedule will continue executing until it has been stepped n times,
after which it will stop. The output of the schedule is the current count of
@since ― 2.0.0
recurs(2), () =>"100 millis")
// Provide a handler to run when failure occurs after the retries
Repeats an effect with a schedule, handling failures using a custom handler.
This function allows you to execute an effect repeatedly based on a specified
schedule. If the effect fails at any point, a custom failure handler is
invoked. The handler is provided with both the failure value and the output
of the schedule at the time of failure. This enables advanced error recovery
or alternative fallback logic while maintaining flexibility in how
repetitions are handled.
For example, using a schedule with recurs(2) will allow for two additional
repetitions after the initial execution, provided the effect succeeds. If a
failure occurs during any iteration, the failure handler is invoked to handle
the situation.
import { Effect, Schedule } from"effect"
let count =0
// Define an async effect that simulates an action with possible failures
Creates an Effect that represents a synchronous side-effectful computation.
The provided function (thunk) must not throw errors; if it does, the error
will be treated as a "defect".
This defect is not a standard error but indicates a flaw in the logic that
was expected to be error-free. You can think of it similar to an unexpected
crash in the program, which can be further managed or logged using tools like
When to Use
Use this function when you are sure the operation will not fail.
@see ― try_try for a version that can handle failures.
// Title: Logging a Message
import { Effect } from"effect"
constlog= (message:string) =>
Effect.sync(() => {
console.log(message) // side effect
// ┌─── Effect<void, never, never>
// ▼
constprogram=log("Hello, World!")
@since ― 2.0.0
sync(() => {
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.
This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the
effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If
the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the
failure details of the effect.
The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for
cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.
When to Use
Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result
in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party
libraries that expect Promise results.
@see ― runPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead
of rejecting.
// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
@param ― onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
@param ― onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
@returns ― A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
n: number
n) =>
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
You can control the repetition of an effect by a condition using either a while or until option, allowing for dynamic control based on runtime outcomes.
Example (Repeating Until a Condition is Met)
import {
import Effect
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
@since ― 2.0.0
Effect } from"effect"
let count:number
// Define an effect that simulates varying outcomes on each invocation
Creates an Effect that represents a synchronous side-effectful computation.
The provided function (thunk) must not throw errors; if it does, the error
will be treated as a "defect".
This defect is not a standard error but indicates a flaw in the logic that
was expected to be error-free. You can think of it similar to an unexpected
crash in the program, which can be further managed or logged using tools like
When to Use
Use this function when you are sure the operation will not fail.
@see ― try_try for a version that can handle failures.
// Title: Logging a Message
import { Effect } from"effect"
constlog= (message:string) =>
Effect.sync(() => {
console.log(message) // side effect
// ┌─── Effect<void, never, never>
// ▼
constprogram=log("Hello, World!")
@since ― 2.0.0
sync(() => {
var console:Console
The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
The module exports two specific components:
A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and
process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.
Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for
more information.
Example using the global console:
console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
constname='Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
Example using the Console class:
constmyConsole=new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(newError('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
values similar to printf(3)
(the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
Repeats an effect based on a specified schedule or until the first failure.
This function executes an effect repeatedly according to the given schedule.
Each repetition occurs after the initial execution of the effect, meaning
that the schedule determines the number of additional repetitions. For
example, using Schedule.once will result in the effect being executed twice
(once initially and once as part of the repetition).
If the effect succeeds, it is repeated according to the schedule. If it
fails, the repetition stops immediately, and the failure is returned.
The schedule can also specify delays between repetitions, making it useful
for tasks like retrying operations with backoff, periodic execution, or
performing a series of dependent actions.
You can combine schedules for more advanced repetition logic, such as adding
delays, limiting recursions, or dynamically adjusting based on the outcome of
each execution.
Runs an effect in the background, returning a fiber that can be observed or
Unless you specifically need a Promise or synchronous operation, runFork
is a good default choice.
This function is the foundational way to execute an effect in the background.
It creates a "fiber," a lightweight, cooperative thread of execution that can
be observed (to access its result), interrupted, or joined. Fibers are useful
for concurrent programming and allow effects to run independently of the main
program flow.
Once the effect is running in a fiber, you can monitor its progress, cancel
it if necessary, or retrieve its result when it completes. If the effect
fails, the fiber will propagate the failure, which you can observe and
When to Use
Use this function when you need to run an effect in the background,
especially if the effect is long-running or performs periodic tasks. It's
suitable for tasks that need to run independently but might still need
observation or management, like logging, monitoring, or scheduled tasks.
This function is ideal if you don't need the result immediately or if the
effect is part of a larger concurrent workflow.