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Schema Transformations

Transformations are important when working with schemas. They allow you to change data from one type to another. For example, you might parse a string into a number or convert a date string into a Date object.

The Schema.transform and Schema.transformOrFail functions help you connect two schemas so you can convert data between them.

Schema.transform creates a new schema by taking the output of one schema (the “source”) and making it the input of another schema (the “target”). Use this when you know the transformation will always succeed. If it might fail, use Schema.transformOrFail instead.

“Output” and “input” depend on what you are doing (decoding or encoding):

When decoding:

  • The source schema Schema<SourceType, SourceEncoded> produces a SourceType.
  • The target schema Schema<TargetType, TargetEncoded> expects a TargetEncoded.
  • The decoding path looks like this: SourceEncodedTargetType.

If SourceType and TargetEncoded differ, you can provide a decode function to convert the source schema’s output into the target schema’s input.

When encoding:

  • The target schema Schema<TargetType, TargetEncoded> produces a TargetEncoded.
  • The source schema Schema<SourceType, SourceEncoded> expects a SourceType.
  • The encoding path looks like this: TargetTypeSourceEncoded.

If TargetEncoded and SourceType differ, you can provide an encode function to convert the target schema’s output into the source schema’s input.

In this example, we start with a schema that accepts "on" or "off" and transform it into a boolean schema. The decode function turns "on" into true and "off" into false. The encode function does the reverse. This gives us a Schema<boolean, "on" | "off">.

Example (Converting a String to a Boolean)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
// Convert "on"/"off" to boolean and back
const BooleanFromString: Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>
import Schema
const transform: <typeof Schema.Boolean, Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>>(from: Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, to: typeof Schema.Boolean, options: {
readonly decode: (fromA: "on" | "off", fromI: "on" | "off") => boolean;
readonly encode: (toI: boolean, toA: boolean) => "on" | "off";
readonly strict?: true;
} | {
}) => Schema.transform<...> (+1 overload)

Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided mapping functions.


// Source schema: "on" or "off"
import Schema
function Literal<["on", "off"]>(literals_0: "on", literals_1: "off"): Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]> (+2 overloads)


("on", "off"),
// Target schema: boolean
import Schema
class Boolean
export Boolean


// optional but you get better error messages from TypeScript
strict?: true
: true,
// Transformation to convert the output of the
// source schema ("on" | "off") into the input of the
// target schema (boolean)
decode: (fromA: "on" | "off", fromI: "on" | "off") => boolean
: (
literal: "on" | "off"
) =>
literal: "on" | "off"
=== "on", // Always succeeds here
// Reverse transformation
encode: (toI: boolean, toA: boolean) => "on" | "off"
: (
bool: boolean
) => (
bool: boolean
? "on" : "off")
// ┌─── "on" | "off"
// ▼
type Encoded = "on" | "off"
= typeof
const BooleanFromString: Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>
Schema<boolean, "on" | "off", never>.Encoded: "on" | "off"
// ┌─── boolean
// ▼
type Type = boolean
= typeof
const BooleanFromString: Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>
Schema<boolean, "on" | "off", never>.Type: boolean
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<boolean, "on" | "off">(schema: Schema.Schema<boolean, "on" | "off", never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => boolean
export decodeUnknownSync



const BooleanFromString: Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>
// Output: true

The decode function above never fails by itself. However, the full decoding process can still fail if the input does not fit the source schema. For example, if you provide "wrong" instead of "on" or "off", the source schema will fail before calling decode.

Example (Handling Invalid Input)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
// Convert "on"/"off" to boolean and back
9 collapsed lines
const BooleanFromString: Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>
import Schema
const transform: <typeof Schema.Boolean, Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>>(from: Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, to: typeof Schema.Boolean, options: {
readonly decode: (fromA: "on" | "off", fromI: "on" | "off") => boolean;
readonly encode: (toI: boolean, toA: boolean) => "on" | "off";
readonly strict?: true;
} | {
}) => Schema.transform<...> (+1 overload)

Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided mapping functions.


import Schema
function Literal<["on", "off"]>(literals_0: "on", literals_1: "off"): Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]> (+2 overloads)


("on", "off"),
import Schema
class Boolean
export Boolean


strict?: true
: true,
decode: (fromA: "on" | "off", fromI: "on" | "off") => boolean
: (
s: "on" | "off"
) =>
s: "on" | "off"
=== "on",
encode: (toI: boolean, toA: boolean) => "on" | "off"
: (
bool: boolean
) => (
bool: boolean
? "on" : "off")
// Providing input not allowed by the source schema
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<boolean, "on" | "off">(schema: Schema.Schema<boolean, "on" | "off", never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => boolean
export decodeUnknownSync



const BooleanFromString: Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>
ParseError: ("on" | "off" <-> boolean)
└─ Encoded side transformation failure
└─ "on" | "off"
├─ Expected "on", actual "wrong"
└─ Expected "off", actual "wrong"

Below is an example where both the source and target schemas transform their data:

  • The source schema is Schema.NumberFromString, which is Schema<number, string>.
  • The target schema is BooleanFromString (defined above), which is Schema<boolean, "on" | "off">.

This example involves four types and requires two conversions:

  • When decoding, convert a number into "on" | "off". For example, treat any positive number as "on".
  • When encoding, convert "on" | "off" back into a number. For example, treat "on" as 1 and "off" as -1.

By composing these transformations, we get a schema that decodes a string into a boolean and encodes a boolean back into a string. The resulting schema is Schema<boolean, string>.

Example (Combining Two Transformation Schemas)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
// Convert "on"/"off" to boolean and back
9 collapsed lines
const BooleanFromString: Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>
import Schema
const transform: <typeof Schema.Boolean, Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>>(from: Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, to: typeof Schema.Boolean, options: {
readonly decode: (fromA: "on" | "off", fromI: "on" | "off") => boolean;
readonly encode: (toI: boolean, toA: boolean) => "on" | "off";
readonly strict?: true;
} | {
}) => Schema.transform<...> (+1 overload)

Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided mapping functions.


import Schema
function Literal<["on", "off"]>(literals_0: "on", literals_1: "off"): Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]> (+2 overloads)


("on", "off"),
import Schema
class Boolean
export Boolean


strict?: true
: true,
decode: (fromA: "on" | "off", fromI: "on" | "off") => boolean
: (
s: "on" | "off"
) =>
s: "on" | "off"
=== "on",
encode: (toI: boolean, toA: boolean) => "on" | "off"
: (
bool: boolean
) => (
bool: boolean
? "on" : "off")
const BooleanFromNumericString: Schema.transform<typeof Schema.NumberFromString, Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>>
import Schema
const transform: <Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>, typeof Schema.NumberFromString>(from: typeof Schema.NumberFromString, to: Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<...>, typeof Schema.Boolean>, options: {
} | {
}) => Schema.transform<...> (+1 overload)

Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided mapping functions.


// Source schema: Convert string -> number
import Schema
class NumberFromString

This schema transforms a string into a number by parsing the string using the parse function of the effect/Number module.

It returns an error if the value can't be converted (for example when non-numeric characters are provided).

The following special string values are supported: "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity".


// Target schema: Convert "on"/"off" -> boolean
const BooleanFromString: Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>
strict?: true
: true,
// If number is positive, use "on", otherwise "off"
decode: (fromA: number, fromI: string) => "on" | "off"
: (
n: number
) => (
n: number
> 0 ? "on" : "off"),
// If boolean is true, use 1, otherwise -1
encode: (toI: "on" | "off", toA: boolean) => number
: (
bool: "on" | "off"
) => (
bool: "on" | "off"
? 1 : -1)
// ┌─── string
// ▼
type Encoded = string
= typeof
const BooleanFromNumericString: Schema.transform<typeof Schema.NumberFromString, Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>>
Schema<boolean, string, never>.Encoded: string
// ┌─── boolean
// ▼
type Type = boolean
= typeof
const BooleanFromNumericString: Schema.transform<typeof Schema.NumberFromString, Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>>
Schema<boolean, string, never>.Type: boolean
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<boolean, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<boolean, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => boolean
export decodeUnknownSync



const BooleanFromNumericString: Schema.transform<typeof Schema.NumberFromString, Schema.transform<Schema.Literal<["on", "off"]>, typeof Schema.Boolean>>
// Output: true

Example (Converting an array to a ReadonlySet)

In this example, we convert an array into a ReadonlySet. The decode function takes an array and creates a new ReadonlySet. The encode function converts the set back into an array. We also provide the schema of the array items so they are properly validated.

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
// This function builds a schema that converts between a readonly array
// and a readonly set of items
const ReadonlySetFromArray: <A, I, R>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<A>, ReadonlyArray<I>, R>
= <
function (type parameter) A in <A, I, R>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<A>, ReadonlyArray<I>, R>
function (type parameter) I in <A, I, R>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<A>, ReadonlyArray<I>, R>
function (type parameter) R in <A, I, R>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<A>, ReadonlyArray<I>, R>
itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>
import Schema
interface Schema<in out A, in out I = A, out R = never>



function (type parameter) A in <A, I, R>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<A>, ReadonlyArray<I>, R>
function (type parameter) I in <A, I, R>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<A>, ReadonlyArray<I>, R>
function (type parameter) R in <A, I, R>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<A>, ReadonlyArray<I>, R>
import Schema
interface Schema<in out A, in out I = A, out R = never>



interface ReadonlySet<T>
function (type parameter) A in <A, I, R>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<A>, ReadonlyArray<I>, R>
interface ReadonlyArray<T>
function (type parameter) I in <A, I, R>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<A>, ReadonlyArray<I>, R>
function (type parameter) R in <A, I, R>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<A>, ReadonlyArray<I>, R>
> =>
import Schema
const transform: <Schema.ReadonlySetFromSelf<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>, Schema.Array$<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>>>(from: Schema.Array$<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>>, to: Schema.ReadonlySetFromSelf<...>, options: {
} | {
}) => Schema.transform<...> (+1 overload)

Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided mapping functions.


// Source schema: array of items
import Schema
Array<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>>(value: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.Array$<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>>
export Array


itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>
// Target schema: readonly set of items
// **IMPORTANT** We use `Schema.typeSchema` here to obtain the schema
// of the items to avoid decoding the elements twice
import Schema
const ReadonlySetFromSelf: <Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>(value: Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>) => Schema.ReadonlySetFromSelf<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>


import Schema
const typeSchema: <A, I, R>(schema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>

The typeSchema function allows you to extract the Type portion of a schema, creating a new schema that conforms to the properties defined in the original schema without considering the initial encoding or transformation processes.


itemSchema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>
strict?: true
: true,
decode: (fromA: readonly A[], fromI: readonly I[]) => ReadonlySet<A>
: (
items: readonly A[]
) => new
var Set: SetConstructor
new <A>(iterable?: Iterable<A> | null | undefined) => Set<A> (+1 overload)
items: readonly A[]
encode: (toI: ReadonlySet<A>, toA: ReadonlySet<A>) => readonly A[]
: (
set: ReadonlySet<A>
) =>
var Array: ArrayConstructor
ArrayConstructor.from<A>(iterable: Iterable<A> | ArrayLike<A>): A[] (+3 overloads)

Creates an array from an iterable object.

@paramiterable An iterable object to convert to an array.

set: ReadonlySet<A>
ReadonlySet<A>.values(): SetIterator<A>

Returns an iterable of values in the set.

const schema: Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[], never>
const ReadonlySetFromArray: <string, string, never>(itemSchema: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>) => Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[], never>
import Schema
class String
export String


// ┌─── readonly string[]
// ▼
type Encoded = readonly string[]
= typeof
const schema: Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[], never>
Schema<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[], never>.Encoded: readonly string[]
// ┌─── ReadonlySet<string>
// ▼
type Type = ReadonlySet<string>
= typeof
const schema: Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[], never>
Schema<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[], never>.Type: ReadonlySet<string>
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[]>(schema: Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[], never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => ReadonlySet<...>
export decodeUnknownSync



const schema: Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[], never>
)(["a", "b", "c"]))
// Output: Set(3) { 'a', 'b', 'c' }
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


import Schema
encodeSync<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[]>(schema: Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[], never>, options?: ParseOptions): (a: ReadonlySet<...>, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => readonly string[]
export encodeSync


const schema: Schema.Schema<ReadonlySet<string>, readonly string[], never>
var Set: SetConstructor
new <string>(iterable?: Iterable<string> | null | undefined) => Set<string> (+1 overload)
(["a", "b", "c"])))
// Output: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]

In some cases, strict type checking can create issues during data transformations, especially when the types might slightly differ in specific transformations. To address these scenarios, Schema.transform offers the option strict: false, which relaxes type constraints and allows more flexible transformations.

Example (Creating a Clamping Constructor)

Let’s consider the scenario where you need to define a constructor clamp that ensures a number falls within a specific range. This function returns a schema that “clamps” a number to a specified minimum and maximum range:

import {
import Schema
import Number
} from "effect"
const clamp: (minimum: number, maximum: number) => <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
minimum: number
: number,
maximum: number
: number) =>
function (type parameter) A in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
extends number,
function (type parameter) I in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
function (type parameter) R in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>
import Schema
interface Schema<in out A, in out I = A, out R = never>



function (type parameter) A in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
function (type parameter) I in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
function (type parameter) R in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
>) =>
import Schema
const transform: <Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>, Schema.Schema<A, I, R>>(from: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, to: Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>, options: {
} | {
}) => Schema.transform<...> (+1 overload)

Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided mapping functions.


// Source schema
self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>
// Target schema: filter based on min/max range
self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>
Pipeable.pipe<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>(this: Schema.Schema<...>, ab: (_: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema.SchemaClass<...>, bc: (_: Schema.SchemaClass<...>) => Schema.filter<...>): Schema.filter<...> (+21 overloads)
import Schema
const typeSchema: <A, I, R>(schema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema.SchemaClass<A>

The typeSchema function allows you to extract the Type portion of a schema, creating a new schema that conforms to the properties defined in the original schema without considering the initial encoding or transformation processes.


import Schema
function filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>(predicate: (a: NoInfer<A>, options: ParseOptions, self: Refinement) => FilterReturnType, annotations?: Schema.Annotations.Filter<...> | undefined): (self: Schema.SchemaClass<...>) => Schema.filter<...> (+2 overloads)


a: A extends number
) =>
a: A extends number
minimum: number
a: A extends number
maximum: number
// @ts-expect-error
strict?: true
: true,
// Clamp the number within the specified range
decode: (fromA: A, fromI: I) => A
: (
a: A extends number
) =>
import Number
const clamp: (self: number, options: {
minimum: number;
maximum: number;
}) => number (+1 overload)

Restricts the given number to be within the range specified by the minimum and maximum values.

  • If the number is less than the minimum value, the function returns the minimum value.
  • If the number is greater than the maximum value, the function returns the maximum value.
  • Otherwise, it returns the original number.

@paramself - The number to be clamped.

@paramminimum - The lower end of the range.

@parammaximum - The upper end of the range.


import { Number } from "effect"
const clamp = Number.clamp({ minimum: 1, maximum: 5 })
assert.equal(clamp(3), 3)
assert.equal(clamp(0), 1)
assert.equal(clamp(6), 5)


a: A extends number
, {
minimum: number
maximum: number
encode: (toI: A, toA: A) => A
: (
a: A extends number
) =>
a: A extends number

In this example, Number.clamp returns a number that might not be recognized as the specific A type. This leads to a type mismatch under strict checking:

Argument of type '{ strict: true; decode: (a: A) => number; encode: (a: A) => A; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ readonly decode: (fromA: A, fromI: I) => A; readonly encode: (toI: A, toA: A) => A; readonly strict?: true; } | { readonly decode: (fromA: A, fromI: I) => unknown; readonly encode: (toI: A, toA: A) => unknown; readonly strict: false; }'.
The types returned by 'decode(...)' are incompatible between these types.
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'A'.
'number' is assignable to the constraint of type 'A', but 'A' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'number'.ts(2345)

There are two ways to resolve this issue:

  1. Using Type Assertion: Adding a type cast can enforce the return type to be treated as type A:

    decode: (a) => Number.clamp(a, { minimum, maximum }) as A
  2. Using the Non-Strict Option: Setting strict: false in the transformation options allows the schema to bypass some of TypeScript’s type-checking rules, accommodating the type discrepancy:

    import {
    import Schema
    import Number
    } from "effect"
    const clamp: (minimum: number, maximum: number) => <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
    minimum: number
    : number,
    maximum: number
    : number) =>
    function (type parameter) A in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
    extends number,
    function (type parameter) I in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
    function (type parameter) R in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
    self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>
    import Schema
    interface Schema<in out A, in out I = A, out R = never>



    function (type parameter) A in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
    function (type parameter) I in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
    function (type parameter) R in <A extends number, I, R>(self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>): Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>
    >) =>
    import Schema
    const transform: <Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>, Schema.Schema<A, I, R>>(from: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, to: Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>, options: {
    } | {
    }) => Schema.transform<...> (+1 overload)

    Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided mapping functions.


    self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>
    self: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>
    Pipeable.pipe<Schema.Schema<A, I, R>, Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>>(this: Schema.Schema<...>, ab: (_: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema.SchemaClass<...>, bc: (_: Schema.SchemaClass<...>) => Schema.filter<...>): Schema.filter<...> (+21 overloads)
    import Schema
    const typeSchema: <A, I, R>(schema: Schema.Schema<A, I, R>) => Schema.SchemaClass<A>

    The typeSchema function allows you to extract the Type portion of a schema, creating a new schema that conforms to the properties defined in the original schema without considering the initial encoding or transformation processes.


    import Schema
    function filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A, A, never>>(predicate: (a: NoInfer<A>, options: ParseOptions, self: Refinement) => FilterReturnType, annotations?: Schema.Annotations.Filter<...> | undefined): (self: Schema.SchemaClass<...>) => Schema.filter<...> (+2 overloads)


    a: A extends number
    ) =>
    a: A extends number
    minimum: number
    a: A extends number
    maximum: number
    strict: false
    : false,
    decode: (fromA: A, fromI: I) => unknown
    : (
    a: A extends number
    ) =>
    import Number
    const clamp: (self: number, options: {
    minimum: number;
    maximum: number;
    }) => number (+1 overload)

    Restricts the given number to be within the range specified by the minimum and maximum values.

    • If the number is less than the minimum value, the function returns the minimum value.
    • If the number is greater than the maximum value, the function returns the maximum value.
    • Otherwise, it returns the original number.

    @paramself - The number to be clamped.

    @paramminimum - The lower end of the range.

    @parammaximum - The upper end of the range.


    import { Number } from "effect"
    const clamp = Number.clamp({ minimum: 1, maximum: 5 })
    assert.equal(clamp(3), 3)
    assert.equal(clamp(0), 1)
    assert.equal(clamp(6), 5)


    a: A extends number
    , {
    minimum: number
    maximum: number
    encode: (toI: A, toA: A) => unknown
    : (
    a: A extends number
    ) =>
    a: A extends number

While the Schema.transform function is suitable for error-free transformations, the Schema.transformOrFail function is designed for more complex scenarios where transformations can fail during the decoding or encoding stages.

This function enables decoding/encoding functions to return either a successful result or an error, making it particularly useful for validating and processing data that might not always conform to expected formats.

The Schema.transformOrFail function utilizes the ParseResult module to manage potential errors:

ParseResult.succeedIndicates a successful transformation, where no errors occurred.
ParseResult.failSignals a failed transformation, creating a new ParseError based on the provided ParseIssue.

Additionally, the ParseResult module provides constructors for dealing with various types of parse issues, such as:

Parse Issue TypeDescription
TypeIndicates a type mismatch error.
MissingUsed when a required field is missing.
UnexpectedUsed for unexpected fields that are not allowed in the schema.
ForbiddenFlags the decoding or encoding operation being forbidden by the schema.
PointerPoints to a specific location in the data where an issue occurred.
RefinementUsed when a value does not meet a specific refinement or constraint.
TransformationFlags issues that occur during transformation from one type to another.
CompositeRepresents a composite error, combining multiple issues into one, helpful for grouped errors.

These tools allow for detailed and specific error handling, enhancing the reliability of data processing operations.

Example (Converting a String to a Number)

A common use case for Schema.transformOrFail is converting string representations of numbers into actual numeric types. This scenario is typical when dealing with user inputs or data from external sources.

import {
import ParseResult
import Schema
} from "effect"
export const
const NumberFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, typeof Schema.Number, never>
import Schema
const transformOrFail: <typeof Schema.Number, typeof Schema.String, never, never>(from: typeof Schema.String, to: typeof Schema.Number, options: {
readonly decode: (fromA: string, options: ParseOptions, ast: Transformation, fromI: string) => Effect<...>;
readonly encode: (toI: number, options: ParseOptions, ast: Transformation, toA: number) => Effect<...>;
readonly strict?: true;
} | {
}) => Schema.transformOrFail<...> (+1 overload)

Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided decoding functions.


// Source schema: accepts any string
import Schema
class String
export String


// Target schema: expects a number
import Schema
class Number
export Number


// optional but you get better error messages from TypeScript
strict?: true
: true,
decode: (fromA: string, options: ParseOptions, ast: Transformation, fromI: string) => Effect<number, ParseResult.ParseIssue, never>
: (
input: string
options: ParseOptions
ast: Transformation
) => {
const parsed: number
function parseFloat(string: string): number

Converts a string to a floating-point number.

@paramstring A string that contains a floating-point number.

input: string
// If parsing fails (NaN), return a ParseError with a custom error
if (
function isNaN(number: number): boolean

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a value is the reserved value NaN (not a number).

@paramnumber A numeric value.

const parsed: number
)) {
import ParseResult
const fail: (issue: ParseResult.ParseIssue) => Either<never, ParseResult.ParseIssue>


// Create a Type Mismatch error
import ParseResult
constructor Type(ast: AST, actual: unknown, message?: string | undefined): ParseResult.Type

The Type variant of the ParseIssue type represents an error that occurs when the actual value is not of the expected type. The ast field specifies the expected type, and the actual field contains the value that caused the error.


// Provide the schema's abstract syntax tree for context
ast: Transformation
// Include the problematic input
input: string
// Optional custom error message
"Failed to convert string to number"
import ParseResult
const succeed: <number>(a: number) => Either<number, ParseResult.ParseIssue>


const parsed: number
encode: (toI: number, options: ParseOptions, ast: Transformation, toA: number) => Effect<string, ParseResult.ParseIssue, never>
: (
input: number
options: ParseOptions
ast: Transformation
) =>
import ParseResult
const succeed: <string>(a: string) => Either<string, ParseResult.ParseIssue>


input: number
Number.toString(radix?: number): string

Returns a string representation of an object.

@paramradix Specifies a radix for converting numeric values to strings. This value is only used for numbers.

// ┌─── string
// ▼
type Encoded = string
= typeof
const NumberFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, typeof Schema.Number, never>
Schema<number, string, never>.Encoded: string
// ┌─── number
// ▼
type Type = number
= typeof
const NumberFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, typeof Schema.Number, never>
Schema<number, string, never>.Type: number
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<number, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<number, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
export decodeUnknownSync



const NumberFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, typeof Schema.Number, never>
// Output: 123
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<number, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<number, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
export decodeUnknownSync



const NumberFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, typeof Schema.Number, never>
ParseError: (string <-> number)
└─ Transformation process failure
└─ Failed to convert string to number

Both decode and encode functions not only receive the value to transform (input), but also the parse options that the user sets when using the resulting schema, and the ast, which represents the low level definition of the schema you’re transforming.

In modern applications, especially those interacting with external APIs, you might need to transform data asynchronously. Schema.transformOrFail supports asynchronous transformations by allowing you to return an Effect.

Example (Validating Data with an API Call)

Consider a scenario where you need to validate a person’s ID by making an API call. Here’s how you can implement it:

import {
import Effect




import Schema
import ParseResult
} from "effect"
// Define a function to make API requests
const get: (url: string) => Effect.Effect<unknown, Error>
= (
url: string
: string):
import Effect




interface Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>

The Effect interface defines a value that describes a workflow or job, which can succeed or fail.


The Effect interface represents a computation that can model a workflow involving various types of operations, such as synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interactions. It operates within a context of type R, and the result can either be a success with a value of type A or a failure with an error of type E. The Effect is designed to handle complex interactions with external resources, offering advanced features such as fiber-based concurrency, scheduling, interruption handling, and scalability. This makes it suitable for tasks that require fine-grained control over concurrency and error management.

To execute an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which provides the environment necessary to run and manage the computation.



interface Error
> =>
import Effect




const tryPromise: <unknown, Error>(options: {
readonly try: (signal: AbortSignal) => PromiseLike<unknown>;
readonly catch: (error: unknown) => Error;
}) => Effect.Effect<unknown, Error, never> (+1 overload)

Creates an Effect that represents an asynchronous computation that might fail.

When to Use

In situations where you need to perform asynchronous operations that might fail, such as fetching data from an API, you can use the tryPromise constructor. This constructor is designed to handle operations that could throw exceptions by capturing those exceptions and transforming them into manageable errors.

Error Handling

There are two ways to handle errors with tryPromise:

  1. If you don't provide a catch function, the error is caught and the effect fails with an UnknownException.
  2. If you provide a catch function, the error is caught and the catch function maps it to an error of type E.


An optional AbortSignal can be provided to allow for interruption of the wrapped Promise API.

@seepromise if the effectful computation is asynchronous and does not throw errors.


// Title: Fetching a TODO Item
import { Effect } from "effect"
const getTodo = (id: number) =>
// Will catch any errors and propagate them as UnknownException
Effect.tryPromise(() =>
// ┌─── Effect<Response, UnknownException, never>
// ▼
const program = getTodo(1)


// Title: Custom Error Handling import { Effect } from "effect"

const getTodo = (id: number) => Effect.tryPromise({ try: () => fetch(${id}), // remap the error catch: (unknown) => new Error(something went wrong ${unknown}) })

// ┌─── Effect<Response, Error, never> // ▼ const program = getTodo(1)


try: (signal: AbortSignal) => PromiseLike<unknown>
: () =>
function fetch(input: string | URL | globalThis.Request, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
url: string
Promise<Response>.then<unknown, unknown>(onfulfilled?: ((value: Response) => unknown) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => unknown) | null | undefined): Promise<unknown>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

res: Response
) => {
if (
res: Response
Response.ok: boolean
) {
res: Response
BodyMixin.json: () => Promise<unknown>
() as
interface Promise<T>

Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation

throw new
var Error: ErrorConstructor
new (message?: string) => Error
var String: StringConstructor
(value?: any) => string

Allows manipulation and formatting of text strings and determination and location of substrings within strings.

res: Response
Response.status: number
catch: (error: unknown) => Error
: (
e: unknown
) => new
var Error: ErrorConstructor
new (message?: string) => Error
var String: StringConstructor
(value?: any) => string

Allows manipulation and formatting of text strings and determination and location of substrings within strings.

e: unknown
// Create a branded schema for a person's ID
const PeopleId: Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">
import Schema
class String
export String


Pipeable.pipe<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">>(this: typeof Schema.String, ab: (_: typeof Schema.String) => Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">): Schema.brand<...> (+21 overloads)
import Schema
const brand: <typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">(brand: "PeopleId", annotations?: Schema.Annotations.Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, readonly []> | undefined) => (self: typeof Schema.String) => Schema.brand<...>

Returns a nominal branded schema by applying a brand to a given schema.

Schema<A> + B -> Schema<A & Brand<B>>

@paramself - The input schema to be combined with the brand.

@parambrand - The brand to apply.


import * as Schema from "effect/Schema"
const Int = Schema.Number.pipe(, Schema.brand("Int"))
type Int = Schema.Schema.Type<typeof Int> // number & Brand<"Int">


// Define a schema with async transformation
const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, never>
import Schema
const transformOrFail: <Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, typeof Schema.String, never, never>(from: typeof Schema.String, to: Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, options: {
} | {
}) => Schema.transformOrFail<...> (+1 overload)

Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided decoding functions.


import Schema
class String
export String


const PeopleId: Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">
strict?: true
: true,
decode: (fromA: string, options: ParseOptions, ast: Transformation, fromI: string) => Effect.Effect<string, ParseResult.ParseIssue, never>
: (
s: string
_: ParseOptions
ast: Transformation
) =>
// Make an API call to validate the ID
import Effect




const mapBoth: <unknown, Error, never, ParseResult.Type, string>(self: Effect.Effect<unknown, Error, never>, options: {
readonly onFailure: (e: Error) => ParseResult.Type;
readonly onSuccess: (a: unknown) => string;
}) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Applies transformations to both the success and error channels of an effect.


This function takes two map functions as arguments: one for the error channel and one for the success channel. You can use it when you want to modify both the error and the success values without altering the overall success or failure status of the effect.

@seemap for a version that operates on the success channel.

@seemapError for a version that operates on the error channel.


import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<number, string, never>
// ▼
const simulatedTask ="Oh no!").pipe(
// ┌─── Effect<boolean, Error, never>
// ▼
const modified = Effect.mapBoth(simulatedTask, {
onFailure: (message) => new Error(message),
onSuccess: (n) => n > 0


const get: (url: string) => Effect.Effect<unknown, Error>
s: string
}`), {
// Error handling for failed API call
onFailure: (e: Error) => ParseResult.Type
: (
e: Error
) => new
import ParseResult
constructor Type(ast: AST, actual: unknown, message?: string | undefined): ParseResult.Type

The Type variant of the ParseIssue type represents an error that occurs when the actual value is not of the expected type. The ast field specifies the expected type, and the actual field contains the value that caused the error.


ast: Transformation
s: string
e: Error
Error.message: string
// Return the ID if the API call succeeds
onSuccess: (a: unknown) => string
: () =>
s: string
encode: (toI: string, options: ParseOptions, ast: Transformation, toA: string & Brand<"PeopleId">) => Effect.Effect<string, ParseResult.ParseIssue, never>
import ParseResult
const succeed: <A>(a: A) => Either<A, ParseResult.ParseIssue>


// ┌─── string
// ▼
type Encoded = string
= typeof
const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, never>
Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, never>.Encoded: string
// ┌─── string & Brand<"PeopleId">
// ▼
type Type = string & Brand<"PeopleId">
= typeof
const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, never>
Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, never>.Type: string & Brand<"PeopleId">
// ┌─── never
// ▼
type Context = never
= typeof
const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, never>
Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, never>.Context: never
// Run a successful decode operation
import Effect




const runPromiseExit: <string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError>(effect: Effect.Effect<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<...>

Runs an effect and returns a Promise that resolves to an Exit, representing the outcome.


This function executes an effect and resolves to an Exit object. The Exit type provides detailed information about the result of the effect:

  • If the effect succeeds, the Exit will be of type Success and include the value produced by the effect.
  • If the effect fails, the Exit will be of type Failure and contain a Cause object, detailing the failure.

Using this function allows you to examine both successful results and failure cases in a unified way, while still leveraging Promise for handling the asynchronous behavior of the effect.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to understand the outcome of an effect, whether it succeeded or failed, and want to work with this result using Promise syntax. This is particularly useful when integrating with systems that rely on promises but need more detailed error handling than a simple rejection.


// Title: Handling Results as Exit
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Execute a successful effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
// Effect.runPromiseExit(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output:
// {
// _id: "Exit",
// _tag: "Success",
// value: 1
// }
// Execute a failing effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
// Effect.runPromiseExit("my error")).then(console.log)
// Output:
// {
// _id: "Exit",
// _tag: "Failure",
// cause: {
// _id: "Cause",
// _tag: "Fail",
// failure: "my error"
// }
// }


import Schema
const decodeUnknown: <string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, never>(schema: Schema.Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions) => (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Effect.Effect<...>


const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, never>
Promise<Exit<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseError>>.then<void, never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: Exit<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError>) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => PromiseLike<...>) | ... 1 more ... | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


{ _id: 'Exit', _tag: 'Success', value: '1' }
// Run a decode operation that will fail
import Effect




const runPromiseExit: <string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError>(effect: Effect.Effect<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<...>

Runs an effect and returns a Promise that resolves to an Exit, representing the outcome.


This function executes an effect and resolves to an Exit object. The Exit type provides detailed information about the result of the effect:

  • If the effect succeeds, the Exit will be of type Success and include the value produced by the effect.
  • If the effect fails, the Exit will be of type Failure and contain a Cause object, detailing the failure.

Using this function allows you to examine both successful results and failure cases in a unified way, while still leveraging Promise for handling the asynchronous behavior of the effect.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to understand the outcome of an effect, whether it succeeded or failed, and want to work with this result using Promise syntax. This is particularly useful when integrating with systems that rely on promises but need more detailed error handling than a simple rejection.


// Title: Handling Results as Exit
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Execute a successful effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
// Effect.runPromiseExit(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output:
// {
// _id: "Exit",
// _tag: "Success",
// value: 1
// }
// Execute a failing effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
// Effect.runPromiseExit("my error")).then(console.log)
// Output:
// {
// _id: "Exit",
// _tag: "Failure",
// cause: {
// _id: "Cause",
// _tag: "Fail",
// failure: "my error"
// }
// }


import Schema
const decodeUnknown: <string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, never>(schema: Schema.Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions) => (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Effect.Effect<...>


const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, never>
Promise<Exit<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseError>>.then<void, never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: Exit<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError>) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => PromiseLike<...>) | ... 1 more ... | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


_id: 'Exit',
_tag: 'Failure',
cause: {
_id: 'Cause',
_tag: 'Fail',
failure: {
_id: 'ParseError',
message: '(string <-> string & Brand<"PeopleId">)\n' +
'└─ Transformation process failure\n' +
' └─ Error: 404'

In cases where your transformation depends on external services, you can inject these services in the decode or encode functions. These dependencies are then tracked in the Requirements channel of the schema:

Schema<Type, Encoded, Requirements>

Example (Validating Data with a Service)

import {
type Context = Validation



import Effect




import Schema
import ParseResult
import Layer
} from "effect"
// Define a Validation service for dependency injection
class Validation
import Context



const Tag: <"Validation">(id: "Validation") => <Self, Shape>() => Context.TagClass<Self, "Validation", Shape>


import { Context, Layer } from "effect"
class MyTag extends Context.Tag("MyTag")<
{ readonly myNum: number }
>() {
static Live = Layer.succeed(this, { myNum: 108 })


class Validation
validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>
: (
s: string
: string) =>
import Effect




interface Effect<out A, out E = never, out R = never>

The Effect interface defines a value that describes a workflow or job, which can succeed or fail.


The Effect interface represents a computation that can model a workflow involving various types of operations, such as synchronous, asynchronous, concurrent, and parallel interactions. It operates within a context of type R, and the result can either be a success with a value of type A or a failure with an error of type E. The Effect is designed to handle complex interactions with external resources, offering advanced features such as fiber-based concurrency, scheduling, interruption handling, and scalability. This makes it suitable for tasks that require fine-grained control over concurrency and error management.

To execute an Effect value, you need a Runtime, which provides the environment necessary to run and manage the computation.



interface Error
>() {}
// Create a branded schema for a person's ID
const PeopleId: Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">
import Schema
class String
export String


Pipeable.pipe<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">>(this: typeof Schema.String, ab: (_: typeof Schema.String) => Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">): Schema.brand<...> (+21 overloads)
import Schema
const brand: <typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">(brand: "PeopleId", annotations?: Schema.Annotations.Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, readonly []> | undefined) => (self: typeof Schema.String) => Schema.brand<...>

Returns a nominal branded schema by applying a brand to a given schema.

Schema<A> + B -> Schema<A & Brand<B>>

@paramself - The input schema to be combined with the brand.

@parambrand - The brand to apply.


import * as Schema from "effect/Schema"
const Int = Schema.Number.pipe(, Schema.brand("Int"))
type Int = Schema.Schema.Type<typeof Int> // number & Brand<"Int">


// Transform a string into a validated PeopleId,
// using an external validation service
const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, Validation>
import Schema
const transformOrFail: <Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, typeof Schema.String, Validation, never>(from: typeof Schema.String, to: Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, options: {
} | {
}) => Schema.transformOrFail<...> (+1 overload)

Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided decoding functions.


import Schema
class String
export String


const PeopleId: Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">
strict?: true
: true,
decode: (fromA: string, options: ParseOptions, ast: Transformation, fromI: string) => Effect.Effect<string, ParseResult.ParseIssue, Validation>
: (
s: string
_: ParseOptions
ast: Transformation
) =>
// Asynchronously validate the ID using the injected service
import Effect




const gen: <YieldWrap<Context.Tag<Validation, {
readonly validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>;
}>> | YieldWrap<Effect.Effect<void, Error, never>>, string>(f: (resume: Effect.Adapter) => Generator<...>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Provides a way to write effectful code using generator functions, simplifying control flow and error handling.

When to Use

Effect.gen allows you to write code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, but it can handle asynchronous tasks, errors, and complex control flow (like loops and conditions). It helps make asynchronous code more readable and easier to manage.

The generator functions work similarly to async/await but with more explicit control over the execution of effects. You can yield* values from effects and return the final result at the end.


import { Effect } from "effect"
const addServiceCharge = (amount: number) => amount + 1
const applyDiscount = (
total: number,
discountRate: number
): Effect.Effect<number, Error> =>
discountRate === 0
? Error("Discount rate cannot be zero"))
: Effect.succeed(total - (total * discountRate) / 100)
const fetchTransactionAmount = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(100))
const fetchDiscountRate = Effect.promise(() => Promise.resolve(5))
export const program = Effect.gen(function* () {
const transactionAmount = yield* fetchTransactionAmount
const discountRate = yield* fetchDiscountRate
const discountedAmount = yield* applyDiscount(
const finalAmount = addServiceCharge(discountedAmount)
return `Final amount to charge: ${finalAmount}`


(function* () {
// Access the validation service
const validator: {
readonly validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>;
= yield*
class Validation
// Use service to validate ID
const validator: {
readonly validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>;
validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>
s: string
s: string
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<string, Error, Validation>, Effect.Effect<string, ParseResult.Type, Validation>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<string, Error, Validation>) => Effect.Effect<...>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const mapError: <Error, ParseResult.Type>(f: (e: Error) => ParseResult.Type) => <A, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, Error, R>) => Effect.Effect<...> (+1 overload)

Transforms or modifies the error produced by an effect without affecting its success value.

When to Use

This function is helpful when you want to enhance the error with additional information, change the error type, or apply custom error handling while keeping the original behavior of the effect's success values intact. It only operates on the error channel and leaves the success channel unchanged.

@seemap for a version that operates on the success channel.

@seemapBoth for a version that operates on both channels.

@seeorElseFail if you want to replace the error with a new one.


import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<number, string, never>
// ▼
const simulatedTask ="Oh no!").pipe(
// ┌─── Effect<number, Error, never>
// ▼
const mapped = Effect.mapError(
(message) => new Error(message)


e: Error
) => new
import ParseResult
constructor Type(ast: AST, actual: unknown, message?: string | undefined): ParseResult.Type

The Type variant of the ParseIssue type represents an error that occurs when the actual value is not of the expected type. The ast field specifies the expected type, and the actual field contains the value that caused the error.


ast: Transformation
s: string
e: Error
Error.message: string
encode: (toI: string, options: ParseOptions, ast: Transformation, toA: string & Brand<"PeopleId">) => Effect.Effect<string, ParseResult.ParseIssue, never>
import ParseResult
const succeed: <A>(a: A) => Either<A, ParseResult.ParseIssue>


// Encode by simply returning the string
// ┌─── string
// ▼
type Encoded = string
= typeof
const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, Validation>
Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, Validation>.Encoded: string
// ┌─── string & Brand<"PeopleId">
// ▼
type Type = string & Brand<"PeopleId">
= typeof
const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, Validation>
Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, Validation>.Type: string & Brand<"PeopleId">
// ┌─── Validation
// ▼
type Context = Validation



= typeof
const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, Validation>
Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, Validation>.Context: Validation
// Layer to provide a successful validation service
const SuccessTest: Layer.Layer<Validation, never, never>
import Layer
const succeed: <Validation, {
readonly validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>;
}>(tag: Context.Tag<Validation, {
readonly validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>;
}>, resource: {
readonly validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>;
}) => Layer.Layer<...> (+1 overload)

Constructs a layer from the specified value.


class Validation
, {
validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>
: (
_: string
) =>
import Effect




const void: Effect.Effect<void, never, never>
export void

Represents an effect that does nothing and produces no value.

When to Use

Use this effect when you need to represent an effect that does nothing. This is useful in scenarios where you need to satisfy an effect-based interface or control program flow without performing any operations. For example, it can be used in situations where you want to return an effect from a function but do not need to compute or return any result.


// Run a successful decode operation
import Effect




const runPromiseExit: <string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError>(effect: Effect.Effect<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<...>

Runs an effect and returns a Promise that resolves to an Exit, representing the outcome.


This function executes an effect and resolves to an Exit object. The Exit type provides detailed information about the result of the effect:

  • If the effect succeeds, the Exit will be of type Success and include the value produced by the effect.
  • If the effect fails, the Exit will be of type Failure and contain a Cause object, detailing the failure.

Using this function allows you to examine both successful results and failure cases in a unified way, while still leveraging Promise for handling the asynchronous behavior of the effect.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to understand the outcome of an effect, whether it succeeded or failed, and want to work with this result using Promise syntax. This is particularly useful when integrating with systems that rely on promises but need more detailed error handling than a simple rejection.


// Title: Handling Results as Exit
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Execute a successful effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
// Effect.runPromiseExit(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output:
// {
// _id: "Exit",
// _tag: "Success",
// value: 1
// }
// Execute a failing effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
// Effect.runPromiseExit("my error")).then(console.log)
// Output:
// {
// _id: "Exit",
// _tag: "Failure",
// cause: {
// _id: "Cause",
// _tag: "Fail",
// failure: "my error"
// }
// }


import Schema
const decodeUnknown: <string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, Validation>(schema: Schema.Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, Validation>, options?: ParseOptions) => (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Effect.Effect<...>


const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, Validation>
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError, Validation>, Effect.Effect<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<...>) => Effect.Effect<...>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const provide: <Validation, never, never>(layer: Layer.Layer<Validation, never, never>) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<...>> (+9 overloads)

Provides necessary dependencies to an effect, removing its environmental requirements.


This function allows you to supply the required environment for an effect. The environment can be provided in the form of one or more Layers, a Context, a Runtime, or a ManagedRuntime. Once the environment is provided, the effect can run without requiring external dependencies.

You can compose layers to create a modular and reusable way of setting up the environment for effects. For example, layers can be used to configure databases, logging services, or any other required dependencies.

@seeprovideService for providing a service to an effect.


import { Context, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
class Database extends Context.Tag("Database")<
{ readonly query: (sql: string) => Effect.Effect<Array<unknown>> }
>() {}
const DatabaseLive = Layer.succeed(
// Simulate a database query
query: (sql: string) => Effect.log(`Executing query: ${sql}`).pipe([]))
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, Database>
// ▼
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
const database = yield* Database
const result = yield* database.query("SELECT * FROM users")
return result
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, never>
// ▼
const runnable = Effect.provide(program, DatabaseLive)
// Effect.runPromise(runnable).then(console.log)
// Output:
// timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="Executing query: SELECT * FROM users"
// []


const SuccessTest: Layer.Layer<Validation, never, never>
Promise<Exit<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseError>>.then<void, never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: Exit<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError>) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => PromiseLike<...>) | ... 1 more ... | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


{ _id: 'Exit', _tag: 'Success', value: '1' }
// Layer to provide a failing validation service
const FailureTest: Layer.Layer<Validation, never, never>
import Layer
const succeed: <Validation, {
readonly validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>;
}>(tag: Context.Tag<Validation, {
readonly validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>;
}>, resource: {
readonly validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>;
}) => Layer.Layer<...> (+1 overload)

Constructs a layer from the specified value.


class Validation
, {
validatePeopleid: (s: string) => Effect.Effect<void, Error>
: (
_: string
) =>
import Effect




const fail: <Error>(error: Error) => Effect.Effect<never, Error, never>

Creates an Effect that represents a recoverable error.

When to Use

Use this function to explicitly signal an error in an Effect. The error will keep propagating unless it is handled. You can handle the error with functions like





@seesucceed to create an effect that represents a successful value.


// Title: Creating a Failed Effect
import { Effect } from "effect"
// ┌─── Effect<never, Error, never>
// ▼
const failure =
new Error("Operation failed due to network error")


var Error: ErrorConstructor
new (message?: string) => Error
// Run a decode operation that will fail
import Effect




const runPromiseExit: <string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError>(effect: Effect.Effect<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<...>

Runs an effect and returns a Promise that resolves to an Exit, representing the outcome.


This function executes an effect and resolves to an Exit object. The Exit type provides detailed information about the result of the effect:

  • If the effect succeeds, the Exit will be of type Success and include the value produced by the effect.
  • If the effect fails, the Exit will be of type Failure and contain a Cause object, detailing the failure.

Using this function allows you to examine both successful results and failure cases in a unified way, while still leveraging Promise for handling the asynchronous behavior of the effect.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to understand the outcome of an effect, whether it succeeded or failed, and want to work with this result using Promise syntax. This is particularly useful when integrating with systems that rely on promises but need more detailed error handling than a simple rejection.


// Title: Handling Results as Exit
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Execute a successful effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
// Effect.runPromiseExit(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output:
// {
// _id: "Exit",
// _tag: "Success",
// value: 1
// }
// Execute a failing effect and get the Exit result as a Promise
// Effect.runPromiseExit("my error")).then(console.log)
// Output:
// {
// _id: "Exit",
// _tag: "Failure",
// cause: {
// _id: "Cause",
// _tag: "Fail",
// failure: "my error"
// }
// }


import Schema
const decodeUnknown: <string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, Validation>(schema: Schema.Schema<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, string, Validation>, options?: ParseOptions) => (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Effect.Effect<...>


const PeopleIdFromString: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "PeopleId">, Validation>
Pipeable.pipe<Effect.Effect<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError, Validation>, Effect.Effect<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError, never>>(this: Effect.Effect<...>, ab: (_: Effect.Effect<...>) => Effect.Effect<...>): Effect.Effect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Effect




const provide: <Validation, never, never>(layer: Layer.Layer<Validation, never, never>) => <A, E, R>(self: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<...>> (+9 overloads)

Provides necessary dependencies to an effect, removing its environmental requirements.


This function allows you to supply the required environment for an effect. The environment can be provided in the form of one or more Layers, a Context, a Runtime, or a ManagedRuntime. Once the environment is provided, the effect can run without requiring external dependencies.

You can compose layers to create a modular and reusable way of setting up the environment for effects. For example, layers can be used to configure databases, logging services, or any other required dependencies.

@seeprovideService for providing a service to an effect.


import { Context, Effect, Layer } from "effect"
class Database extends Context.Tag("Database")<
{ readonly query: (sql: string) => Effect.Effect<Array<unknown>> }
>() {}
const DatabaseLive = Layer.succeed(
// Simulate a database query
query: (sql: string) => Effect.log(`Executing query: ${sql}`).pipe([]))
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, Database>
// ▼
const program = Effect.gen(function*() {
const database = yield* Database
const result = yield* database.query("SELECT * FROM users")
return result
// ┌─── Effect<unknown[], never, never>
// ▼
const runnable = Effect.provide(program, DatabaseLive)
// Effect.runPromise(runnable).then(console.log)
// Output:
// timestamp=... level=INFO fiber=#0 message="Executing query: SELECT * FROM users"
// []


const FailureTest: Layer.Layer<Validation, never, never>
Promise<Exit<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseError>>.then<void, never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: Exit<string & Brand<"PeopleId">, ParseResult.ParseError>) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => PromiseLike<...>) | ... 1 more ... | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


_id: 'Exit',
_tag: 'Failure',
cause: {
_id: 'Cause',
_tag: 'Fail',
failure: {
_id: 'ParseError',
message: '(string <-> string & Brand<"PeopleId">)\n' +
'└─ Transformation process failure\n' +
' └─ Error: 404'

In some cases, encoding a value back to its original form may not make sense or may be undesirable. You can use Schema.transformOrFail to define a one-way transformation and explicitly return a Forbidden parse error during the encoding process. This ensures that once a value is transformed, it cannot be reverted to its original form.

Example (Password Hashing with Forbidden Encoding)

Consider a scenario where you need to hash a user’s plain text password for secure storage. It is important that the hashed password cannot be reversed back to plain text. By using Schema.transformOrFail, you can enforce this restriction, ensuring a one-way transformation from plain text to a hashed password.

import {
import Schema
import ParseResult
import Redacted
} from "effect"
import {
function createHash(algorithm: string, options?: HashOptions): Hash

Creates and returns a Hash object that can be used to generate hash digests using the given algorithm. Optional options argument controls stream behavior. For XOF hash functions such as 'shake256', the outputLength option can be used to specify the desired output length in bytes.

The algorithm is dependent on the available algorithms supported by the version of OpenSSL on the platform. Examples are 'sha256', 'sha512', etc. On recent releases of OpenSSL, openssl list -digest-algorithms will display the available digest algorithms.

Example: generating the sha256 sum of a file

import {
} from 'node:fs';
import { argv } from 'node:process';
const {
} = await import('node:crypto');
const filename = argv[2];
const hash = createHash('sha256');
const input = createReadStream(filename);
input.on('readable', () => {
// Only one element is going to be produced by the
// hash stream.
const data =;
if (data)
else {
console.log(`${hash.digest('hex')} ${filename}`);


@paramoptions stream.transform options

} from "node:crypto"
// Define a schema for plain text passwords
// with a minimum length requirement
const PlainPassword: Schema.brand<Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, "PlainPassword">
import Schema
class String
export String


Pipeable.pipe<typeof Schema.String, Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, Schema.brand<Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, "PlainPassword">>(this: typeof Schema.String, ab: (_: typeof Schema.String) => Schema.filter<...>, bc: (_: Schema.filter<...>) => Schema.brand<...>): Schema.brand<...> (+21 overloads)
import Schema
const minLength: <typeof Schema.String>(minLength: number, annotations?: Schema.Annotations.Filter<string, string> | undefined) => <A>(self: typeof Schema.String & Schema.Schema<A, string, never>) => Schema.filter<...>


import Schema
const brand: <Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, "PlainPassword">(brand: "PlainPassword", annotations?: Schema.Annotations.Schema<string & Brand<"PlainPassword">, readonly []> | undefined) => (self: Schema.filter<...>) => Schema.brand<...>

Returns a nominal branded schema by applying a brand to a given schema.

Schema<A> + B -> Schema<A & Brand<B>>

@paramself - The input schema to be combined with the brand.

@parambrand - The brand to apply.


import * as Schema from "effect/Schema"
const Int = Schema.Number.pipe(, Schema.brand("Int"))
type Int = Schema.Schema.Type<typeof Int> // number & Brand<"Int">


("PlainPassword", {
Annotations.Schema<A, TypeParameters extends ReadonlyArray<any> = readonly []>.identifier?: string
: "PlainPassword" })
// Define a schema for hashed passwords as a separate branded type
const HashedPassword: Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">
import Schema
class String
export String


Pipeable.pipe<typeof Schema.String, Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">>(this: typeof Schema.String, ab: (_: typeof Schema.String) => Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">): Schema.brand<...> (+21 overloads)
import Schema
const brand: <typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">(brand: "HashedPassword", annotations?: Schema.Annotations.Schema<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">, readonly []> | undefined) => (self: typeof Schema.String) => Schema.brand<...>

Returns a nominal branded schema by applying a brand to a given schema.

Schema<A> + B -> Schema<A & Brand<B>>

@paramself - The input schema to be combined with the brand.

@parambrand - The brand to apply.


import * as Schema from "effect/Schema"
const Int = Schema.Number.pipe(, Schema.brand("Int"))
type Int = Schema.Schema.Type<typeof Int> // number & Brand<"Int">


("HashedPassword", {
Annotations.Schema<A, TypeParameters extends ReadonlyArray<any> = readonly []>.identifier?: string
: "HashedPassword" })
// Define a one-way transformation from plain passwords to hashed passwords
export const
const PasswordHashing: Schema.transformOrFail<Schema.brand<Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, "PlainPassword">, Schema.RedactedFromSelf<Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">>, never>
import Schema
const transformOrFail: <Schema.RedactedFromSelf<Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">>, Schema.brand<Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, "PlainPassword">, never, never>(from: Schema.brand<...>, to: Schema.RedactedFromSelf<...>, options: {
} | {
}) => Schema.transformOrFail<...> (+1 overload)

Create a new Schema by transforming the input and output of an existing Schema using the provided decoding functions.


const PlainPassword: Schema.brand<Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, "PlainPassword">
// Wrap the output in Redacted for added safety
import Schema
const RedactedFromSelf: <Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">>(value: Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">) => Schema.RedactedFromSelf<Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">>


const HashedPassword: Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">
strict?: true
: true,
// Decode: Transform a plain password into a hashed password
decode: (fromA: string & Brand<"PlainPassword">, options: ParseOptions, ast: Transformation, fromI: string) => Effect<...>
: (
plainPassword: string & Brand<"PlainPassword">
) => {
const hash: string
function createHash(algorithm: string, options?: HashOptions): Hash

Creates and returns a Hash object that can be used to generate hash digests using the given algorithm. Optional options argument controls stream behavior. For XOF hash functions such as 'shake256', the outputLength option can be used to specify the desired output length in bytes.

The algorithm is dependent on the available algorithms supported by the version of OpenSSL on the platform. Examples are 'sha256', 'sha512', etc. On recent releases of OpenSSL, openssl list -digest-algorithms will display the available digest algorithms.

Example: generating the sha256 sum of a file

import {
} from 'node:fs';
import { argv } from 'node:process';
const {
} = await import('node:crypto');
const filename = argv[2];
const hash = createHash('sha256');
const input = createReadStream(filename);
input.on('readable', () => {
// Only one element is going to be produced by the
// hash stream.
const data =;
if (data)
else {
console.log(`${hash.digest('hex')} ${filename}`);


@paramoptions stream.transform options

Hash.update(data: BinaryLike): Hash (+1 overload)

Updates the hash content with the given data, the encoding of which is given in inputEncoding. If encoding is not provided, and the data is a string, an encoding of 'utf8' is enforced. If data is a Buffer, TypedArray, orDataView, then inputEncoding is ignored.

This can be called many times with new data as it is streamed.


@paraminputEncoding The encoding of the data string.

plainPassword: string & Brand<"PlainPassword">
Hash.digest(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string (+1 overload)

Calculates the digest of all of the data passed to be hashed (using the hash.update() method). If encoding is provided a string will be returned; otherwise a Buffer is returned.

The Hash object can not be used again after hash.digest() method has been called. Multiple calls will cause an error to be thrown.


@paramencoding The encoding of the return value.

// Wrap the hash in Redacted
import ParseResult
const succeed: <Redacted.Redacted<string>>(a: Redacted.Redacted<string>) => Either<Redacted.Redacted<string>, ParseResult.ParseIssue>


import Redacted
const make: <string>(value: string) => Redacted.Redacted<string>

This function creates a Redacted<A> instance from a given value A, securely hiding its content.


import { Redacted } from "effect"
const API_KEY = Redacted.make("1234567890")


const hash: string
// Encode: Forbid reversing the hashed password back to plain text
encode: (toI: Redacted.Redacted<string>, options: ParseOptions, ast: Transformation, toA: Redacted.Redacted<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">>) => Effect<...>
: (
hashedPassword: Redacted.Redacted<string>
_: ParseOptions
ast: Transformation
) =>
import ParseResult
const fail: (issue: ParseResult.ParseIssue) => Either<never, ParseResult.ParseIssue>


import ParseResult
constructor Forbidden(ast: AST, actual: unknown, message?: string | undefined): ParseResult.Forbidden

The Forbidden variant of the ParseIssue type represents a forbidden operation, such as when encountering an Effect that is not allowed to execute (e.g., using runSync).


ast: Transformation
hashedPassword: Redacted.Redacted<string>
"Encoding hashed passwords back to plain text is forbidden."
// ┌─── string
// ▼
type Encoded = string
= typeof
const PasswordHashing: Schema.transformOrFail<Schema.brand<Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, "PlainPassword">, Schema.RedactedFromSelf<Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">>, never>
Schema<Redacted<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">>, string, never>.Encoded: string
// ┌─── Redacted<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">>
// ▼
type Type = Redacted.Redacted<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">>
= typeof
const PasswordHashing: Schema.transformOrFail<Schema.brand<Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, "PlainPassword">, Schema.RedactedFromSelf<Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">>, never>
Schema<Redacted<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">>, string, never>.Type: Redacted.Redacted<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">>
// Example: Decoding a plain password into a hashed password
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<Redacted.Redacted<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">>, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<Redacted.Redacted<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">>, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Redacted.Redacted<...>
export decodeUnknownSync



const PasswordHashing: Schema.transformOrFail<Schema.brand<Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, "PlainPassword">, Schema.RedactedFromSelf<Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">>, never>
// Output: <redacted>
// Example: Attempting to encode a hashed password back to plain text
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


import Schema
encodeUnknownSync<Redacted.Redacted<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">>, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<Redacted.Redacted<string & Brand<"HashedPassword">>, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
export encodeUnknownSync



const PasswordHashing: Schema.transformOrFail<Schema.brand<Schema.filter<typeof Schema.String>, "PlainPassword">, Schema.RedactedFromSelf<Schema.brand<typeof Schema.String, "HashedPassword">>, never>
import Redacted
const make: <string>(value: string) => Redacted.Redacted<string>

This function creates a Redacted<A> instance from a given value A, securely hiding its content.


import { Redacted } from "effect"
const API_KEY = Redacted.make("1234567890")


ParseError: (PlainPassword <-> Redacted(<redacted>))
└─ Transformation process failure
└─ (PlainPassword <-> Redacted(<redacted>))
└─ Encoding hashed passwords back to plain text is forbidden.

Combining and reusing schemas is often needed in complex applications, and the Schema.compose combinator provides an efficient way to do this. With Schema.compose, you can chain two schemas, Schema<B, A, R1> and Schema<C, B, R2>, into a single schema Schema<C, A, R1 | R2>:

Example (Composing Schemas to Parse a Delimited String into Numbers)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
// Schema to split a string by commas into an array of strings
// ┌─── Schema<readonly string[], string, never>
// ▼
const schema1: Schema.Schema<readonly string[], string, never>
import Schema
function asSchema<Schema.transform<Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, Schema.Array$<typeof Schema.String>>>(schema: Schema.transform<Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, Schema.Array$<...>>): Schema.Schema<...>


import Schema
const split: (separator: string) => Schema.transform<Schema.SchemaClass<string>, Schema.Array$<typeof Schema.String>>

Returns a schema that allows splitting a string into an array of strings.


// Schema to convert an array of strings to an array of numbers
// ┌─── Schema<readonly number[], readonly string[], never>
// ▼
const schema2: Schema.Schema<readonly number[], readonly string[], never>
import Schema
function asSchema<Schema.Array$<typeof Schema.NumberFromString>>(schema: Schema.Array$<typeof Schema.NumberFromString>): Schema.Schema<readonly number[], readonly string[], never>


import Schema
Array<typeof Schema.NumberFromString>(value: typeof Schema.NumberFromString): Schema.Array$<typeof Schema.NumberFromString>
export Array


import Schema
class NumberFromString

This schema transforms a string into a number by parsing the string using the parse function of the effect/Number module.

It returns an error if the value can't be converted (for example when non-numeric characters are provided).

The following special string values are supported: "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity".


// Composed schema that takes a string, splits it by commas,
// and converts the result into an array of numbers
// ┌─── Schema<readonly number[], string, never>
// ▼
const ComposedSchema: Schema.Schema<readonly number[], string, never>
import Schema
function asSchema<Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<readonly string[], string, never>, Schema.Schema<readonly number[], readonly string[], never>>>(schema: Schema.transform<Schema.Schema<readonly string[], string, never>, Schema.Schema<...>>): Schema.Schema<...>


import Schema
const compose: <Schema.Schema<readonly string[], string, never>, Schema.Schema<readonly number[], readonly string[], never>, readonly string[]>(from: Schema.Schema<readonly string[], string, never>, to: Schema.Schema<readonly number[], readonly string[], never>) => Schema.transform<...> (+7 overloads)


const schema1: Schema.Schema<readonly string[], string, never>
const schema2: Schema.Schema<readonly number[], readonly string[], never>

When composing schemas, you may encounter cases where the output of one schema does not perfectly match the input of the next, for example, if you have Schema<R1, A, B> and Schema<R2, C, D> where C differs from B. To handle these cases, you can use the { strict: false } option to relax type constraints.

Example (Using Non-strict Option in Composition)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
// Without the `strict: false` option,
// this composition would raise a TypeScript error
import Schema
const compose: <Schema.Union<[typeof Schema.Null, Schema.Literal<["0"]>]>>(to: Schema.Union<[typeof Schema.Null, Schema.Literal<["0"]>]>, options?: {
readonly strict: true;
}) => <From>(from: From & Schema.Schema<...>) => Schema.transform<...> (+7 overloads)


// @ts-expect-error: Type mismatch between schemas
import Schema
function Union<[typeof Schema.Null, Schema.Literal<["0"]>]>(members_0: typeof Schema.Null, members_1: Schema.Literal<["0"]>): Schema.Union<[typeof Schema.Null, Schema.Literal<["0"]>]> (+3 overloads)


import Schema
class Null


import Schema
function Literal<["0"]>(literals_0: "0"): Schema.Literal<["0"]> (+2 overloads)


import Schema
class NumberFromString

This schema transforms a string into a number by parsing the string using the parse function of the effect/Number module.

It returns an error if the value can't be converted (for example when non-numeric characters are provided).

The following special string values are supported: "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity".


// Using `strict: false` to allow for type flexibility
import Schema
const compose: <Schema.Union<[typeof Schema.Null, Schema.Literal<["0"]>]>, typeof Schema.NumberFromString>(from: Schema.Union<[typeof Schema.Null, Schema.Literal<["0"]>]>, to: typeof Schema.NumberFromString, options: {
readonly strict: false;
}) => Schema.transform<...> (+7 overloads)


import Schema
function Union<[typeof Schema.Null, Schema.Literal<["0"]>]>(members_0: typeof Schema.Null, members_1: Schema.Literal<["0"]>): Schema.Union<[typeof Schema.Null, Schema.Literal<["0"]>]> (+3 overloads)


import Schema
class Null


import Schema
function Literal<["0"]>(literals_0: "0"): Schema.Literal<["0"]> (+2 overloads)


import Schema
class NumberFromString

This schema transforms a string into a number by parsing the string using the parse function of the effect/Number module.

It returns an error if the value can't be converted (for example when non-numeric characters are provided).

The following special string values are supported: "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity".


strict: false
: false }

The Schema.filterEffect function enables validations that require asynchronous or dynamic scenarios, making it suitable for cases where validations involve side effects like network requests or database queries. For simple synchronous validations, see Schema.filter.

Example (Asynchronous Username Validation)

import {
import Effect




import Schema
} from "effect"
// Mock async function to validate a username
async function
function validateUsername(username: string): Promise<boolean>
username: string
: string) {
var Promise: PromiseConstructor

Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation

PromiseConstructor.resolve<boolean>(value: boolean): Promise<boolean> (+2 overloads)

Creates a new resolved promise for the provided value.

@paramvalue A promise.

@returnsA promise whose internal state matches the provided promise.

username: string
=== "gcanti")
// Define a schema with an effectful filter
const ValidUsername: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, never>
import Schema
class String
export String


Pipeable.pipe<typeof Schema.String, Schema.filterEffect<typeof Schema.String, never>>(this: typeof Schema.String, ab: (_: typeof Schema.String) => Schema.filterEffect<typeof Schema.String, never>): Schema.filterEffect<...> (+21 overloads)
import Schema
const filterEffect: <typeof Schema.String, never>(f: (a: string, options: ParseOptions, self: Transformation) => Effect.Effect<FilterReturnType, never, never>) => (self: typeof Schema.String) => Schema.filterEffect<...> (+1 overload)


username: string
) =>
import Effect




const promise: <string | boolean | Type | Missing | Unexpected | Forbidden | Pointer | Refinement | Transformation | Composite | Schema.FilterIssue | readonly Schema.FilterOutput[] | undefined>(evaluate: (signal: AbortSignal) => PromiseLike<...>) => Effect.Effect<...>

Creates an Effect that represents an asynchronous computation guaranteed to succeed.


The provided function (thunk) returns a Promise that should never reject; if it does, the error will be treated as a "defect".

This defect is not a standard error but indicates a flaw in the logic that was expected to be error-free. You can think of it similar to an unexpected crash in the program, which can be further managed or logged using tools like




An optional AbortSignal can be provided to allow for interruption of the wrapped Promise API.

When to Use

Use this function when you are sure the operation will not reject.

@seetryPromise for a version that can handle failures.


// Title: Delayed Message
import { Effect } from "effect"
const delay = (message: string) =>
() =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
// ┌─── Effect<string, never, never>
// ▼
const program = delay("Async operation completed successfully!")


(() =>
// Validate the username asynchronously,
// returning an error message if invalid
function validateUsername(username: string): Promise<boolean>
username: string
Promise<boolean>.then<true | "Invalid username", string | boolean | Type | Missing | Unexpected | Forbidden | Pointer | Refinement | ... 4 more ... | undefined>(onfulfilled?: ((value: boolean) => true | ... 1 more ... | PromiseLike<...>) | ... 1 more ... | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => string | ... 12 more ... | undefined) | ... 1 more ... | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

valid: boolean
) =>
valid: boolean
|| "Invalid username"
Annotable<transformOrFail<typeof String$, SchemaClass<string, string, never>, never>, string, string, never>.annotations(annotations: Schema.Annotations.GenericSchema<string>): Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, never>

Merges a set of new annotations with existing ones, potentially overwriting any duplicates.

Annotations.Schema<string, readonly []>.identifier?: string
: "ValidUsername" })
import Effect




const runPromise: <string, ParseError>(effect: Effect.Effect<string, ParseError, never>, options?: {
readonly signal?: AbortSignal;
} | undefined) => Promise<...>

Executes an effect and returns the result as a Promise.


This function runs an effect and converts its result into a Promise. If the effect succeeds, the Promise will resolve with the successful result. If the effect fails, the Promise will reject with an error, which includes the failure details of the effect.

The optional options parameter allows you to pass an AbortSignal for cancellation, enabling more fine-grained control over asynchronous tasks.

When to Use

Use this function when you need to execute an effect and work with its result in a promise-based system, such as when integrating with third-party libraries that expect Promise results.

@seerunPromiseExit for a version that returns an Exit type instead of rejecting.


// Title: Running a Successful Effect as a Promise
import { Effect } from "effect"
// Effect.runPromise(Effect.succeed(1)).then(console.log)
// Output: 1


//Example: Handling a Failing Effect as a Rejected Promise import { Effect } from "effect"

// Effect.runPromise("my error")).catch(console.error) // Output: // (FiberFailure) Error: my error


import Schema
const decodeUnknown: <string, string, never>(schema: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions) => (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Effect.Effect<...>


const ValidUsername: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, never>
Promise<string>.then<void, never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: string) => void | PromiseLike<void>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => PromiseLike<never>) | null | undefined): Promise<...>

Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.

@paramonfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.

@paramonrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.

@returnsA Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.

var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


ParseError: ValidUsername
└─ Transformation process failure
└─ Invalid username

Splits a string by a specified delimiter into an array of substrings.

Example (Splitting a String by Comma)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const schema: Schema.transform<Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, Schema.Array$<typeof Schema.String>>
import Schema
const split: (separator: string) => Schema.transform<Schema.SchemaClass<string>, Schema.Array$<typeof Schema.String>>

Returns a schema that allows splitting a string into an array of strings.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => readonly string[]
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<readonly string[], string>(schema: Schema.Schema<readonly string[], string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => readonly string[]
export decodeUnknownSync



const schema: Schema.transform<Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, Schema.Array$<typeof Schema.String>>
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => readonly string[]
("")) // [""]
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => readonly string[]
(",")) // ["", ""]
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => readonly string[]
("a,")) // ["a", ""]
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => readonly string[]
("a,b")) // ["a", "b"]

Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.

Example (Trimming Whitespace)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<string, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class Trim

This schema allows removing whitespaces from the beginning and end of a string.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
("a")) // "a"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
(" a")) // "a"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
("a ")) // "a"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
(" a ")) // "a"

Converts a string to lowercase.

Example (Converting to Lowercase)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<string, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class Lowercase

This schema converts a string to lowercase.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
("A")) // "a"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
(" AB")) // " ab"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
("Ab ")) // "ab "
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
(" ABc ")) // " abc "

Converts a string to uppercase.

Example (Converting to Uppercase)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<string, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class Uppercase

This schema converts a string to uppercase.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
("a")) // "A"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
(" ab")) // " AB"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
("aB ")) // "AB "
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
(" abC ")) // " ABC "

Converts the first character of a string to uppercase.

Example (Capitalizing a String)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<string, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class Capitalize

This schema converts a string to capitalized one.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
("aa")) // "Aa"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
(" ab")) // " ab"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
("aB ")) // "AB "
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
(" abC ")) // " abC "

Converts the first character of a string to lowercase.

Example (Uncapitalizing a String)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<string, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class Uncapitalize

This schema converts a string to uncapitalized one.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
("AA")) // "aA"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
(" AB")) // " AB"
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
("Ab ")) // "ab "
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
(" AbC ")) // " AbC "

The Schema.parseJson constructor offers a method to convert JSON strings into the unknown type using the underlying functionality of JSON.parse. It also employs JSON.stringify for encoding.

Example (Parsing JSON Strings)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const schema: Schema.SchemaClass<unknown, string, never>
import Schema
const parseJson: (options?: Schema.ParseJsonOptions) => Schema.SchemaClass<unknown, string> (+1 overload)

The ParseJson combinator provides a method to convert JSON strings into the unknown type using the underlying functionality of JSON.parse. It also utilizes JSON.stringify for encoding.

You can optionally provide a ParseJsonOptions to configure both JSON.parse and JSON.stringify executions.

Optionally, you can pass a schema Schema<A, I, R> to obtain an A type instead of unknown.


import * as Schema from "effect/Schema"
assert.deepStrictEqual(Schema.decodeUnknownSync(Schema.parseJson())(`{"a":"1"}`), { a: "1" })
assert.deepStrictEqual(Schema.decodeUnknownSync(Schema.parseJson(Schema.Struct({ a: Schema.NumberFromString })))(`{"a":"1"}`), { a: 1 })


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => unknown
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<unknown, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<unknown, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => unknown
export decodeUnknownSync



const schema: Schema.SchemaClass<unknown, string, never>
// Parse valid JSON strings
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => unknown
("{}")) // Output: {}
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => unknown
(`{"a":"b"}`)) // Output: { a: "b" }
// Attempting to decode an empty string results in an error
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => unknown
ParseError: (JsonString <-> unknown)
└─ Transformation process failure
└─ Unexpected end of JSON input

To further refine the result of JSON parsing, you can provide a schema to the Schema.parseJson constructor. This schema will validate that the parsed JSON matches a specific structure.

Example (Parsing JSON with Structured Validation)

In this example, Schema.parseJson uses a struct schema to ensure the parsed JSON is an object with a numeric property a. This adds validation to the parsed data, confirming that it follows the expected structure.

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
// ┌─── SchemaClass<{ readonly a: number; }, string, never>
// ▼
const schema: Schema.transform<Schema.SchemaClass<unknown, string, never>, Schema.Struct<{
a: typeof Schema.Number;
import Schema
const parseJson: <Schema.Struct<{
a: typeof Schema.Number;
}>>(schema: Schema.Struct<{
a: typeof Schema.Number;
}>, options?: Schema.ParseJsonOptions) => Schema.transform<...> (+1 overload)

The ParseJson combinator provides a method to convert JSON strings into the unknown type using the underlying functionality of JSON.parse. It also utilizes JSON.stringify for encoding.

You can optionally provide a ParseJsonOptions to configure both JSON.parse and JSON.stringify executions.

Optionally, you can pass a schema Schema<A, I, R> to obtain an A type instead of unknown.


import * as Schema from "effect/Schema"
assert.deepStrictEqual(Schema.decodeUnknownSync(Schema.parseJson())(`{"a":"1"}`), { a: "1" })
assert.deepStrictEqual(Schema.decodeUnknownSync(Schema.parseJson(Schema.Struct({ a: Schema.NumberFromString })))(`{"a":"1"}`), { a: 1 })


import Schema
function Struct<{
a: typeof Schema.Number;
}>(fields: {
a: typeof Schema.Number;
}): Schema.Struct<{
a: typeof Schema.Number;
}> (+1 overload)


a: typeof Schema.Number
import Schema
class Number
export Number



Decodes a base64 (RFC4648) encoded string into a UTF-8 string.

Example (Decoding Base64)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<string, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
const StringFromBase64: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>

Decodes a base64 (RFC4648) encoded string into a UTF-8 string.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
// Output: "foobar"

Decodes a base64 (URL) encoded string into a UTF-8 string.

Example (Decoding Base64 URL)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<string, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
const StringFromBase64Url: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>

Decodes a base64 (URL) encoded string into a UTF-8 string.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
// Output: "foobar"

Decodes a hex encoded string into a UTF-8 string.

Example (Decoding Hex String)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<string, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
const StringFromHex: Schema.Schema<string, string, never>

Decodes a hex encoded string into a UTF-8 string.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


var TextEncoder: new () => TextEncoder

TextEncoder class is a global reference for import { TextEncoder } from 'node:util'


TextEncoder.encode(input?: string): Uint8Array

UTF-8 encodes the input string and returns a Uint8Array containing the encoded bytes.

@paraminput The text to encode.

const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
Uint8Array(8) [
0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7

Decodes a URI-encoded string into a UTF-8 string. It is useful for encoding and decoding data in URLs.

Example (Decoding URI Component)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const PaginationSchema: Schema.Struct<{
maxItemPerPage: typeof Schema.Number;
page: typeof Schema.Number;
import Schema
function Struct<{
maxItemPerPage: typeof Schema.Number;
page: typeof Schema.Number;
}>(fields: {
maxItemPerPage: typeof Schema.Number;
page: typeof Schema.Number;
}): Schema.Struct<{
maxItemPerPage: typeof Schema.Number;
page: typeof Schema.Number;
}> (+1 overload)


maxItemPerPage: typeof Schema.Number
import Schema
class Number
export Number


page: typeof Schema.Number
import Schema
class Number
export Number


const UrlSchema: Schema.transform<Schema.transformOrFail<Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, typeof Schema.String, never>, Schema.transform<Schema.SchemaClass<unknown, string, never>, Schema.Struct<...>>>
import Schema
const compose: <Schema.transformOrFail<Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, typeof Schema.String, never>, Schema.transform<Schema.SchemaClass<unknown, string, never>, Schema.Struct<...>>, string>(from: Schema.transformOrFail<...>, to: Schema.transform<...> & Schema.Schema<...>) => Schema.transform<...> (+7 overloads)


import Schema
const StringFromUriComponent: Schema.transformOrFail<Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, typeof Schema.String, never>

Decodes a URI component encoded string into a UTF-8 string. Can be used to store data in a URL.


import { Schema } from "effect"
const PaginationSchema = Schema.Struct({
maxItemPerPage: Schema.Number,
page: Schema.Number
const UrlSchema = Schema.compose(Schema.StringFromUriComponent, Schema.parseJson(PaginationSchema))
console.log(Schema.encodeSync(UrlSchema)({ maxItemPerPage: 10, page: 1 }))
// Output: %7B%22maxItemPerPage%22%3A10%2C%22page%22%3A1%7D


import Schema
const parseJson: <Schema.Struct<{
maxItemPerPage: typeof Schema.Number;
page: typeof Schema.Number;
}>>(schema: Schema.Struct<{
maxItemPerPage: typeof Schema.Number;
page: typeof Schema.Number;
}>, options?: Schema.ParseJsonOptions) => Schema.transform<...> (+1 overload)

The ParseJson combinator provides a method to convert JSON strings into the unknown type using the underlying functionality of JSON.parse. It also utilizes JSON.stringify for encoding.

You can optionally provide a ParseJsonOptions to configure both JSON.parse and JSON.stringify executions.

Optionally, you can pass a schema Schema<A, I, R> to obtain an A type instead of unknown.


import * as Schema from "effect/Schema"
assert.deepStrictEqual(Schema.decodeUnknownSync(Schema.parseJson())(`{"a":"1"}`), { a: "1" })
assert.deepStrictEqual(Schema.decodeUnknownSync(Schema.parseJson(Schema.Struct({ a: Schema.NumberFromString })))(`{"a":"1"}`), { a: 1 })


const PaginationSchema: Schema.Struct<{
maxItemPerPage: typeof Schema.Number;
page: typeof Schema.Number;
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


import Schema
readonly maxItemPerPage: number;
readonly page: number;
}, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<{
readonly maxItemPerPage: number;
readonly page: number;
}, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (a: {
readonly maxItemPerPage: number;
readonly page: number;
}, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => string
export encodeSync


const UrlSchema: Schema.transform<Schema.transformOrFail<Schema.SchemaClass<string, string, never>, typeof Schema.String, never>, Schema.transform<Schema.SchemaClass<unknown, string, never>, Schema.Struct<...>>>
maxItemPerPage: number
: 10,
page: number
: 1 }))
// Output: %7B%22maxItemPerPage%22%3A10%2C%22page%22%3A1%7D

Converts a string to a number using parseFloat, supporting special values “NaN”, “Infinity”, and “-Infinity”.

Example (Parsing Number from String)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const schema: typeof Schema.NumberFromString
import Schema
class NumberFromString

This schema transforms a string into a number by parsing the string using the parse function of the effect/Number module.

It returns an error if the value can't be converted (for example when non-numeric characters are provided).

The following special string values are supported: "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity".


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<number, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<number, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
export decodeUnknownSync



const schema: typeof Schema.NumberFromString
// success cases
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
("1")) // 1
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
("-1")) // -1
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
("1.5")) // 1.5
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
("NaN")) // NaN
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
("Infinity")) // Infinity
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
("-Infinity")) // -Infinity
// failure cases
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
ParseError: NumberFromString
└─ Transformation process failure
└─ Expected NumberFromString, actual "a"

Restricts a number within a specified range.

Example (Clamping a Number)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
// clamps the input to -1 <= x <= 1
const schema: Schema.transform<typeof Schema.Number, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<number, number, never>>>
import Schema
class Number
export Number


Pipeable.pipe<typeof Schema.Number, Schema.transform<typeof Schema.Number, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<number, number, never>>>>(this: typeof Schema.Number, ab: (_: typeof Schema.Number) => Schema.transform<...>): Schema.transform<...> (+21 overloads)
import Schema
const clamp: (minimum: number, maximum: number) => <S extends Schema.Schema<in out A, in out I = A, out R = never>.Any, A extends number>(self: S & Schema.Schema<A, Schema.Schema.Encoded<S>, Schema.Schema.Context<S>>) => Schema.transform<S, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A>>>

Clamps a number between a minimum and a maximum value.


(-1, 1))
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<number, number>(schema: Schema.Schema<number, number, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
export decodeUnknownSync



const schema: Schema.transform<typeof Schema.Number, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<number, number, never>>>
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
(-3)) // -1
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
(0)) // 0
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
(3)) // 1

Transforms a string into a number by parsing the string using the parse function of the effect/Number module.

It returns an error if the value can’t be converted (for example when non-numeric characters are provided).

The following special string values are supported: “NaN”, “Infinity”, “-Infinity”.

Example (Parsing and Validating Numbers)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const schema: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, typeof Schema.Number, never>
import Schema
class String
export String


Pipeable.pipe<typeof Schema.String, Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, typeof Schema.Number, never>>(this: typeof Schema.String, ab: (_: typeof Schema.String) => Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, typeof Schema.Number, never>): Schema.transformOrFail<...> (+21 overloads)
import Schema
function parseNumber<S extends Schema.Schema<in out A, in out I = A, out R = never>.Any, A extends string>(self: S & Schema.Schema<A, Schema.Schema.Encoded<S>, Schema.Schema.Context<S>>): Schema.transformOrFail<S, typeof Schema.Number>

Transforms a string into a number by parsing the string using the parse function of the effect/Number module.

It returns an error if the value can't be converted (for example when non-numeric characters are provided).

The following special string values are supported: "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity".


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<number, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<number, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
export decodeUnknownSync



const schema: Schema.transformOrFail<typeof Schema.String, typeof Schema.Number, never>
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
("1")) // 1
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
("Infinity")) // Infinity
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
("NaN")) // NaN
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
ParseError: (string <-> number)
└─ Transformation process failure
└─ Expected (string <-> number), actual "-"

Negates a boolean value.

Example (Negating Boolean)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => boolean
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<boolean, boolean>(schema: Schema.Schema<boolean, boolean, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => boolean
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class Not


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => boolean
(true)) // false
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => boolean
(false)) // true

Converts a string to a symbol using Symbol.for.

Example (Creating Symbols from Strings)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => symbol
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<symbol, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<symbol, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => symbol
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class Symbol
export Symbol

Converts a string key into a globally shared symbol.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => symbol
("a")) // Symbol(a)

Converts a string to a BigInt using the BigInt constructor.

Example (Parsing BigInt from String)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<bigint, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<bigint, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class BigInt
export BigInt

This schema transforms a string into a bigint by parsing the string using the BigInt function.

It returns an error if the value can't be converted (for example when non-numeric characters are provided).


// success cases
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
("1")) // 1n
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
("-1")) // -1n
// failure cases
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
ParseError: bigint
└─ Transformation process failure
└─ Expected bigint, actual "a"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
("1.5") // throws
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
("NaN") // throws
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
("Infinity") // throws
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
("-Infinity") // throws

Converts a number to a BigInt using the BigInt constructor.

Example (Parsing BigInt from Number)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<bigint, number>(schema: Schema.Schema<bigint, number, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class BigIntFromNumber

This schema transforms a number into a bigint by parsing the number using the BigInt function.

It returns an error if the value can't be safely encoded as a number due to being out of range.


const encode: (a: bigint, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
import Schema
encodeSync<bigint, number>(schema: Schema.Schema<bigint, number, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (a: bigint, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
export encodeSync


import Schema
class BigIntFromNumber

This schema transforms a number into a bigint by parsing the number using the BigInt function.

It returns an error if the value can't be safely encoded as a number due to being out of range.


// success cases
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
(1)) // 1n
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
(-1)) // -1n
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const encode: (a: bigint, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
(1n)) // 1
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const encode: (a: bigint, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
(-1n)) // -1
// failure cases
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
ParseError: BigintFromNumber
└─ Transformation process failure
└─ Expected BigintFromNumber, actual 1.5
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
var NaN: number
) // throws
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
var Infinity: number
) // throws
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
var Infinity: number
) // throws
const encode: (a: bigint, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
var BigInt: BigIntConstructor
(value: bigint | boolean | number | string) => bigint
var Number: NumberConstructor

An object that represents a number of any kind. All JavaScript numbers are 64-bit floating-point numbers.

NumberConstructor.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: number

The value of the largest integer n such that n and n + 1 are both exactly representable as a Number value. The value of Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 9007199254740991 2^53 − 1.

) + 1n) // throws
const encode: (a: bigint, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => number
var BigInt: BigIntConstructor
(value: bigint | boolean | number | string) => bigint
var Number: NumberConstructor

An object that represents a number of any kind. All JavaScript numbers are 64-bit floating-point numbers.

NumberConstructor.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: number

The value of the smallest integer n such that n and n − 1 are both exactly representable as a Number value. The value of Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is −9007199254740991 (−(2^53 − 1)).

) - 1n) // throws

Restricts a BigInt within a specified range.

Example (Clamping BigInt)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
// clamps the input to -1n <= x <= 1n
const schema: Schema.transform<typeof Schema.BigIntFromSelf, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<bigint, bigint, never>>>
import Schema
class BigIntFromSelf


Pipeable.pipe<typeof Schema.BigIntFromSelf, Schema.transform<typeof Schema.BigIntFromSelf, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<bigint, bigint, never>>>>(this: typeof Schema.BigIntFromSelf, ab: (_: typeof Schema.BigIntFromSelf) => Schema.transform<...>): Schema.transform<...> (+21 overloads)
import Schema
const clampBigInt: (minimum: bigint, maximum: bigint) => <S extends Schema.Schema<in out A, in out I = A, out R = never>.Any, A extends bigint>(self: S & Schema.Schema<A, Schema.Schema.Encoded<S>, Schema.Schema.Context<S>>) => Schema.transform<S, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A>>>

Clamps a bigint between a minimum and a maximum value.


(-1n, 1n))
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<bigint, bigint>(schema: Schema.Schema<bigint, bigint, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
export decodeUnknownSync



const schema: Schema.transform<typeof Schema.BigIntFromSelf, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<bigint, bigint, never>>>
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
// Output: -1n
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
// Output: 0n
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => bigint
// Output: 1n

Converts a string into a valid Date, ensuring that invalid dates, such as new Date("Invalid Date"), are rejected.

Example (Parsing and Validating Date)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Date
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<Date, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<Date, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Date
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class Date
export Date

This schema converts a string into a Date object using the new Date constructor. It ensures that only valid date strings are accepted, rejecting any strings that would result in an invalid date, such as new Date("Invalid Date").


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Date
// Output: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Date
ParseError: Date
└─ Predicate refinement failure
└─ Expected Date, actual Invalid Date
const validate: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Date
import Schema
validateSync<Date, string, never>(schema: Schema.Schema<Date, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Date
export validateSync



import Schema
class Date
export Date

This schema converts a string into a Date object using the new Date constructor. It ensures that only valid date strings are accepted, rejecting any strings that would result in an invalid date, such as new Date("Invalid Date").


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const validate: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Date
var Date: DateConstructor
new (value: number | string | Date) => Date (+3 overloads)
// Output: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const validate: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => Date
var Date: DateConstructor
new (value: number | string | Date) => Date (+3 overloads)
("Invalid Date")))
ParseError: Date
└─ Predicate refinement failure
└─ Expected Date, actual Invalid Date

Converts a string to a BigDecimal.

Example (Parsing BigDecimal from String)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<BigDecimal, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<BigDecimal, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class BigDecimal


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal
// Output: { _id: 'BigDecimal', value: '124', scale: 3 }

Converts a number to a BigDecimal.

Example (Parsing BigDecimal from Number)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<BigDecimal, number>(schema: Schema.Schema<BigDecimal, number, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal
export decodeUnknownSync



import Schema
class BigDecimalFromNumber

A schema that transforms a number into a BigDecimal. When encoding, this Schema will produce incorrect results if the BigDecimal exceeds the 64-bit range of a number.


var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal
// Output: { _id: 'BigDecimal', value: '111', scale: 3 }

Clamps a BigDecimal within a specified range.

Example (Clamping BigDecimal)

import {
import Schema
} from "effect"
import {
import BigDecimal
} from "effect"
const schema: Schema.transform<typeof Schema.BigDecimal, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<BigDecimal.BigDecimal, BigDecimal.BigDecimal, never>>>
import Schema
class BigDecimal


Pipeable.pipe<typeof Schema.BigDecimal, Schema.transform<typeof Schema.BigDecimal, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<BigDecimal.BigDecimal, BigDecimal.BigDecimal, never>>>>(this: typeof Schema.BigDecimal, ab: (_: typeof Schema.BigDecimal) => Schema.transform<...>): Schema.transform<...> (+21 overloads)
import Schema
const clampBigDecimal: (minimum: BigDecimal.BigDecimal, maximum: BigDecimal.BigDecimal) => <S extends Schema.Schema<in out A, in out I = A, out R = never>.Any, A extends BigDecimal.BigDecimal>(self: S & Schema.Schema<A, Schema.Schema.Encoded<S>, Schema.Schema.Context<S>>) => Schema.transform<S, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<A>>>

Clamps a BigDecimal between a minimum and a maximum value.


import BigDecimal
const fromNumber: (n: number) => BigDecimal.BigDecimal

Creates a BigDecimal from a number value.

It is not recommended to convert a floating point number to a decimal directly, as the floating point representation may be unexpected.

Throws a RangeError if the number is not finite (NaN, +Infinity or -Infinity).

@paramvalue - The number value to create a BigDecimal from.


@deprecatedUse unsafeFromNumber instead.

import BigDecimal
const fromNumber: (n: number) => BigDecimal.BigDecimal

Creates a BigDecimal from a number value.

It is not recommended to convert a floating point number to a decimal directly, as the floating point representation may be unexpected.

Throws a RangeError if the number is not finite (NaN, +Infinity or -Infinity).

@paramvalue - The number value to create a BigDecimal from.


@deprecatedUse unsafeFromNumber instead.

const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal.BigDecimal
import Schema
decodeUnknownSync<BigDecimal.BigDecimal, string>(schema: Schema.Schema<BigDecimal.BigDecimal, string, never>, options?: ParseOptions): (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal.BigDecimal
export decodeUnknownSync



const schema: Schema.transform<typeof Schema.BigDecimal, Schema.filter<Schema.SchemaClass<BigDecimal.BigDecimal, BigDecimal.BigDecimal, never>>>
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal.BigDecimal
// Output: { _id: 'BigDecimal', value: '-1', scale: 0 }
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal.BigDecimal
// Output: { _id: 'BigDecimal', value: '0', scale: 0 }
var console: Console

The console module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.

The module exports two specific components:

  • A Console class with methods such as console.log(), console.error() and console.warn() that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
  • A global console instance configured to write to process.stdout and process.stderr. The global console can be used without importing the node:console module.

Warning: The global console object's methods are neither consistently synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the note on process I/O for more information.

Example using the global console:

console.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to stdout
console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
// Error: Whoops, something bad happened
// at [eval]:5:15
// at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
// at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
// at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
// at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
// at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
// at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
const name = 'Will Robinson';
console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr

Example using the Console class:

const out = getStreamSomehow();
const err = getStreamSomehow();
const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
myConsole.log('hello world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
// Prints: hello world, to out
myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
// Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
const name = 'Will Robinson';
myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
// Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err


Console.log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).

const count = 5;
console.log('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
console.log('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout

See util.format() for more information.


const decode: (u: unknown, overrideOptions?: ParseOptions) => BigDecimal.BigDecimal
// Output: { _id: 'BigDecimal', value: '1', scale: 0 }